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(Message started by: Debby on Apr 3rd, 2003, 4:41am)

Post by Debby on Apr 3rd, 2003, 4:41am
First time on the new message board - still used to the old one.  Haven't been on line for a while now but the beast is back in full force.  Onc thing I have found that aborts attacks is a cup of hot coffee then a cup of hot water or 2 cups of hot water.  I must admit though I am at the stage of waking up at 1:30 coffee, hot water, cigarette sleep.  4:30 cofee, hot water, cigarette, sleep.  Then during the day I just cant anymore and its straight to the doc for a pethedene IV.  Have just started on verapamil 120.  I feel as though my life is comming to an end.  My marriage, children, and business is taking strane.  Can't think or spell - slowly giving up.  Anyway, hope the hot water works for someone out there.  Hi to my old friends on the site. Debby from White River

Title: Re: HOT WATER
Post by ave on Apr 3rd, 2003, 9:42am
A shame you have to be back; Why don't you stay next time round, lol?

Seriously, Vera 120 seems a bit low, compared to what other folk are using here. I was on 360 and upped to 420 for a while. And they tell me tihat is nothing yet...
You may want to try lots and lots of water - hot or cold, regardless. Some people have nicely chased the beast away with that.

You may also want to check out the OUCH site (button left) lots of information added since you visited here last.

Title: Re: HOT WATER
Post by Roxy on Apr 3rd, 2003, 11:13am
Debby, have you tried 02?  I know it helps quite a number of people if used the correct way.

Sorry you are having a rough go right now, but you might read up on the 02....for me, it's a miracle worker.


Title: Re: HOT WATER
Post by Debby on Apr 4th, 2003, 2:43am
Thanks for the vera advice and oxygen.  Have tried oxygen but is not effective for me.  As for verapamil, I think I must up my dosage but am scared of my heart packing in.  Do you think that is possible?  I have landed up in ICU before with my heart and I was only 22 then.  That was from meds perscribed by a Neuro but it included cortisone.  Maybe thats what killed my heart.  I am sure my cycle is comming to an end now, quess I am just getting impatient.

Title: Re: HOT WATER
Post by cbolony on Apr 5th, 2003, 10:02am
Debby don't stop the verapamil when your cycle ends
keep on taking it so it will be in your system for the next cycle

Title: Re: HOT WATER
Post by cwell on Apr 5th, 2003, 6:36pm
I am also on verapamil ,just started three days ago when I went to have my sansert refilled. taking 240mg a day but may have to up it some relief but not headache free yet. any suggestions out there.

Title: Re: HOT WATER
Post by Debby on Apr 9th, 2003, 3:37am
Also upped my my verapimil to 240 but think will up it more to 120 in the morning and 240 at night. Does anyone know if there can be bad side effects to that?

Title: Re: HOT WATER
Post by K. on Apr 9th, 2003, 12:30pm
Hi Debby,
I'm on 480mg of Verapamil. I use extended release although I notice that most clusterheads use the regular Verap.

When I increase Verapamil I get really dizzy and irregular heartbeat. Also my blood pressure gets low. After about a week or two everything levels out. If I take any less then 480mg (240 a.m. and 240 p.m.) then I get no relief from CH.

I wouldn't increase without checking with your doc first though.

Good luck,


Title: Re: HOT WATER
Post by das on Apr 9th, 2003, 4:05pm
Debby... my best advice is not to let CHs get you down. In my opinion the psychological effects from dealing with CH can easily outweigh in terms of effect on your life, the actual attacks themselves.

Just tell yourself: I can handle this, I don't deserve this and I have it so I have to deal with it.

It's not easy, but you've got to stay positive. It will help you and those around you cope with CH.

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