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(Message started by: titmouse on Feb 18th, 2003, 3:05pm)

Title: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by titmouse on Feb 18th, 2003, 3:05pm
  I moved to Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia in the late sixties  (in my mid twenties) amd started developing sinus type headaches after two years.  The headaches started randomly but after ten years were occuring three to five times a week.  Headaches would last a few hours to all day and often made it difficult to think of anything except getting rid of the headache.  Taking anything such as headache pills  made them worse.
  After reading a book on allergies, I drank only distilled water for five days.  On the sixth day I drank a cup of coffee made with  tap water.  A half hour later I doubled over in pain at a bus stop.  My headaches stopped for the past twenty years since I now only driink  RO water.
  I mentioned my solution to another sufferer, and it stopped their headaches.
  For five days use distilled water (in clear plastic only - not milk bottle plastic). Cook all food in this water only. Use ice cubes from this water only. One ice cube from tap water brought on a splitting headache.  Don't drink any soda or ice tea at restaurants.  
  I believe my problem was caused by a mineral in the Potomac River supplied tap water.  I later bouugh a bottle of six essential trace minerals.  One of these pills brought on a splitting headache.  Normal vitamins don't bother me.   After ten years I could drink a few ice cubes of tap water without effect so the mineral that affects me appears to be the amount of it in my system.
  This information is supplied only in the hope that it solves one other sufferer's headaches and its cheap to try.  I noted that pills made the problem worse, but that was caused by the additional  tap water and not the pills.

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by b.bop on Feb 18th, 2003, 3:39pm
I'm SO trying this! Thanks for sharing  :)

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by Bob P on Feb 18th, 2003, 3:48pm
What kind of headaches did you have?  From your description it is obviously not cluster headaches.  Just curious what you were diagnosed with.

You see you guys, it's the water!  That freakin' Margi, with her water, water, water stuff has been causing all of our attacks.  Let's get her!

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by cbolony on Feb 18th, 2003, 4:11pm

The headaches started randomly but after ten years were occuring three to five times a week.  Headaches would last a few hours to all day and often made it difficult to think of anything except getting rid of the headache.

Shit i get ch 3-4 a day for about 4 weeks than i get a break they go down to 2-3 a day for about two more weeks than 1-2 a day for another
week or so then shadows
for a couple more weeks than they are gone till the
next cycle in about 2 or 3 months.Water forgetaboutit
give me imitrex injections

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by Ueli on Feb 18th, 2003, 7:17pm
Big Questions

Why do hundreds of millions of people who drink tap water not get headaches?

Is it because their tap water does not contain the harmful Potomac mineral? If so, is there a significant higher headache incident around the Potomac River?

What is the difference between "clear plastic" and "milk bottle plastic"? Does it matter what kind of plastic we use (as long as it is clear) or are polyethylene, PVC, polycarbonat or PET (polyethylene terephthalate) equally well suited? I believed up to now that milk was one of the most sensitive foodstuffs; why is it put in such harmful containers?

If you drink and use distilled water for 5 days only, what did you drink the rest of the time?

Did you use distilled water too to brush your teeth, or is there tap water allowed?

What is "RO water"? Can we expect a commercial for it in your next post?

Very confused,

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by domm on Feb 18th, 2003, 7:44pm
Ueli - I think he/she 's refering to "reverse osmosis" purified water. As to milk bottle's, (and my memory is old) in the US, they use pretty standard grade high density polyethylene with a touch of barium sulfate to make it opaque.
As Bob pointed out, its pretty obvious this person doesn't have CH.

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by Marc on Feb 18th, 2003, 10:53pm
I have a five-stage reverse osmosis system that feeds into a stainless, seamless tank. You want to talk about clean water......    All of my drinking water, coffee, tea, cooking, etc. is made with this water. My office is in my home, so that's what I consume daily.

I'm getting hit harder than ever before, maybe I need some good old fashioned river water  ;D

Marc  ;)

Modified to add: I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, just pointing out my personal situation.

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by Bob P on Feb 19th, 2003, 9:05am
Smart ass!

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by ave on Feb 19th, 2003, 10:35am
The question remains:

is this the Coal Tit, the Blue Tit, the Great Tit, or my absolute all time favourite, the Penduline Tit....?

Title: Re: How I got rid of headaches 20 years ago
Post by Marc on Feb 19th, 2003, 10:01pm
Thanks Bob, that’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long time!    ;D Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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