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(Message started by: das on Feb 17th, 2003, 9:30am)

Title: My Mushroom Therapy/Remedy has stopped working
Post by das on Feb 17th, 2003, 9:30am
Any Advice?

I have been using the mushroom therapy for about 14 months with what I thought was great success. Maybe not. My last cycle started in October 02 and finished in December 02.

I had been taking small doses whenever I felt any strong shadows and for a while I never had any attacks. As of about 2-3 weeks ago I started getting shadows and  had run out of my supply. I wasn't able to find any immediately and the shadows started to become minor attacks. Finally got my hands on some and have taken 3-4 doses in the last 3-4 weeks. The shadows/minor attacks (5 on kip) continued.

Last night I had my first 10 in over a year. The shrooms seemed to have stopped working. Perhaps I need to take more? Perhaps they aren't strong enough? The attack last night started and stopped between 11:30 to 1:30.. Feel asleep on the couch. Woke up at 5:50am. Went to bed. Got woken up at 7:50 by a strong shadow. It got a little worse, but it seems that I can abort an attack in the morning with coffee..

Just like everything else I've ever done that has worked, it seems every remedy is temporary. It's as if it takes the beast 1-2 years (or less) to find its way around your preventative measures. It does, and then you are back to square one.

For me, meds is not an option. I just can't deal with the idea of having to take so many pills so regularly. Immitrex just cause rebounds, isoptin slows down my whole system.. way in hell, pain killers...thanks but I'm not going to run the risk of addiction. For now I will get myself a tank of O2 and hopefully weather the storm.

If anyone has advice about what I may be doing wrong with the shroom therapy, please advise.....

I'm so pissed !!!! I have been singing the praises of the shroom therapy and then this.



Title: Re: My Mushroom Therapy/Remedy has stopped working
Post by firebrix on Feb 17th, 2003, 3:01pm
Greetings das
Sorry to hear you're getting slammed again.
I think you were taking VERY small doses from what I remember of your posts. Maybe now would be a good time to do a series of slightly higher doses? About 5 days apart until headaches cease. IM me if you need more input.
Hang in there mate.

Title: Re: My Mushroom Therapy/Remedy has stopped working
Post by terrylch on Feb 17th, 2003, 11:12pm
Hello DAS,
   This is just my opinion.  I believe the problem with the shrooms lies in the fact you did not get the first bout aborted.  I believe that if you can abort the first of the series and a couple after that.  They go away and you do not get the rest of that cycle.  I think you might have to rough it out and try the shrooms again a the first sign of CH in the next cycle.  Good luck,  terry

Title: Re: My Mushroom Therapy/Remedy has stopped working
Post by pinksharkmark on Feb 19th, 2003, 5:31am
I believe terrylch is likely correct. It seems that many clusterheads can use the mushrooms as a sort of "organic imitrex", aborting individual attacks with quite small doses. For some, this method has the added benefit of making the headaches less frequent. It does appear that this approach allows one to make it through an entire cycle with relatively little discomfort, and MAY even shorten the cycle to some degree.

But it seems this minimalistic approach tends to be less effective at actually cutting short a cycle before its time than the more aggressive strategy of taking less frequent but larger doses.

I believe firebrix has the right idea -- time to take some bigger doses, but you may have to take a break from them for some weeks to a month first.

Finally, the few reports we have from people who have been able to obtain LSD seem to indicate that LSD is more effective than psilocybin in halting a cycle dead in its tracks. Unfortunately, the small sample size of clusterheads who have tried LSD is as yet too small to be able to state firmly that it is superior. It is definitely worthy of further investigation, in my opinion.


Title: Re: My Mushroom Therapy/Remedy has stopped working
Post by MidnightObsidian on Feb 20th, 2003, 1:29am
You haven't been taking any antidepressants (especially SSRIs), have you?  Those will stop the mechanics of serotonergic drugs (psilocybin/psilocilin, lsd, etd) dead in their tracks.

Title: Re: My Mushroom Therapy/Remedy has stopped working
Post by das on Feb 23rd, 2003, 9:44am
I would have to say that terrylch is right. When I started getting strong shadows I had run out of shrooms. Prior to that, I would dose small amounts when I felt shadows. It seemed to work as a deterrent.

When the shadows came back 2 and a half weeks ago, I had trouble finding any shrooms. I finally did, but by then the attacks had come back, mildly at first. I dosed 2-3 times in a 2 week period and had no luck. The first thing that came to mind after treatment # 2 didn't work was that I had missed the boat...

I dosed again last week and still no luck. I will wait for 3-4 weeks before I try again, although hopefully by then the attacks will be gone.

To answer midnight's question, no I have not been taking any anti-depressants. In fact, no meds at all for over 14 months.

Pink Shark... I like shrooms because even at a high dose, you can handle them and they don't last more than 3-4 hours. LSD is potentially a much scarier and longer adventure depending. I would say that my strongest LSD experience (years ago) was at least 100 times (no joke) the strength of any shroom experience I have ever had. LSD 40 is serious business.  Ever heard of Hunter S. Thompson? lol

I feel a lot more comfortable recommending shrooms here, but LSD....  :-/  Even shrooms are not for the weak of mind, but LSD in strong concentrations can be hard to handle for the strongest of minds.

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