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(Message started by: TheMoes on Mar 11th, 2003, 8:28pm)

Title: Newbie
Post by TheMoes on Mar 11th, 2003, 8:28pm
Hi there, new to the site.  I'm typing this for my hubby who's been suffering headaches for about 7 years now.  He has lots of questions for you all.  He'd like to know what triggers your episodes, what you've done to alleviate the pain, and I think he'd basically like to touch base with other sufferers.

Lately, Imitrex inhalers and scalding hot showers have helped him beat back the pain.  Has anyone else used the hot water to fight back the headaches?

He thought he'd escaped them this year (usually come from November to January) but has just had several days of suffering.  

Thank you in advance for any input.  Look forward to getting to know you all.

Title: Re: Newbie
Post by cbolony on Mar 12th, 2003, 11:22am
I took a lot of hot and cold showers for the pain on the left side of my face i thought is was sinus but nobody with sinus had pain like i had. went to neuro said i had
CH.Went over 5 years with no meds man did i suffer.Now i take imitrex injection and they save me all the time.Also on verapamil 480mg a day and also have 02.Btw the showers i took were anywhere from 30-90 mins. i thought they help me but did not know that CH only last 15-120 min.

Title: Re: Newbie
Post by ave on Mar 14th, 2003, 1:19pm
Hello Themoes, and sadly welcome. I think this is not the right forum for your questions, try the main message board to introduce yourself.

Try all the buttons on the left and search the Ouch website for lots of practical information. Use the search facility, to find out if a question has been asked (and answered) before. and if you cabn. read all the posts...

Tell your hubby to come here too; best place to be if you are an inhabitant of clusterville. We know what it's like.

And if you should feel in need of some support for yourself, there's family services and the supporters message board.

Hoping to see you again here!

Title: Re: Newbie
Post by Bob P on Mar 14th, 2003, 2:07pm
The best abortives for individual attacks are Imitrex injections and breathing Oxygen at 8-12 literrs per minute via a non-rebreather mask.  This combo will stop an attack in it's tracks in 5-10 minutes.

Best preventatives are verapamil, prednisone or lithium.

Read all the links on the left and visit the OUCH library for more info.

Title: Re: Newbie
Post by Dave_W on Mar 14th, 2003, 3:13pm
Hi Ms Moe!

BobP always, religiously posts exactly what I would have said before I get a chance to do so.  I think he's my evil but much quicker space-time counterpart  That's why I still have newbie status after four years here....

I wanted to add, though, that for my first 15 or so years of CH, the only weapon that helped at all was hot water on the old face, neck, up the nose, whatever!  It still feels good if I have a major attack going to step into a shower while I wait for the Imitrex to kick in.

Welcome!  Ask anything anytime.  This place made my life lots more fun by giving me the tools to take to a doctor so I could start fighting the disease effectively.

Pain Free Days, all!!

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