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(Message started by: SusanM on Apr 8th, 2003, 9:40pm)

Title: Tegretol XR
Post by SusanM on Apr 8th, 2003, 9:40pm
Anyone had any luck with Tegretol XR? Side effects? I'm starting on that tonight.  Used to take Depakote, worked somewhat during my cycle last year...but on this cycle it just wipes me out..very lethargic.  So, now it's on to Tegretol XR.  I'm starting at 200mg at bedtime, and then will work up to twice a day...then maybe up to one in the morning, and two at bedtime.  

PFDAN to all!

Title: Re: Tegretol XR
Post by Ueli on Apr 8th, 2003, 10:20pm
For a clusterhead Carbamazepin (Tegretol) will do nothing but turn her into a Zombie.
It is a specific analgesic for Trigeminal Neuralgia. So your doctor mis-diagnosed you with TN or has now idea how to treat CH....

Title: Re: Tegretol XR
Post by Wendy1 on Apr 9th, 2003, 7:51am
I asked my neuro yesterday about Tegretol because my sister took it for Trigeminal Neuralgia.  He said Tegretol for some reason has not been shown to work on h/a and not sure why.  Let us know if it works.

Title: Re: Tegretol XR
Post by clavers on Apr 9th, 2003, 9:48am
A new drug that is supposed to avoid the bad sid effects of tegretol is Trileptal.  It is also supposed to be good for CH.  It has been on the market for a short time.   I have been taking it for four days and have had not much luck yet but I will stay with it for a while.  So far I have noticed few side effects.  I asked if anyone was familiar with trileptal in an earlier post and no one responded, so I might be breaking new ground.  Then again it might turn me into a vampire.  Like someone said in another message, I'm afraid there is no magic bullet.    

Title: Re: Tegretol XR
Post by SusanM on Apr 9th, 2003, 3:57pm
Yeah, it really is hit or miss with what works for each of us...and I'm willing to try anything once!  My main problem has been finding something that not only works...if only just somewhat (as any help is better than none)..but being able to live with the side effects.  I've been on verapamil which really didn't work much for me but really caused havoc on my blood pressure (I already have high bp and have been treating it with the same med for over 10 years with no probs)...and I can't take any of the triptans--major problems there! Ugh!  Basically, it seems that my problem is also finding something that I can take with my high bp.  So, here I am willing to try the Tegretol.  It's worth a shot anyway!I'll keep you posted! And thanks again for all your help!
I found this board last year when I was in cycle, and that darn one lasted over 5 months! My average cycle in the past has been 6-8 I have no idea where I stand this year! I usually get hit only once a year, one time skipped a year! (that was GREAT!)...and suffered my first attacks in 97 at which point remained undiagnosed until 2000!  Before then, the best they could come up with was "viral" they always seemed to come during the flu season!  Now, here it is 2003 and I'm still trying to find something that works! Keeping the faith!
Thanks for listening!
PFDAN to all!
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