Title: Something simple that worked for me Post by Ragnarok999 on Oct 4th, 2002, 5:15pm A simple thing that has worked for me is stretching. I have a regimen that I use year round but especially when I feel a cycle coming on. I tilt my head to the side and hold it, stretching out the muscles in my neck, for 5-10 seconds, then tilt to the other side, forward, back, and then rotate (as in turn my head to look to the side). I normally do this 3-4 time as week but when I feel a cycle coming on I'll be doing it 3-4 times a day. I've been doing this for about two years now and I've noticed a big improvement. My cycles used to last 5-6 weeks with about three attacks a day. Now they last only about a week with usually just one attack a day and they aren't nearly as intense as they used to be. Some of you might try this, it might help and it certainly can't hurt. |
Title: Re: Something simple that worked for me Post by Starfire3 on Oct 7th, 2002, 8:13am I work on muscle flexibility, too and it seems to work for me. I associate a chunk of my pain with muscle cramping/tightening. I think that my muscles tighten in response to the onset of other pain and that this makes the overall pain worse. I have found that keeping my muscles flexible gives me a better chance of keeping the pain to a kip 5 or 6. When I don't work on muscle control during headaches, the pain spirals out of control. That's when I end up rocking and rolling. - Starfire |
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