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(Message started by: barbee on Jul 30th, 2002, 6:47pm)

Title: Oxygen
Post by barbee on Jul 30th, 2002, 6:47pm
Finally, my Neuro prescribed oxygen.  Guess what?  My HMO says it is not appropriate for Cluster Headaches, and will not approve it, and to go back to my PCP.  Strange, huh?  I am protesting!!!

Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by Slammy on Jul 30th, 2002, 7:08pm
Sadly, that doesn't seem strange anymore.  The HEalthcare world is looking for more ways to make money...unfortunately, that means denying almost all but the mandatory treatments a patient requires, regardless the expertise of the Dr.

Slammy   8)

Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by Ueli on Jul 30th, 2002, 7:59pm

Ask the bean counters of your HMO why they think to know it better than Bayard T. Horton, who already in 1938 reported about the usefulness of oxygen to abort a CH attack.
Print out that abstract and rub it under their nose.
(For the link see in your previous post;action=display;num=1025658277;start=2


Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by BobG on Jul 31st, 2002, 3:48am
Also ask the insurance stooges if they'd rather pay for a tank at home or for a visit to the Emergency Room every day?

Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by barbee on Aug 1st, 2002, 12:29am
Does a whiff of oxygen cost more than daily Imitrex, Zomig, Amerge, etc.?  Those pills are expensive, and we eat them like candy.

Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by Marcos618 on Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:21am
If you do get the insurance company to approve it try and get two tanks. I own my outright. I was lucky to get an insurance company to pay for one tank. When my company changed insurance companies I was able to get the other company to pay for the other tank. I think my tank size is called "E". Its aluminum and came with a travel bag with shoulder strap so I can take it with me everywhere and people don't know what is inside. Also check with your insurance company about their appeal process. One step could be your doctor to try and appeal for you and another step could be for you to try and appeal their decission. You might need to prepare for your appeal in terms they understand, NUMBERS. How often would you need to go to the emergency room for Oxygen and how expensive would each trip be for them compared to the cost of a portable tank and refills. My refills cost $18.00 plus tax per tank. I can abort four headaches out of one tank. I have had nights where I had 4 CH's and used one entire tank. That $18.00 was less then the trip to the ER.

Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by Marcos618 on Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:22am
If you do get the insurance company to approve it try and get two tanks. I own my outright. I was lucky to get an insurance company to pay for one tank. When my company changed insurance companies I was able to get the other company to pay for the other tank. I think my tank size is called "E". Its aluminum and came with a travel bag with shoulder strap so I can take it with me everywhere and people don't know what is inside. Also check with your insurance company about their appeal process. One step could be your doctor to try and appeal for you and another step could be for you to try and appeal their decission. You might need to prepare for your appeal in terms they understand, NUMBERS. How often would you need to go to the emergency room for Oxygen and how expensive would each trip be for them compared to the cost of a portable tank and refills. My refills cost $18.00 plus tax per tank. I can abort four headaches out of one tank. I have had nights where I had 4 CH's and used one entire tank. That $18.00 was less then the trip to the ER.

Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by Royal on Aug 2nd, 2002, 8:57pm
I'm looking for experience in the best results of using an oxygen mask. This is my first post. I have tank in hand and am waiting for take off. I have been an unofficial member for 10 years and have tried several meds. The one that always seemed to work was stadol. Unfortunately it comes with a lot of baggage.
I was convinced by MD to try oxygen, but I am sure he was just guessing on dosage and duration

Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by Not4Hire on Aug 3rd, 2002, 10:16am
Hey Royal...there is a wealth of info here and many tales of successful use of o2 as an abortive for sure you have a NON-REBREATHER mask (with the bag) and a regulator capable of up to 15 liters per minute flow..... most of us use a minimum of 8 LPM.... 10-12 is better.....THIS IS CRITICAL for successs with well as catching the HA EARLY.... if it's a big ole K8-10 before you get on the mask.... you probably won't get much relief.... but o2 is ALL I have used and my big GREEN friend has literally saved my life..... Good Luck and READ READ READ....


Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by Svenn on Aug 11th, 2002, 3:12am


Check out if you can get this travellersuitcase with oxygen in the US.I have 1 of those and 1 big bottle beside my bed,The big one contains 10L
The suitcase contains 3X1litre and a backpack if you going out under a cycle.
This is really helping me combined with other meds


Title: Re: Oxygen
Post by Royal on Aug 11th, 2002, 9:04pm
:) ;) :D
I was approaching the CH, Tank at my side with little confidence the relief would be more than to shave a little of the intensity down. When the usual signs of the monster began to build. I put the mask on, turned on the regulator to 10. The CH progressively began building momentum within minutes. Turned regulator to 12, CH more intense, clicked to 15 and within 12-15 minutes CH subsided and gone. I was amazed!!!!
I could not believe it. I closed my eyes and thanked God and, because this site is where I got the idea to suggest this treatment to my GP. I have yet to get verification from insurance company of coverage for this treatment. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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