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(Message started by: b.bop on Jan 15th, 2003, 7:21pm)

Title: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your CH's
Post by b.bop on Jan 15th, 2003, 7:21pm
Sometimes I find a headache starting or becoming more intense whilest smoking a cigarette, other times it won't have any effect so I can't be sure if it's related. Has anyone found that smoking triggers or worsens their cluster headaches?

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Jarvis on Jan 15th, 2003, 10:49pm
smoking is the great sedater for me. Never a trigger.

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by dcg on Jan 16th, 2003, 2:04am
Never. And sometimes I go smoke a cigarette while in pain just to keep myself bussy. ;D

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Svenn on Jan 16th, 2003, 3:57am
Cigarettes is THE best nervemediacton since the mankind manage to develop the word medication.
Nothing over or beside.Its just the best

1 heartattack and still smoking.
Taking my ciggs away=to take the trex away as i see this

Svenn           ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by ave on Jan 16th, 2003, 5:16am
When I smoked I got clusters. When I stopped smoking I stillgot them. No change.

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by brain_cramps on Jan 16th, 2003, 10:58am
Check yesterday's thread "Cigarettes..." under "General Posts".

(great minds think alike?)


Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by NotH20 on Jan 16th, 2003, 11:39am
I smoked prior to ever getting ch's.....then quit back in 1989 - unfortunately the beast is still here.....i found NO change in either smoking or not.......


Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by b.bop on Jan 16th, 2003, 3:28pm
Thanks everyone for your feed back. It's greatly appreciated

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by cluster0557 on Jan 17th, 2003, 4:38pm
On Feb 21,2002 I quit smoking based on reccomendation of my Neurologist that not smoking would help reduce the clusters.

So like an idiot I took another Dr Idiots advice and quit.

Now almost a year later not only due I have the clusters,  I now have Hemicrania continua topped off by d__n migraines.

It seemed like once my stress reliever cigarette was gone new stress and symptoms started and Head got worse.

In ways I am tempted to smoke again to see if my headaches clear up but after going cold turkey and not touching one for 11 months I don't know because when I don't have headache I feel great and can actually run again.

The good news is I fired that Neuro ;D.

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by ComputerGeek on Jan 20th, 2003, 5:35pm
Hi B.Bop

My story is ditto to everyone else's.  I quit smoking on the advice of my doctor and NO change in the CHs.  My wife is real happy I quit, I on the other hand have told her that if make it to age 85 I am going back to smoking and if I am in a hospital bed when I turn 85 then she is to put a cigarette in my mouth, light it, and jump up and down on my chest until I have inhaled the entire thing.  I MISS SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Starfire3 on Jan 24th, 2003, 2:38pm
I have seen a connection to cigarette smoke and HA.

Not that my CH improved when I quit, as others have said, no change.

However, I have found that being around smoke *can* be a trigger. Then again, they say that nobody is worse about second hand smoke than a reformed smoker. :)

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Mr.Happy on Jan 24th, 2003, 3:45pm
Clinically speaking, smoking may be your best friend in controlling expansion of blood vessels:

Multiple methods to reverse smoker's endothelial dysfunction revealed


The amino acid taurine, commonly found in fish, vitamin C, and the gout drug allopurinol may each help to reverse endothelial dysfunction in the blood vessels caused by smoking, two reports in the journal Circulation indicate.

The studies suggest that both suppression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and xanthine oxidase play a part in endothelial dysfunction.

In the first study, David Bouchier-Hayes and colleagues from Beaumont Hospital in Dublin, Ireland, tested the hypothesis that taurine and vitamin C would restore endothelial function in young smokers by modifying monocyte-endothelial interactions.

Previous studies have shown that taurine and vitamin C can protect endothelial function after exposure to inflammatory cells, their mediators, and other chemicals.

Bouchier-Hayes and colleagues recruited 15 healthy smokers, aged 20 to 37 years old, and 15 non-smokers into their study. For 5 days, the smokers were given 2 g per day vitamin C or 1.5 g per day taurine, the latter equivalent to a single serving of fish. Following a 2-week washout period, smokers were switched to the alternative treatment for a further 5 days.

At baseline and after treatment, flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) was measured using duplex ultrasonography to gauge endothelial-dependent vasodilatation.

The researchers found that, before treatment, FMD significantly increased blood vessel diameter from 3.39 mm to 3.7 mm, while the diameter of smokers' vessels remained virtually unchanged, increasing marginally from 3.33 mm to 3.36 mm.

However, after taking vitamin C, the diameter of smokers' vessels increased to 3.45 mm after FMD and after they were given taurine, smokers experienced the same response as nonsmokers, at 3.7 mm after FMD.

"These studies suggest that taurine supplementation has a beneficial impact on macrovascular endothelial function and that this is mediated, at least in part, by restoration of endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein expression," the researchers conclude.

A further study, by researchers at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine in the USA, examined whether allopurinol could benefit vessel function in smokers by inhibiting xanthine oxidase, a contributor to endothelial dysfunction.

Fourteen smokers and 14 age- and sex- matched healthy nonsmokers were randomized to a single 600 mg oral dose of allopurinol or no drug in a single-blind, randomized, two-phase crossover study.

The team found that endothelium-dependent vasodilation with acetylcholine was significantly less in smokers than nonsmokers, at 254% versus 390%. However, after taking allopurinol, the smokers' blood vessels response improved to 463%, while the nonsmokers' response remained relatively unchanged, at 401%.

Bradykinin in smokers' responses also significantly improved nonsignificantly with allopurinol, however the drug did not alter endothelium-independent vasodilation or basal nitric oxide levels in either groups.

The researchers, led by William Haynes, conclude: "Allopurinol rapidly reverses endothelial dysfunction in cigarette smokers, which suggests that xanthine oxidase plays a role in endothelial dysfunction."

Source:Circulation 2003; Rapid access publication

Token "Tokin",

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by cluster0557 on Jan 24th, 2003, 4:11pm
But what does all  that mean to me.

Should I gulp vitamin C in quantity  or eat tons of fish  ???

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Mr.Happy on Jan 24th, 2003, 4:35pm

Should I gulp vitamin C in quantity  or eat tons of fish

Heck No! That "endothelial dysfunction" stuff is kind of like hardening up the old blood vessels. When the vessels expand, you get slammed.........`rets, O2 and things that end in "triptan" help restrict flow, our desired end result.

Best bet? Avoid fish, vitamins and a healthy diet. When the turkey hits the table, be the first one to eat _ALL_ the fat-laden skin, then top it off with a glass of heavy cream (smoke at the table, too).  As long as you're not in cycle, you might as well polish off a bottle of wine, too.

More Snickers,

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by kim on Jan 24th, 2003, 7:00pm

Cigarettes are a stimulant.  If you smoke more butts at the bar ya won't get as dumb-fuck ripped ??? ;D

Okay.  I don't think they are a player in the headache game we play.  Smokers smoke to deal with the situation.  Non smokers don't even remotely consider it.............. ;D

Will it worsen the headache?  I don't think so.
Will it shorten the duration of an attack?  Doubt it.

Do I smoke during an  attack? You betcha. ???

What does this mean?

Beats the shit outa me ;D

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by dulus on Jan 27th, 2003, 8:56pm
I have actually found that (and this may be my imagination) smoking during an attack sometimes helps... often if the beast is on his way out the door, having a smoke will give him a little push. But this may be just my imagination, or just me, or a smoke just gives me something to do with my hands during an attack to keep me from clawing my scalp off of my head.  


Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by jmorgan52 on Jan 28th, 2003, 8:36am
I gave up smoking 20 years ago and it didn't affect my headaches in any way.

Having said that I think smoking is stoopid! As starfire says - us reformed smokers are the worst :).

If I go out to a place filled with smokers I do get a headache and feel lousy afterwards. Thank god for the legislation banning smoking at work and in public places! :-*

But feel free to kill yourselves by a slow death. Smoking is good for you - just ask Philip Morris :-/


Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Tony_M on Jan 28th, 2003, 12:14pm
I have had increasing cycles for 30 years but have turned chronic in 1996. Right now I am doing ok on Depakote but need to take 1500mg per day. 2000mg makes me nauseas. (sp?)

Anyway, I am new and figured I would throw that in. My question to this thread is, has anybody noticed any affects with less than legal smokables?

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by cluster0557 on Jan 28th, 2003, 10:25pm

You are right there is nothing worse than an ex smoker and you proved it.

I am also an ex smoker but if someone desires to smoke it is their business and right. If you can't take the smell then avoid the smoking lounge and bar.

Geez  aren't you JM Mr detox ?

What the heck are you doing around smoke ???

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by jmorgan52 on Jan 29th, 2003, 1:09am
Yep Jim that's me.

I do avoid smoke filled places, but thankfully the law here has changed that for me and makes all the smoke junkies smoke on the street or in glass cages seperate from the rest of humanity. Shame.

I do agree that everyone should have the right and choice to smoke, but I have the right to breath clean air.

Tony - I smoked my share of weed in the past to see if it had a positive effect on the CH but I reckon it just made it worse. It never brought me the relief I was hoping for. Might help you with the nausea from the meds though? Again I believe you have the right to choose and it should be decriminalised. Just don't do it in a public place to avoid annoying non-smokers;)

As for the detox - well I am only trying to keep these fuckin headaches away. So far it is working for me thanks. If you don't like what I preach, then don't listen >:(

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by cluster0557 on Jan 29th, 2003, 8:47pm

Don't be so touchy. We all want are CH crap to go away. Just don't preach to the choir as they say.

All for now.

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Ueli on Jan 29th, 2003, 11:29pm
I sustain cluster0557   :D

Clean air to breeze, would be nice, but ...

What about the stinking coal fired power plants? (But any decent tree hugger is of course against "atomic" energy.)

What about  the chemical warfare with artificial pheromones (aka perfumes, deodorants, all sorts of body lotions and detergent additives)? It are these that make people prone to all sorts of allergies.

What about the addicts of chewing gum, who's sight reminds of ruminants, that poison the surrounding with the stench of peppermint?  

I can cope with the ramblings of Charlie, but we sure can do without any disciples of him.  

I don't believe that the tobacco planters should go on welfare.    ;D


Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by cluster0557 on Feb 1st, 2003, 10:25pm

Thanks for the support. There are few things in life that drive me nuts but JM got my buttons hot twice.

I can't handle anyone Preaching to me.

I hate any exsmokers who now want everything pure as the driven snow and preaches to the choir of ex and current smokers.

I grew up in a period of time where smokers sat in the back. This was trains,planes, and also movie theaters.

When I did not smoke I sat in front , When I smoked in back it was the place to be.

Now do gooders want all smokers to quit. If a smoker wants to gamble on their health they should be allowed to do it. Let them smoke in back or outside in peace.

Ex smokers never say Im sorry I offended your air in the past .

Enough venting.

Smoking helped tame the beast for me. But thanks to the beast I no longer smoke. I was a smoker and could land up smoking at any time so unlike the preacher I stay away from it all together. I quit because with all the meds I wa in I could not taste a smoke. They no longer were something I liked so bye to them after 28 years. Goddamn Marine Corps got me started.

When I had bad cluster I would go outside and light up.
After one or more cigaretes  i would feel a little calmer and that helped ease the pain.

The paradox is that I stopped smoling almost a year ago. On 02/23/02 I stopped smoking. Since then The beast must be confused since he wants to come out and play but their is no tobacco smell to urge him on.

The cluster pain became less severe once I stopped. It took about 45 days to feel the difference.  It was hard to not light one up. Still is....

So who knows whether smoking helps or hurts clusters.
Me I think it is all FM (FriggingMagic).

PFD to all. even snake oil peddlers.

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Tony_M on Feb 1st, 2003, 10:50pm
An instant trigger for me is the sweet, cheap perfumy smell of a Macy's charge card bill. A great incentive to pay it off fast. It permeates throughout the house with it's sweet, pungunt vulgarity.

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by b.bop on Feb 2nd, 2003, 4:45pm
Thanks for all your feedback and experiences, guys. As well as being helpful you've given me a few laughs along the way which is always appreciated. Cheers  ;D

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by jmorgan52 on Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:54am
Hi Jim - so I pushed you buttons mate?

I'm not being touchy. I was smiling when I wrote my responses  :D

I never said everyone should give up smoking.

I said "I do agree that everyone should have the right and choice to smoke". To all those who find relaxation and pleasure from it, go for it. Just as long as you don't do it near me.

But, that does not stop me from thinking it's stupid though  ;D

My parents smoked, my grandparents smoked, all their friends and family smoked, everyone smoked back in the 50's and 60's. Adverts said it was good for you, even heart doctors endorsed it (paid by the likes of Philip Morris and co). Kids thought it was so cool to smoke, so I smoked too. What do you suppose changed between then and now?

I finally decided to quit when I had kids of my own and did not want to subject them to the image of me smoking. It was tough quitting but I'm glad I did and both my kids are grown up now and think its stupid too so it was worth it to me.

But hey guys, that's just my opinion, so if you want to smoke that's just fine by me, but just remember who the tobacco "pushers" making zillions from this addictive substance, and they are still pulling in more and more young people every day to replace the older guys who give up.


Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by RichE on Feb 6th, 2003, 7:15pm
I know my doctor has told me I should quit but I did that once and guess what? I ended up in a cycle 3 months later. It really sucked too. It was a bad one. Of course I was still married and well she was about as hepful as a beer in cycle. My doctor used to give me codine for the night headaches. Not that they really did much put knock mne out and take a little of the edge off. At any rate my ex used to eat them like candy and by the time I went tot take one they were history and I would have to go through half a week of CHs without any meds at all. It created a couple of discussions between y ex and. I started smoking again and have seen no change. I can't smoke while danicng with the beast but after it seems to help a little.

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by Lori on Feb 6th, 2003, 9:35pm
I have to add my 2 cents worth because..I just quit smoking 4 1/2 weeks ago after 20 yrs of smoking (with the help of the patch). I don't know if it will help with my CH's, somehow I doubt it.
PFDAN to you all..

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by cluster0557 on Feb 6th, 2003, 10:26pm

Congrats on  quiting smoking. I know how hard it is. I did it about 1 yr ago.

I'm sorry to say it did nothing for me re:CH

They are still with me about the same as they were before I quit.

Some people have told me that quiting has helped them so hang in there.

Hopefully some PFDAN  are in the future for you.

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by das on Feb 7th, 2003, 8:27am
Hate to throw a stick in your spokes people, but smoking anything during a cycle for me = BAD NEWS !!

Cigarettes can bring on shadows and wacky tabachy can bring on a full on assault..

In the past, I would cease all smoking  during a cycle...

Title: Re: Does cigarette smoking trigger or affect your
Post by b.bop on Feb 9th, 2003, 4:03pm
Hey das, looks like youre one of the few that experience the same as me when it comes to smoking and CH's. Thanks for getting back :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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