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(Message started by: kimmyv1966 on Mar 20th, 2003, 8:02pm)

Title: Got a question...
Post by kimmyv1966 on Mar 20th, 2003, 8:02pm
Has there ever been any significant findings where CH sufferers are also gential herpe sufferers?

Thought I read about this somewhere?

Can anyone help me find it again? ::)

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by kimmyv1966 on Mar 20th, 2003, 8:11pm
Or it may have been something i read about herpe medication working on some CH sufferers?

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by Mark C on Mar 21st, 2003, 2:30am
I do not know if it is related but my last cycle last year was preceded by a rather nasty case of  shingles, ( ( Herpes Zoster ) which then kicked into one the worst and longest cycles I have had since my twenties. Top it off with a major sinus infection and I did not have a good fall. Better times this year...I hope!


Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by ave on Mar 21st, 2003, 7:44am
Never had anything like it, Kimmy.
But - I think I remember something about herpes meds working for somebody. If you know herpes meds names you might want to search on that.

My grandma (not the one with the daily headaches) once had shingles and her doctor told her to drink dark beer! She did too.
He said it was 'cause of the yeast... Might as well try Vitamin B in a pill if you are a clusterhead. Beer!

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by CJohnson on Mar 21st, 2003, 8:21am
  I have never had genital herpes, however it IS common for the male CH sufferer to have an enormous ...
  Are cold sores a strain of the herpes virus? I seem to get those a lot.

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by Mark C on Mar 21st, 2003, 9:02am

on 03/21/03 at 08:21:31, CJohnson wrote:
  I have never had genital herpes, however it IS common for the male CH sufferer to have an enormous ...
  Are cold sores a strain of the herpes virus? I seem to get those a lot.

Big hands and big know what that means.......big shoes and gloves! Back on topic....yes about cold sores. Click here ( for more information.


Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by amber on Mar 21st, 2003, 2:41pm

Unfortunately yes, Cold Sores are usually Herpes Simplex 1.  Herpes Simplex 2 usually shows up on the genitals, but they can show up on either area.  Nowadays docs don't even bother checking which strain you have, but if in fact you have cold sores, that means herpes.


Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by CJohnson on Mar 21st, 2003, 3:07pm
Anybody want a drink of my Mountain Dew?

More importantly, is there any real evidence to refute or suggest a correlation between them?

Even more importantly, hasn't just about everybody had a cold sore at one time or another? Does that mean Just about everybody has herpes?

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by Karla on Mar 21st, 2003, 5:32pm
I have never had a cold sore or herpes of any kind.  I think it varies amoungst the individual and is not a constant in ch.

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by Cory on Mar 21st, 2003, 5:51pm
I have never had cold sores or herpes either...

Just my two cents,


Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by kimmyv1966 on Mar 21st, 2003, 7:06pm
Thanks for ur input u guys...

i have to say...some of u guys have a great sense of humor!

but, i need something to stop my Ch's. as far as my docs are concerned, it's hormonal...and i say BULLSHIT. the types of headaches i get start in my face and quickly move to teeth, then back of nose, eye, temple, entire left side of head then down left side of neck. If it wasnt for Zomig to rid of these, i would not be here today.  Now, i am looking for preventative...

i know, i read somewhere about this and i am searching any alternatives to stop this pain. Doctors SUCK!

I am looking for any possible way out. Please help.

Thanks for u r input. Would appreciate something substancial though!


Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by kimmyv1966 on Mar 21st, 2003, 7:10pm

thanks. did look up med names...and nothing from this website.

think i may have seen it somewhere when i was searching another facial pain web site...

will go back there...thanks.


Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by WendyHowe on Mar 21st, 2003, 9:28pm
Bloody doctors. It seems very common for doctors to blame hormones for women's CH. For me it is a factor in migraine but NOT CH.
If you definitely have Ch, don't let them prescribe Pizotifen as a preventative- it is good apparently for migraine but I found it useless for CH, just made me feel shit when awake and didn't stop the headaches at all.
Verapamil seems the best choice.

r.e. the Herpes. I think some colossal percentage of the population now carries herpes in some form, whether oral, genital or shingles. It is therefore very likely but probably utterly meaningless that CH sufferers have the herpes virus in them too.

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by amber on Mar 21st, 2003, 10:27pm

I don't have herpes in any form and still have clusters and probably cervicogenic headaches (seems now to be a mix of both).

I know the stupidity of some doctors blaming hormones for us gals.  It's old-time sexist thinking.  If in fact clusters are a different beast than migraines, which I believe the docs have proven, that they start somewhere else and are caused by a different mechanism, blaming them on are female hormones just doesn't make sense, considering that mostly men get them anyways.

Kimmy, can you get another opinion?  It sounds to me like you aren't entirely happy with their opinion, and to be honest, I'm not entirely happy with their opinion either.  Keep seeing them for drugs and get your gp to refer you to another highly recommended neuro just for a second opinion or third if you haven't already.

Have you looked into the shroom therapy?  It might be something you want to consider if the drugs aren't working.  Just a thought.

take care

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by kimmyv1966 on Mar 22nd, 2003, 2:21pm
of course i looked into shroom therapy...began to research...but, honestly wouldn't know where to begin. Being i am a horrible cultavist and all....i'd probly kill them before they begin to sprout...would have to do alot more research on subject also.

I figure its worth a try...where do i start?

Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by amber on Mar 22nd, 2003, 3:12pm

I'll write you privately so that you have all the info you ready ;)


Title: Re: Got a question...
Post by kimmyv1966 on Mar 23rd, 2003, 9:50am
Thanks to all for ur input, and amber thanks for your mail...i did write you back...keep a lookout. :o

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