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(Message started by: MidnightObsidian on Feb 17th, 2003, 11:13pm)

Title: Quick question about Verapamil
Post by MidnightObsidian on Feb 17th, 2003, 11:13pm
I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me how long it takes people to see relief after starting to take Verapamil, especially chronic sufferers.  >= )  Thanks.

Title: Re: Quick question about Verapamil
Post by JDH on Feb 18th, 2003, 12:51pm
I started using Verapamil 240mg for the first time at the first of the year (along with a Pred burst) and about two weeks ago my doc upped the dosage to 480mg...still getting hit but not as often and not as hard.
I go back to see him March 3 and I'm gonna see if I can up the dosage at that time and maybe kill the beast off once and for least for the time being.
btw, I'm episodic.

Title: Re: Quick question about Verapamil
Post by jonny on Feb 18th, 2003, 12:59pm

on 02/17/03 at 23:13:02, MidnightObsidian wrote:
I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me how long it takes people to see relief after starting to take Verapamil, especially chronic sufferers.  >= )  Thanks.

5-10 days in my opinion, if Verap dont work add some Lithium into the mix, Its the chronic's cocktail but it dont work for everyone. It has worked wonders for this chronic for the last 12 years.

Good luck.


Title: Re: Quick question about Verapamil
Post by JDH on Feb 18th, 2003, 1:36pm
So jonny I've used Lithium w/out Verapamil and now Verapamil w/out Lithium...hmmmmm, wonder if I should look into trying them together?
Sounds like ANOTHER question for the doc when I go back.

Title: Re: Quick question about Verapamil
Post by jonny on Feb 18th, 2003, 2:15pm

on 02/18/03 at 13:36:29, JDH wrote:
So jonny I've used Lithium w/out Verapamil and now Verapamil w/out Lithium...hmmmmm, wonder if I should look into trying them together?
Sounds like ANOTHER question for the doc when I go back.

Thats just what I did JDH, when I put them together it was chronic hevan, 80% of the HA's I use to get dont even show up now.

Go for it, Bro!!!


Title: Re: Quick question about Verapamil
Post by JDH on Feb 18th, 2003, 3:07pm
jonny, thanks for the input  ;)

btw, Was that you I saw driving that snowplow this morning on the Today show?  :o
Man, looks like ya'll up east  guys got slammed.

Title: Re: Quick question about Verapamil
Post by Ueli on Feb 18th, 2003, 6:06pm
As jonny said, Verapamil takes about a week to show an effect, but only if the dose is high enough! If after a week there is no improvement it is time to up the dose.

Prof Peter Goadsby and Dr Manjit Matharu write in
  • Verapamil is the preventative drug of choice in both episodic and chronic CH. Clinical experience has demonstrated that higher doses than those used in cardiological indications are needed, so outpatient assessment and follow-up is appropriate. The dose is increased until the cluster attacks are suppressed, side-effects intervene or the maximum dose of 960mg daily is achieved.


Title: Re: Quick question about Verapamil
Post by MidnightObsidian on Feb 18th, 2003, 6:13pm
Ueli, I can't thank you enough for that information.  I'm leaving for my doctor's in five minutes, and I'm printing out that entire article to bring with me.  I really, really appreciate it.  I have a feeling that this will be invaluable to have with me. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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