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(Message started by: tanner on Mar 8th, 2003, 10:28pm)

Title: bad shrooms........ARRGGGGGHHHH
Post by tanner on Mar 8th, 2003, 10:28pm
well i'm not sure how but i managed to contaminate every single freaking jar! i am so pissed! i was hoping this was going to be the magic cure.......... fuck

not sure what i did wrong , i thought i was staying sterile. i did use a hot water bath because we don't have a pressure cooker but i left them in a long time.

i'm tempted to dry this moldy crap up and try it. i can't believe this shit.

sorry all, i just can't help but wonder WHY ME!!!
i just got started on topomax, about the only thing left for me and it damn near killed me. extreme kidney pain, and kicked a perfectly good 8 up to a kip 10 that visited several times last night and now this. this sucks, tim

Title: Re: bad shrooms........ARRGGGGGHHHH
Post by amber on Mar 9th, 2003, 12:21pm

what a bitch!

I'm no expert at shrooms....yet, but I HAVE read some interesting information on hydrogen peroxide for sterilization vs. the pressure cooker.  
Here's where I saw it.

Now I'm in no way advocating this manner of growing as I know krap about it as of right now, but if you are having trouble getting a pressure cooker, you may want to run this idea past flash or pinky and see if they think it's worth investing in!

In the meantime dude..don't eat bacteria filled mushrooms..i mean sure you'll be infection free, but the buzz is bound to be pretty funky ;)

pfdan's to you

Title: Re: bad shrooms........ARRGGGGGHHHH
Post by firebrix on Mar 9th, 2003, 2:21pm
Good morning tanner,
Check your IMs!

Title: Re: bad shrooms........ARRGGGGGHHHH
Post by tanner on Mar 10th, 2003, 9:54pm
amber, thanks for your input , i'm looking in to everything i can. it's just so frustrating as i'm sure you know. i won't eat the mouldy f##k##g shrooms but i may piss on them just for grins.

thanks for listening and caring, pfforever to ya..tim

Title: Re: bad shrooms........ARRGGGGGHHHH
Post by notseinfeld on Mar 14th, 2003, 1:20am
Dood--save yourself the headache and all the effort:

get one of these:

Title: Re: bad shrooms........ARRGGGGGHHHH
Post by michaelc on Mar 22nd, 2003, 12:45am
instead of a pressure cooker
you can use a microwave ....
bring it up to boiling hot for about 4 minutes.  

& spray out the microwave with lysol or swab it really good with alcohol beforehand to kill anything inside there.

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