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(Message started by: dancerakh on Mar 22nd, 2003, 4:13pm)

Title: preventative
Post by dancerakh on Mar 22nd, 2003, 4:13pm
This is not 100% effective, but it has greatly reduced the number of occurences for me.... I used to get my CH for about 2 weeks, every couple of months. I am in college taking 18 hours, and I work 2 jobs, so I was pumped full of caffine constantly... then one day some one challenged me to drop the stuff, and being as driven and competative as I am, I couldnt say no, so I quit consuming caffine (I even gave up chocolate.... THAT was hard) I went through a bad episode a few days after quitting, and the stuff takes about 3 weeks to completely clear your system, but now that I'm off caffine.... wow, my episodes are only once every 3-4 months, thats almost half as often!!! I suggest giving it a shot, if I can do it, anyone can!!!!!! Go to the health food store and ask for detox tea (caffine free of course) drink that every night for a week, and stop consuming caffine, within about 2-3 weeks, you may see a difference... even if your don't have CHs, I suggest this, I have 3 times the energy I ever had while i was pumped full of caffine.... and also, the healthier I eat the less intense my CHs are.... so I have given up meat, and caffine, and sodas (that helped a lot too), and other things like pizza and french fries.... it makes all the difference in the world for me.... fewer CHs and they are less intense.... now granted I still get them and they still hurt like hell.... but hey.... every little bit helps... thats just what worked for me.... I'm no Dr. and hell even if I was, its not like they ever get it anyways...

Title: Re: preventative
Post by ave on Mar 24th, 2003, 9:01am
Well, good to see something works for you.

But keep in mind the cluster is a wiley beast. A great number of people here report good results with coffee to mitigate attacks when they have no medication or O2 on hand.

So what works for one, certainly does not work for all others.

Also, there is the coffee headache, from taking lots of coffee on working days and less in the weekend. Could be mixed up with yours! Personally, reducing the amount of coffee per diem has been better for my stomach but my energy level  remains the same, like a spinning top!

On another note, leaving the chocolate may be best for the figure bit does NOT help in preventing clusters.

Title: Re: preventative
Post by hdbngr on Mar 24th, 2003, 11:43am
That's wonderful that you found something that seems to work so well for you. No doubt your body probably appreciates the healthy diet.

One note of caution, may go through times where you will have fewer attacks, and if they increase it is devastating. It can be depressing if you  say "this helps" and it turns out it didn't after all. I speak from experience.

According to the "experts", just about every food can be a trigger and cause headaches. Many of us go on the diet chase early on, giving up red wine, caffeine, chocolate, preserved meats, citrus, nuts, cheese, etc., especially if we have ever been treated by a headache clinic. I was down to triscuits, rice, and ginger ale when a fellow CH sufferer asked if my headaches had gotten any better. They hadn't. I went back to real food.

I'm on my 6th year with CH, and have recognized there will be peaks and valleys no matter what, but a Coke and a Sara Lee Cheesecake bite actually make me feel better :)

I wish you every success with your current approach, and hope it continues to work for you long term. Good luck.

Title: Re: preventative
Post by CJohnson on Mar 24th, 2003, 12:11pm
  Has anyone tried a diet rich in tryptophan?

Title: Re: preventative
Post by ave on Mar 24th, 2003, 4:48pm
Curtis, just after Christmas (I believe) one of the girls posted about having turky which seems to be choc full of tryptopha and getting an attack as a result...

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