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(Message started by: BILLY on Mar 29th, 2003, 6:20pm)

Title: Response Vs. Remission-What to Expect from Tx
Post by BILLY on Mar 29th, 2003, 6:20pm
Hi all, I'm curious if remission/total suppression from treatment is a realistic expectation for most with CH or only reduction/response?

Also for those chronic (or episodics) who have their CH controlled by treatment do you still get any residual symptoms like the stuffed nostril & red eye while you sleep or do you have no residual signs at all of CH?

Title: Re: Response Vs. Remission-What to Expect from Tx
Post by eyes_afire on Mar 29th, 2003, 11:45pm
Hi Billy.  I believe that total supression of CH from treatment is possible (I wouldn't call it remission though, remission implies no CH and no meds).  Usually I still get some residual symptoms regardless of treatment, but maybe if I increased treatment dosage I would get rid of them... I don't know.  I don't want excessive side effects and I don't wanna 'bet the house before the final showdown' so I dose as conservatively as possible.  I've been shadowing since Sept 2001.

Title: Re: Response Vs. Remission-What to Expect from Tx
Post by Bob_Johnson on Mar 30th, 2003, 8:15am
Over my years of reading the medical literature, it's clear that one of the frustrations of treating CH is: a drug appears to be effective, then stops working for ??? reasons. Then you have to start the search for something else which helps.

Second issue, with the exception of Imitrex, which seems to be effective in the 90% range, most of the meds are considered effective if they work in the 60-70% range.

There is sufficient variation in effectiveness between individuals and for any one person--comparing one attack with another--that it's confusing. I think it's very important to accept the reality that 100% effectiveness is likely not in the cards for most people--and if you don't learn to live with this reality--anger, etc. is the non-productive response. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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