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New Message Board Archives >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies 2003 >> Anyone remember Zomax?
(Message started by: LadyWitch on Mar 26th, 2003, 4:21am)

Title: Anyone remember Zomax?
Post by LadyWitch on Mar 26th, 2003, 4:21am
Am new here and trying to find everything I can before I go back to doctor on Friday. So far my ha's have only reached kip7 with only one occuring during daytime. Am exhausted from not sleeping as they keep waking me. They only last 15 to 30 minutes so have pretty much just held on till they pass. The doctor gave me some free samples of Axert when I went the first time but I am afraid to take them. In the 80s I took Zomax for sinus ha's and had an anaphylactic reaction. Have been warned numerous times about taking certain kinds of drugs as I have numerous allergies. Also have emphyzema and read that taking pure oxygen with COPD can cause the lungs to collapse. Am also using Advair (synthetic Corticosteroid) for Asthma and hoping it will work as prednisone to prevent. Wonder if this is why I havent gotten anything worse than a kip 7 or am I just being initiated this first episode and it will be worse the next time or even next week? I know I havent exactly asked any specific questions but if anyone can relate to any part of my experience would appreciate hearing.

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