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(Message started by: 2helpmydad on Feb 11th, 2003, 9:02pm)

Title: Sleep patterns
Post by 2helpmydad on Feb 11th, 2003, 9:02pm
My father is a chronic CH sufferer. They came to him 15 years ago and started as episodic. He has tried at least a dozen meds and is cureently trying Topamax, which is having little if any effect at all. He has 4 - 5 a night and 2 or 3 during the day.
My question is this; Have any of you changed (voluntarily ;D)...your sleeping; pillows, mattress, position, ect..... and if so has it made any difference at all? His lack of sleep at night causes him to nod off during the day, and usually within a hlf hour of dozing off, a ch comes on hard.
I love him very much and want to help him so very badly. Any advice you folks might have would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Sleep patterns
Post by ave on Feb 12th, 2003, 4:13am
Hello, 2h,

Clusters usually pop up during REM sleep and that is something you cannot influence with a change of pillows.

What IS being practised by some people, is sleeping on a recliner so as not to put their head too low.
Your dad could also try and get Dramamine, an OTC travel sickness med, that makes one drowsy but not to the point of REM sleep.

Also, try and get your father to look at this website where there is a great deal of information about meds and treatments.
OUCH (you'll find the link on the left) has all this info catalogued, so that you could print it out for him. But do let him look at this site.

Finally, I think it is great that you try and support your dad. There is a forum for supporters and I think you certainly count as one. Make yourself known there and meet up with others who have to stand by powerless and see loved ones suffer.

Good luck

Title: Re: Sleep patterns
Post by Margi on Feb 12th, 2003, 12:03pm
So cool that you want to help your dad and that you've educated yourself about clusters.

I really can't improve on what Annemarie has said to you here.  She's given you some excellent advice.  Please do feel free to visit our supporters forum (I'm a supporter too for my husband) - it must be so scary for you to feel this helplessness for your dad.  And get your dad here so that knows he's sure not alone with his pain ok?

Keep in touch.

Title: Re: Sleep patterns
Post by cbolony on Feb 12th, 2003, 2:33pm
What a great son you are ,tell your dad to come on the
chat room and post to some of the chronic people.These
people are the greatest.

Title: Re: Sleep patterns
Post by Mark C on Feb 12th, 2003, 5:32pm
You are a fine fella to help your Dad. l invite him to the board, we would like to congratulate him on raising such a fine boy. I will attach a couple of links relating to CH, I hope they help.
Good Luck

Title: Re: Sleep patterns
Post by brewcrew on Feb 14th, 2003, 7:46pm
For what it's worth, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea back in December by way of a sleep study. Was outfitted with a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine because I was waking myself up to breathe an average of 88 times per hour (seems impossible, doesn't it?).

As fate would have it, I started in on a cluster cycle at the same time I got the machine, so I'm jacked back up on preventative meds right now, slowly tapering off one at a time. I will be very interested to see if the treatment of my apnea has any effect on the cluster cycles, but I have to get off the meds first (I'm a stickler for the scientific method).

The good news is that I'm feeling more rested now and my tendancy to want to nod off in the afternoon is gone. I will keep this thread posted as to my progress in hopes that your dad might benefit.

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