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(Message started by: Stampertje on Aug 15th, 2002, 9:20am)

Title: Lithium????
Post by Stampertje on Aug 15th, 2002, 9:20am
My nuro wants to put on lithium, because the verapamil doesn't want to work. I know lithium works for some, but I also know its a anti-depressive.

Can anyone tell me what it does with your moods? I don't want to become zomby...

Please give some info....

Title: Re: Lithium????
Post by ChristineL on Aug 15th, 2002, 1:27pm

I was on it years ago and my memory ain't what it use to be but from what I remember it didn't alter my personality or make me feel like a zombie. I stayed the usual bitch I am  ;D ;D ;D.

It worked for a while then stopped working for me but then so did a lot of meds - this was 12 years ago.

Now that my CH's have returned I am on O2, Imitrex and Pred. So far so good..........just started the pred 2 days ago though. Had one CH last night and between the O2 and Imitrex it left quickly. The Imitrex did not make me sleepy though - actually the opposite. I was wide awake until 3 AM.

Chris L

Title: Re: Lithium????
Post by Jazsaunt on Aug 15th, 2002, 1:32pm
My husband was put on lithium about a month ago.  They started out @ 300 mg. in the morning , and now have him up to 600 mg. one in am and one in pm.  Bill was terrified to take it, but now is very thankful that he did.  He still has clusters, but no pain with them.  He may feel some pressure behind his eye or cheek once a day and takes amerge or imirtex for that.

At first Bill was really loopy on the lithium.  That went away after a day or two though. Maybe you should start taking it on a weekend when you have a few days off.  If it works, you will know it within a few days.  You will start sleeping through the night, and have less and less pain.  Don't be afraid of it though, it just takes a little getting used to.

Mood wise, Bill has been very pleasant to be around.  He hasn't gotten mad about things that before would have made him really pissy.  Lithium in bipolar people evens out their saratonin levels so they won't have the highs and lows that manic depressives suffer from.  So for Bill it has actually helped him deal with things a little better than before...not that he was very bad anyway.  Hope this helps.
             Best of luck to you and finding your meds.

Title: Re: Lithium????
Post by Svenn on Aug 15th, 2002, 1:32pm
Lithium did not work att all with me,but Verapamil Retard 120mg in high dozes did

Verapamil Retard 120mgX5-7/daily during cycle    
Oxygene alone at 10ltm for 15 minutes or combined with imitrex-shots does miracles.The shots should start working in 6-9minutes.a few secons after that you are almost painfree    
Prednisolone in high doze for 10 days 80mg    
then over a 3 weeks periode step down like 60-40-30-20-10-5mg /daily    
This is the miraclecure for me,but i`m not a doc.just another clusterhead from Norway    

Title: Re: Lithium????
Post by kari on Aug 15th, 2002, 8:14pm
I have been on it for 2 weeks now. 300 mg to start.
I think I feel fine on it so far.

Title: Re: Lithium????
Post by Karla on Aug 16th, 2002, 10:42am
I used to take 900mg of lithium.  I had no problems on it for well over a year.  It did nothing to my mood and certainly didn't turn me into a zombie.  That was my biggest fear also.  It cut the number of cluster headaches I was having from 8/day to 4/day and they were less severe.  However, it eventually lost its effectiveness and now I am in search of something better to replace it.

Title: Re: Lithium????
Post by sailpappy on Aug 22nd, 2002, 9:35pm
;D ;D Lithium is primarilly used by Manic Depressives to keep them on an even keel emotionally. No up-swings and no down-swings in their mood pattern, It's therorized that this same idology applied to cluster headaches will prevent the onset because of mood swing? At least that is my understanding of it! Here is a great web site to check it out for your self! Pappy pharicological medicines a-z or lithium
Good luck and I hope it works for you, make note of the side affects and don't wait anylonger than necessary is you start to develope any of them! Pappy Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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