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(Message started by: HypnoticFreddy on Feb 15th, 2003, 2:04pm)

Title: Topamax
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Feb 15th, 2003, 2:04pm
OK people, I know Topamax comes up a lot here, but my doc says it is good for both CHs and as a mood stabalizer. I wonder how so many people are negatively affected by this drug. I read so many bad things here about this drug.  I guess I am very drug-tolerant, because I dont notice all these side effect problems as reported previosly.


Title: Re: Topamax
Post by Karla on Feb 15th, 2003, 3:42pm
It is good for both ch and as a mood stabalizer.  However for me it did nothing in either case.  I noticed no side effects from the topamax until I got to around 300mg.  You can take it up to 600mg safely tho.  Honkeneh

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by Lori on Feb 15th, 2003, 9:03pm
I took 100mg of topomax daily during cycle and in combo with verapamil, it worked on my ch but as a mood stablizer?? I was a basketcase! Seriously, I don't know if I will use it during my next cycle or not. I would like to try something else with less side effects.

Good luck on it though and hope it works for your clusters.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by babydlaw on Feb 24th, 2003, 8:36pm
I just reached 100mg of Topamax the only side effects I have experienced were not in the mood for sex and a lose of weight. My question for you and everyone is can I take Codine while taking this medication and also taking 100 mg zoloft??? Please and thank you very much. :)

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by alikat on Mar 2nd, 2003, 9:26am
Another Topamax user as well, and started last year with 100 mgs.  I noticed no side effects, until the dosage was upped to 350 mgs currently.  The worst of the effects are some blurred vision, slowed thinking, weariness, at times abdominal pain, and minimal confusion.  All that though, in comparision to the extreme pain of clusters I would much rather deal with.  My compassion is with all those that suffer.  ;)

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by NotH20 on Mar 3rd, 2003, 3:59pm
I agree with alikat......i'll take the side effects of the Topomax over the ch's any day of the week.  I too had some of the minor problems with this med - confused (more than normal  ;) ), very slow thinking and reacting, blurred vision and even had what I called bugs in my eyes - little black squiggly lines that were on the far left and far right of my eyesight.  Not sure about the mood since I was other meds that could have caused that.

Freddy - have you started this med yet or are you still pondering the idea?

Keep us posted,

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Mar 8th, 2003, 4:25pm
To answer the question, yes I am on 100 mg of Topamax daily.

To another poster, it is spelled codeine. Personally, I can down an amount of codeine that would probably kill a horse. I am quite drug tolerant. I was once prescribed Roxicet for CHs (Percocet, oxycodone), which did nothing for the headaches, but hell, on an empty stomach it feels like heaven. The docs don't usually like to prescibe narcotics, but if you can get them all the power to ya's!

I havent had a CH since I was put on Topamax. Really, my cycle was this summer and it lasted 4 months. The CHs I had in the past month were sporadic at best.  I have Imitrex injections for emergencies which work well for me. Very expensive though.

According to my "doctor" (that's slang for psychiatrist), Topamax can act as a mood stablizer. I am also taking Neurontin for similar reasons (2400 mg/day) and I also take a small amount of Zoloft (50mg). Heck, I am a walking breathing pharmacy. Since my "problems" arose over a year ago, I have become quite proficient on pharmacology. Any questions, please feel free to ask.


Title: Re: Topamax
Post by amber on Mar 8th, 2003, 4:39pm

as far as side effects, I'm on 200mgs of topamax, doesn't cut my ha's but it does dull them a bit.  Mine used to be a level 8, now they are a 5.  
The bonus side effect is weight loss *yay*
The downside is that sometimes I dont' remember how to spell words, and I used to be a brainiac.  
Mood stabilizer it is supposed to be, but I haven't noticed any real difference.

Hope that helps!

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Mar 8th, 2003, 5:58pm

Yeah that would be nice if a drug such as Topamax could actually eliminate CHs in everyone (but everyone is different). As far as weight loss, I have been pretty stable. But that is a nice side effect of the medicine.

As far as loss for words, and such, I have not experienced......wait what was I saying.....Anyways, I havent experienced that.

The bottom line is, some people throw up upon taking an aspirin, but me, I am the equivalent to a drug garbage disposal. Except two drugs. 1) Prednisone. It gave me terrible side effects. 2) Abilify. This was recently FDA approved a few months ago mainly for the treatment of schizophrenia, but has also shown to be something like 40% effective for mania. It made me agitated. I could not sit still.

I take various benzos such as Klonopin (sometimes I sneak in a Xanax), but my mania is nothing compared to the horror that my two major CH cycles (in 1999 and 2002) caused.

To all those intolerant to Topamax, sorry. So far on my dosage I am finding no ill side-effects.


Title: Re: Topamax
Post by amber on Mar 8th, 2003, 9:20pm

I think I may have had the same problem with Pred.  I couldn't sleep, my heart was racing, I felt like I was going to pop out of my shoes.  Like I had drank 5000 cups of coffee.  Is that normal on 80mg a day or is that what you were experiencing?

If it wasn't normal, I'm not really surprised, I seem to get the krap end of the side effects whole family does.

HOWEVER, very glad the topamax is working for you.  Of the epilepsy drugs, it is the one I'm more in favor of as far as what kind of ill effects it can have in the long term.  It was so cool when like 30lbs came flying off I have to say....that was my favorite part.

Take care,
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