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(Message started by: gtar_man on Aug 25th, 2002, 1:13pm)

Title: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by gtar_man on Aug 25th, 2002, 1:13pm
Where are you? Haven't received any messages since changing my email address (now on cablemodem) but gave new add as alt add when signing on. EA, Rick, Pink & Pinky, where are you?
I've now taken 3 doses (shroom therapy), waiting on results. Hangovers from first 2 doses but much better this time, guess the body gets used to it. Jury's still out, though, on amount of relief obtained. Will keep ya posted.

DAMN I HATE CH!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by rick on Aug 26th, 2002, 12:13am

I'm really sorry I wasn't able to get back to right away.  As I said in one of my last posts, I'm being pulled in many different directions at once right now.  I'm trying to play catch up from everything in life I fell behind on in my last cycle.  I worked 13 hours on Friday and 9 yesterday.  I am not complaining though, I am very grateful for the current relief.  Pinkfloyd went on a fishing trip for the weekend, I believe.

Yeah, the body really seems to get used to the hangovers.  Mine  went away, although I can't remember exactly how many doses later.

Are you seeing your attacks decrease in intensity and severity at all?  Remember that breaking a cycle is said to be the toughest route in using shrooms to treat CH, the most effective use of them is as a preventitive by dosing before a cycle begins.  You and I took the hard way.  I still don't believe I actually broke my cycle, but the shrooms kept my attacks subdued until the cycle ran it's course.  The best advice I can give is to keep going until the beast is put on a leash.  I'm sorry again man, are you chronic or episodic?  If episodic, is your cycle due to end soon?



Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by pinksharkmark on Aug 26th, 2002, 1:10am
Sorry to tell you, dude, but I think yer cablemodem provider is bogus. I have been trying to send a reply to your last e-mail to me for several days now and it keeps coming back as undeliverable.

I am sending it to:

If that ain't right, let me know what is.


Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by gtar_man on Aug 26th, 2002, 4:58pm
Hi fellers-
Rick - Yeah I hear ya about the work thing. I went in this morning but had to leave at lunch as I wasn't getting anything done but sitting there holding my head.
I have to deal with clients and customers on the phone and it's tough enough without a stiletto stuck in your cranium.
I guess you'd call me chronic. My first cycle was in '97 and lasted 6 months, then went completely away for over 4 years. Then cranked back up May '01 and really busted my chops untill August but after that never went away, just wound down and it's been a constant KIP3-6 ever since. Since that hasn't changed after 3 shroom doses in 3 weeks, I can't say if it's helping or not. I can tell you that the prospects of spending the rest of my life like this aren't very appealing. I guess I need to start a thread and get some feedback from other chronics; seems like most sufferers are episodics. Bad as it is, I could live with that, but this just plain SUCKS OUT LOUD.
Yo Pinky -  you got my new address wrong. Try: and you should get through.
I haven't received anything from CLusterBusters in a week so maybe they got it wrong, too.
Later - Gman

Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by eyes_afire on Aug 27th, 2002, 6:15pm
Sorry gtar man for not being around lately.

'It's a long way back from hell'
... and it's dark there too.

I incorporated your suggestion into my part of the ClusterBusters FAQ.

BTW... in about a week I will become chronic, but the doses have GREATLY lessened the frequency and severity of CH.  I have taken about 7 or 8 doses (I forget exactly), so you may have to remain persistent to see a benefit.  You and me are doing this the hardest possible way... we are trying to break the clusters at peak.

Well wishes my ClusterBuster brother.

Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by Not4Hire on Aug 27th, 2002, 7:20pm
hey eyes(teve)....i think you're putting too much emphasis on this *chronic* deal.....ok the "book" sez you are after a year...but it's NOT like bein' promoted..... you may only age 0.99999 years per year...... ;D me, except I still think I'm ..."just 22 and I don't mind dyin'....." (apologies to Quicksilver Messenger Service-"Mona")

...the fact that "the doses have GREATLY lessened the frequency and severity" has got to count for sumthing....and the fact that you don't remember 'zackly how many doses you took ......well, this means I love ya, bro....only God knows how many doses I took in my life..... and I'm STILL HERE....... apickin' and agrinnin'..... ;D

...lastly, How'd the MushrooMasks turn out?.......LOL

Best....2 all my ClusterBuster buds.......Steve

Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by gtar_man on Aug 27th, 2002, 10:14pm
Jeeze Louise, somebody still remembers Quicksilver. I met John Cippolina on my only visit to the "left coast" - years ago (ooh-ooh ooh ooh, have another HIT! "Fresh Air").  Not4hire, you must be a damn guitar player too. 8)
Not that I do much of it anymore since the Beast started "managing my act..."
I can tell ya, if "chronic" is a promotion, send me back down to the mailroom at $5/hr. CEO of Clusterdom, Inc is not my idea of a career move!
Thanks for the support, Eyes, I generally do everything the hard way.  I'm gonna skip a week and take the wife to the beach for a long weekend, then go for #4. What have I got to lose but a headache?
BTW, what the hell is a "MushrooMask" ????

Rock on, Clustercompadres... G-man

Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by eyes_afire on Aug 27th, 2002, 10:48pm
Hi Not4, you're right, I'm too preoccupied with becoming chronic.  I'm just mad because I didn't think I would still be fighting this same cycle 6 months later.  Shrooms have definately helped... and they make TV football mascots multiply.... rapidly.

Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by tommyD on Aug 28th, 2002, 11:55am
Hey, all us aging hippies remember Quciksilver! Found a greatest hits CD in a bargin bin a few months back. Highly underrated.  I'll have to pull it out for the next treatment, and make it a San Francisco trip -- some Grateful Dead, a little Jefferson Airplane, (not starship), Buffalo Springfield, Byrds...okay, the Byrds were LA, but still eight miles high.
Any idea what's become of Cipplolina and the others?
By the way "just 22 and I don't mind dying" is from "Who Do You Love?" -- an old Bo Diddley song. 'Course it might be in "Mona," too, which is also a Bo Diddley song. In fact, they are both really the same song, since ALL Bo Diddley songs are pretty much the same song. Bum ba dum ba dum, ba dum bum.


"I feel like a stranger in the land where I was born."

Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by Not4Hire on Aug 28th, 2002, 1:47pm
.....ya got me Tommy....."Who do you love?" is correct......BTW...I think I read that Cippolina finally died....last time I saw him was at Pyramid Lake, Nevada with the Dead...or most of 'em.....Bobby and the Daylighters....turned into the Twilighters....and then the Moonlighters as the day went on.......great show  ;D

The FIRST time I saw him was at Southern Oregon College in Ashland-Fall of 1967....warm up band for the first concert/first acid trip .....and I ain't never been the same  8) ;D

...don't forget to cue up some Hot Tuna, Santana, and (early) Journey on yer next excursion.......

Title: Re: Calling ClusterBusters...
Post by gtar_man on Aug 28th, 2002, 2:59pm
Ya left out Moby Grape! Ya can't do no SF trippin' without the Grape. I've got the 3-CD set which has almost everything they ever recorded except "Gypsy Wedding". Wow! "Hey Grandma" - "Murder In My Heart For the Judge" - "8:05" - incredible stuff. Lost in the mists of time, replaced by boy bands, hip-hop and rap. Swing low, sweet chariot, and carry me back to those days when songs had an actual melody line, I had a hairline, and a 30" waistline. And my freakin' head didn't hurt. Well, unless I abused it. Regularly. ;D
Somebody stop me before I mist up and bubble over  ::)

When I met Cippolina he showed me this amp Fender had custom-made for him. It had horn drivers built into the top with - I'm not making this up - 4 actual trumpet horns sticking out the front. What a rig. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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