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(Message started by: Aussie on Feb 5th, 2003, 5:26am)

Title: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Aussie on Feb 5th, 2003, 5:26am
G'day all,

Long story cut short, suffered CH's for over 15 years, I've put up and shut up about it all this time for 2 reasons, no one had a clue and nobody gave a flying afghan.
Recently had a bout like never before, lasting 90 minutes each and repeating every couple of hours. Shook me up enough to see a Doc. This one recognised the symptoms and shed some light.  
Has prescribed Predisolone and Verapamil.
Never been one for popping meds so any input into peoples experiences combining these drugs would be greatly appreciated.  

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Bob_Johnson on Feb 5th, 2003, 7:33am
Both meds have a good track record but you have to be patient, that is, dose adjustments are a common experience until you find what works for you.

With Pred you may have to do more than one series, each one with a larger dose. The range of effective dosing is rather large.

With Verap, it may take several weeks before it becomes effective.

Hope your doc is willing to take the tme to work with you.

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Feb 6th, 2003, 5:58pm
Verapamil worked for a short, but was taking sancert too, now the verapamil is not doing anything. Am taking zomig as an aportitive ,good results, but can take only 4 in a week and being chronic thats no good. Has anyone had experiance in having the damm things change sides. Always had them on the left and now am getting hit on both sides, left at night and right at day time?It's no fun being a screaming  idiot day and night. Now I have ti carry o2 and zomig with me all the time even to go shopping that's a drag.


              :(      :(      >:(     >:(       :'(       :'(

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by painfreewannabe on Feb 6th, 2003, 7:23pm
Hi, I'm reall "Kat", I just took myself off Verapamil, and the doctor has me trying to take Zomig instead of Torodol Shots.  I'm allergic to Imitrex.  I noticed that the pain I had with Tuesday's headache was on both sides this time, and it has been for the most part on the right hand side.  I suffer about once a week from them, and just got put on temporary disability until June while I go to Physical Therapy and doctor's appointments to find out if there is anything we can do to cut back on the frequent headaches.  I'm affraid of loosing my job because of them. :(

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Feb 6th, 2003, 8:38pm
Me too I work 50 plus hours a week right now I am coming down from a real headbanger both sides still hurts. I have doc. appt. mon I am so tired of this ,There are times its hard to think, I just want out of this life with these headaches. I have so much to live foe, but these damm hd make life no fun. Had them since I was 13 years old. JUst want out

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by painfreewannabe on Feb 6th, 2003, 9:15pm
I hate to hear that.  I know wht you mean however.  Mine have been going on since age of 21, at age 13 I was got epilepsy and they tend to think the two are related, however mine come so frequent I'm not sure that is the case.  
I'm a 911 operator, however I love my job so it's not stressful work, but the worry of not being able to work 100% of the time is stressful, I know that if I call in sick someone may not get a vacation day approved because of staffing.  
It's a cycle my doctor broke in December.  She said the first thing we need to do is get you away from the stress of loosing your job, then if we can "fix" the frequency of the headaches we can put you on "Intermediate Medical Leave" which by law if a company has over 50 employees it can't fire a person with a disability and sick leave due to same.  It's against federal law.  I'm not sure if people are familiar with it, it's the same thing as pregnancy leave only it's "medical leave".  A person can use up to 60 days of sick leave with in a year's time as long as forms have been completed by a doctor and then the doctor has to update it every 12 weeks. ;D

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Svenn on Feb 7th, 2003, 1:22am
I just wont to add my medications for breaking out of cycle.But remember that i`m not a doc,just another clusterhead from Norway  
Verapamil Retard 120mgX5-7/daily during cycle    
Oxygene alone at 10ltm for 15 minutes or combined with imitrex-shots does miracles.The shots should start working in 6-9minutes.a few seconds after that you are almost painfree    
Prednisolone in high doze for 10 days 80mg    
then over a 3 weeks periode step down like 60-40-30-20-10-5mg /daily    
This is the miraclecure for me,but i`m not a doc.just another clusterhead from Norway  


Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by painfreewannabe on Feb 7th, 2003, 8:57pm
Thanks I'll ask specialist I'm going to start seeing about that.  I do have to worry about epilepsy and some medications, but perhaps if I can take Verapamil, I can take that as well along with it! 8)
Hope you get better as everyone else has wished, I know how frustrated you must be, I'll keep you in my prayers tonight.
I made mistake tonight, but Zomig did help me out of it, I got a Spiral Perm for my hair, big mistake wasn't thinking about chemical reaction!!! I was on verge of migraine from hell and took Zomig, and I think it prevented it, along with a nap. I just got back from drug store and also got some Allergy/Cold medication, my nose has been running off the hook since I got this stupid thing and my throat is killing me, so I'm highly allergic to it, or happen to be getting a cold at the same time! It's always a good day when we can prevent one! ;)

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Major_Headcase on Feb 12th, 2003, 5:30pm
Hi Aussie,

I just started taking prednisone and verapamil together. I'm an episodic CH sufferer, this is my 4th episode in 3 years. Verapamil alone HAD been working, but not so this time around. So my doc started me on prednisone, taking 60mg/day for a week, today is only day 2 so it's early yet, my verapamil dose is at 480/day. I think prednisone and prednisolone are "cousins" in the drug world, but I'm not 100% on that. I know they're both cortico-steroids. I have my fingers crossed, keep us posted on how it works for you.

Short "about me" note ... this is my first post to this board but not my first visit. I found this board when my first cycle hit, what a mixed blessing! It is great to know I'm not alone, great to know that some folks are finding relief - sometimes --, and a super resource for medical info and psyche support. On the other hand, I have trouble visiting too because I can see that many folks suffer MUCH worse CH bouts than I do ... and I just can't imagine how they get through them. I feel guilty for complaining about my CH cycles when I see others with much more severe cases than I. My hat's off totally to those among us who are chronic sufferers - OMG! But it is depressing to see how little funded medical research goes into CH, and how ephemeral "successful" treatments can be -- what works this time may fail next time. Treatment seems to be just like the disease ... just when you think you're okay, the rug gets pulled out from under you ... again ... and again! It's just tough to look at directly for very long, you know what I mean? But there sure isn't any escape .. at least not for long. Well, time to go .. my appt with what many refer to as "the beast" on here is coming up in about an hour, and I'm full of queasy hope that "maybe tonight", lol, the beast will not find me again. Fingers crossed, ttyl -John

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Major_Headcase on Feb 14th, 2003, 3:05pm
Short follow up on Pred and Verapamil ... on the second day of taking Pred I got some relief (70mg/day), if I don't have pain tonight that'll be 3 days in a row! Woo Woo!  ;D ... still looking over my shoulder though, I see many report only short-term benefits from Pred so I'll report again later as I start to taper off the dosage next week. Whew, even two days off feels like salvation!

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Feb 14th, 2003, 8:01pm
Doc. just put me on 480 mil. verapimil along with 80 mil pred. (80 mil pred for 4days, than, 30 mil pred for 4days, then 10 mil aday for 1 month ) Will let you know how this works.
            Mustang                   :-/      :-/

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Major_Headcase on Feb 17th, 2003, 9:49am
Follow up:

Well, got a 3-day break with the Prednisone, but the Beast returned on day 4. Last night, Sunday - day 5, I had one the worst I've had in a couple of years. Rebound! Time to call my doc again ... (deep sigh)  :'(    -John

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Feb 17th, 2003, 6:33pm
I had 4 days pain free was on 480mil verapil and 60mil pred for 4 days, Yesterday went to 480 verapil and 10mil pred have had showders all day and dizzy and just not my self. Am wondering if doc lowered the pred. too much. Help.

    :'(                Mustang     :'(

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Feb 17th, 2003, 6:37pm
post note on the above post I thought the doc said to reduce the pred to 30 mil for 4 days but prescripition bottle say 10 mil once a day after the 60 mil for 4 days. Sounds like to much of  drop in dosase to me. What do you think?


Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Major_Headcase on Feb 18th, 2003, 5:13pm

Yeah, that's different from what my doc prescribed ... cut back at 10mg/day; ie I've been on 60mg/day for the last week (prescribed Prednisone in 10mg pill size so I take 6/day) - we talked today and he wants me to keep at that for 3 more days then re-evaluate - but when we do drop back it will be from 60, then 50 the next day, then 40, then 30, etc ... I think your rate of decrease is a little to rapid, at least compared to mine.

I called my doc today because I've been 'woozy' the last two days ... fogged in, so to speak, hard to describe ... above I said I got 3 days PF, then 3 days with CH, then last night the CH started but never quite got rolling, it petered out before it got to a 2, but I still felt all night like one was 'about' to happen. I think the Pred has been keeping me awake too, but it may just be the 'manic rebound' after enduring a bad CH and then getting "up" in mood after midnight. I've averaged about 3 1/2 hours sleep the last few nights ... getting pretty toasty around the edges!  ::)

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Feb 19th, 2003, 4:11am
You were right the phar. wroote the directions wromg, but my story is almost exact to yours. I am wking up at night  with shadows never goes past 2, but not getting any sleep am sleeping about 3-4 hrs a nightt. I have folow up this Tues. Did you sleep well when you were on the 80 mil aday? I seemed to sleep rhose days real well.
           Stay in touch, I have been chronic for years and can never be without meds.

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Major_Headcase on Feb 21st, 2003, 12:06pm
More Prednisone Verapamil follow up. Just completed another 4 days on this combo, all CH free! Today I'll start to taper my dosage. So, to recap, I went on 60mg day Pred for 10 days: no help day 1, then 3 days PF, then 2 days with intense CH, then 4 days CH free. BUT totally strung out from lack of sleep ... my best night's sleep in the last 10 days was 4 hours last night, most nights I get about 3 to 3 1/2 hrs sleep. I can see why people call "sleep deprivation" torture ... if I had any security secrets I'd sell them all for a good nights sleep!  ::)

Any suggestions on the tapering off period on Prednisone? Should I stay at 30mg or 40mg /day for a week or just wean myself off asap? I don't want to risk starting the cycle again ... but I could sure use a good rest.  :-/  -John

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Feb 21st, 2003, 6:19pm
Don't stop asap when I did by mistake my ch  came on for the whole day. They rocked back and forth between2 and 5 ,no fun at all I actually thought I was going to have a heart attack. Doc said I was lucky, do what he says. I see my doc again on tues this week I have a feeling he will but on pred. again. Stay in touch and I will with you. Will let you know.

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Major_Headcase on Feb 25th, 2003, 1:51am
"Your Weekend Update"  ;)

Well, talked to my doc last Friday and he wanted me to start cutting back on the Prednisone (60/50/40/30... each day. So after the previous mentioned PF 4 days I dropped from 60mg to 50mg on friday, no problem. Then 40 on Saturday, got a short but pretty intense CH about midnight ... damn! Sunday I decided to stay at 40 and see if I'd 'escape' ... no soap, early evening this time. So Today I went back to 50, called my doc and told him I'd stick on that for two more days, then drop down to 40 again for a few days, then 30 etc ... unless they come back again@$@#!#!!#  So far nothing today, a few 'tingles' but no pain.

I think Svenn's earlier post may be the ticket. BIG dosage, 80/day for 10 days [BIG as in bigger than my doc wanted to allow, lol], then a SLOW taper off of the Pred over weeks (not days) as the cycle passes, and a steady diet of Verapamil thoughout.

BTW, I'm enjoying almost all of the commonly cited side effects for Prednisone. Difficulty sleeping - ragged about that earlier; mood changes - my darling wife gets major brownie points for putting up w/Jekyll & Hyde lately; nervousness - crawling outta my skin sometimes ... enhances those mood swings too, lol; increased appetite - "Hey, bet I can't eat just one!"; or indigestion - yep, put a check in that box too! At least I haven't developed any of the more exotic "Call your Doctor Immediately" symptoms ... my favorite being the ever-popular "vomiting material that looks like coffee grounds" warning ... ROTFLMAO ... yeah, I think I'd consider calling my doc if that happened.

Aussie how ya' doing, Mate? Svenn, thanks again for your suggestions! Mustang, how's your Pred and CH doing? "Inquiring Minds Want To Know" -John

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Feb 25th, 2003, 6:02pm
My visit went  pretty well. The doc. did not want to put me back on pred.,just now. He uped the verapamil to
640 mil  aday and I will be using imitrex injections for the
bad ones. Will let you know how things work in a day or two. I want to thank all of you for your help and support.

       Stay in touch

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Major_Headcase on Mar 10th, 2003, 11:22am
FYI update on my response to the Pred/Verap combo ...

I've been CH free for a week now, I've tapered my Prednisone dosage down to 25mg/day and am tapering off in 5mg increments every 4th day ... I had trouble dropping quickly by 10mg increments - CH came back each time I dropped 10mg ... AND I upped my Verapmil dosage from 480/day to 720/day ... I think this helped.

SPECIAL THANK YOU TO SVENN (5th post this thread) for his experienced-based advice! That method, high initial Prednisone dosage and a GRADUAL tapering off period of weeks COMBINED with increased Verapamil dosage(over the recommended 480/day normal dosage for Verapamil) seems to be working ... "for me, this cycle" (consumer caveat: that means it may not work for you, results may vary and it may not work for me next cycle ... part of the nature of the Beast).

Hope I haven't jinxed myself with this post ... (bang on wood).  :D

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by mustang on Mar 10th, 2003, 5:29pm
Been on 640 mil. verapamil for 2 weeks and almost PAIN FREE how about that, first time in almost 4 years.   :)
I don't know how long this will last but I will  take one day at a time, what really surprised me was I actually went into REM sleep and dreamed for the first time that I can remember in a long time. Had a sleep study done
awhile back and they told me I do not go into REM sleep
at all. Just keep your fingers crossed that this continues
for awhile.    :)           :)
                     :)   Mustang    :)

Title: Re: Prednisolone Verapamil Combo
Post by Major_Headcase on Mar 11th, 2003, 9:30am
;D  Mustang,

Yahoo! Glad to hear the Verapamil is working for ya'! Geez, after 4 years I BET you're ready for some REM sleep, holy cow! Congrats and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. TTYL! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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