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(Message started by: benontap on Mar 11th, 2003, 9:39am)

Title: Going to Headache clinic...Can anyone help me?
Post by benontap on Mar 11th, 2003, 9:39am
Hi all, new to the board here, benn a sufferer for about 2 years now.  My neurologists has tried everything to break this cycle, but nothing is working.  Tried Topomax, Sansert, Prednisone, Lithium and o2.  I have tried Stadol, but don't care too much for it.  He has finally given up and sending me to a headace/pain management clinic in KC, KS.  I was just curious what they can do/try that he hasn't.  I'm really hoping something else is out there, but pretty nervous about going to one of these clinics.  Can anyone tell me what to expect?  

Title: Re: Going to Headache clinic...Can anyone help me?
Post by firebrix on Mar 11th, 2003, 3:26pm
Welcome benotap!
You asked about headache clinics. Mopar's experience was not good - the clinician did not understand the nature of CH and wanted him to go off all meds and wait until he got hit, then drive for an hour to see him. This was not possible, of course, so he didn't bother to try this.
However you really have nothing to lose seeing these people and you might just get a good result! I would suggest that you print some of the info relating to the pain and CH that is on this site and OUCH and take that with you. Print whatever is relevant in your case and do not permit the clinician to invalidate your claims. Try to be calm when you arrive and establish some kind of human bond with him/her. Good luck.

Title: Re: Going to Headache clinic...Can anyone help me?
Post by cbolony on Mar 11th, 2003, 4:18pm
Only been to a head clinic for the cluster trials which did not work.My first neuro told me to find a neuro that can help me because he can't after 8 months with him.Right
now i'am on verapamil 480mg a day and imitrex injection
and cycles last 6-8 wks get 3-4 cycles a year.Read
as much as you can here so when you see the neuro you will see if he knows anything about ch.Make sure you ask a lot of question to him or her

Title: Re: Going to Headache clinic...Can anyone help me?
Post by mustang on Mar 11th, 2003, 7:33pm
I guess I was lucky I have been goinng to a headache
clinic at Tampa General hospital in Tampa, Fla. have had real good results. I have two doctors there that are really up on ch's, in fact both are very current in what is going on in OUCH and at this very minute are in Spain
meeting with top doctors from OUCH and others in the field of CH's. They both have been very compassient with me and very caring. If you have a chance to go to a clinic like this run don't walk. Good Luck and let me know how things work out. By the way I am on 640 mil.
aday of verapmil and it seems to be working also have imitix in case of a bad one that 02 or zomig doesn't work. I am chronic so I have to stay on meds all the time
tried to lower verapmil but have to stay on high dosage.
Again good luck     :)      Let me know how things go   :)
Have been pain free for 1 week and sleeping at night  :)


 "Mustang Sally is smiling for the first time in a long
time "

Title: Re: Going to Headache clinic...Can anyone help me?
Post by subluxationskill on Mar 13th, 2003, 12:01am
Dont give up there are answers out there. From what i read it appears to me that you have stuck to conventional approaches. I am an upper cervical chiropractor and I see people all the time with severe headaches. Migraines tension, cluster and most do very well. Now when i say upper cervical specific this is a specialized form of chiropractic. It is not "rackem crackem" type quakery. It scientifically based and the corrections are gentle and quick. It produces fantastics results. i urge you to look at this site to do a little reading yourself.  or
You can e-mail at also if you want to ask anymore questions. I am confident if you get to one of these docs you will do better. There are only about 300 in the nation that do this procedure. I believe there is one in kansas city. anyway good luck

Title: Re: Going to Headache clinic...Can anyone help me?
Post by Bob P on Mar 13th, 2003, 11:34pm

I've taken the time to review the web sites you list and I can't seem to find one mention of cluster headaches.  Did I miss it somehow?

I did find that :"Your feet may hurt or you may be having kidney problems, but the cause of the problem may not be in those areas at all, but in your neck where a misaligned atlas is restricting or distorting proper nerve flow to areas throughout the body."

I also find that your procedure helps:
Arm Pain
Athletic Injuries
Attention Deficit
Back Pain
Bed Wetting
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Child Developmental
Chronic Fatigue Chronic Infections
Chronic Pain
Digestive Problems
Ear Infections
Epileptic Seizures
Eye Infections
Female Disorders
Flu Symptoms
Frequent Colds
Hay Fever
Heart Conditions
Herniated Disks
High Blood Pressure
Hip Pain
Immune System Deficiency
Knee Problems
Learning Disability
Leg Pain
Loss of Sleep
Low Back Pain
Migraine Headaches
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle Spasms
Neck Pain
Numbness & Tingling
in Limbs
Organ Dysfunction
Parkinson's Disease
Poor Vision
Problems from car/
sports/slip/fall accidents
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scoliosis (how the heck does it help curvature of the spine?)
Shoulder Pain
Sinus Problems
Sleeping Disorders
Spasmodic Disorders
Tight Muscles
T.M.J. Syndrome
Trigeminal Neuralgia
And countless more. . .

My friend hub is particularly excited about the bed wetting and constipation cures.

Take a hike dude.  This is right up there with Doc Farouke who could cure what troubles us.

One last question for you.  Can you explain to us what a cluster headache is? Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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