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(Message started by: kari on Jul 21st, 2002, 10:40am)

Title: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by kari on Jul 21st, 2002, 10:40am
how many hours has anyone ever had the highest level of pain?

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by mobetta on Jul 21st, 2002, 11:17am
before the meds were available
i would tip the kip
8to 12 hours
suicide was tried several times
obviously failed  thank god

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by markdavid on Jul 21st, 2002, 2:29pm
After 2 mo. of constant 2 hour 10s I got one 2 hours 7to8 and then peaked at 10 for 3.5 hours untill I blacked out only to wake to a 8 then finially after 6 hours I felt better with a 5...

mobetter you da man.....god I couldn't imagian

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Ted on Jul 21st, 2002, 3:07pm
Well, I wasn't watching the clock but I'd say I've kept my "10" going a couple of hours before. Here's an MSNBC article on a similar subject:

Supersizing sex

Advice for men on a mission
to maximize female satisfaction

By Al Cooper, Ph.D.

July 17 - Q. My girlfriend and I have a great sex life — but I know it could be even better. How can I give her multiple orgasms?
      A: Ah, America, home of the brave and the free — and the bigger, better, new improved, jumbo, ultra, supersized everything, especially in the realm of sex.
      But up until Freud declared it so some 70-plus years ago, it wasn’t believed that women even had sex drives. Women’s sexual pleasure was once the domain of harlots who would engage in sexual activity for (unmentionable) motivations other than procreative and marital obligation.
      We’ve come a long way, baby! Today, the girl next door and, certainly, the gal in the bed next to you, is expected to feel absolutely entitled to a good time in bed. But just where did the notion of multiple orgasms come from? Is this something that all women really long for or just another example of the American obsession with supersizing pleasure?
      In men, the axis around which most sexual pleasure and activity revolves is all up-front and visible for him and whomever to see.  

       Not so for women. Women’s physical sexual responses are interior and not so obvious to their partners and sometimes not so obvious to themselves. Orgasms are not an inevitable outcome of a woman’s desire and excitement but emerge from the confluence of her upbringing, her prior sexual experiences, her comfort with her own body, and trust and ease with her partner. And multiple orgasms may not especially be the goal. Many women are more concerned with physical contact, emotional intimacy and other kinds of sexual pleasure than counting orgasms.

      So if you want a mission, make it one she desires. Figure out why it’s important for you to “give” her multiple orgasms. Is it possible that you want to feel more skilled, more of a man, as good as your golf buddy or the macho sex advertisement or article you just read? If so, then step back. Under the guise of satisfying her, you are more likely
they don’t want or are not in the mood to receive. You can either foster a desire or you can kill it by pressuring her.
      If you really want to please her then talk with her. Does she already have orgasms? How does she give them to herself? Does she prefer having you bring her to orgasm by yourself or does she like to assist? When she climaxes, is once enough?
      A considerable proportion of women are very sensitive following an orgasm and experience more stimulation at that time as uncomfortable (just like many men). Some women spontaneously experience uterine contractions that, while pleasurable, subside in intensity as she glides into the “afterglow.” A lover who persists in “extending her ecstasy” could be perceived as a pest or insensitive at best, by either type of woman.  

         If she is open to finding out if more is better, do a bit more research. Maybe paying attention to her breasts, ears or toes will bliss her out. Experiment with mouth, hands, various parts of the body or different objects. Stop when she says she’s had enough.
      You might find out that being direct has its advantages — not the least of which is her feeling considered and understood. And it works both ways. You can fill her in on the things that rev your engine.
      So, if you are willing to listen, experiment and start and stop on her signal, you may not need to wait till next Fourth of July for fireworks.  



Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Donna on Jul 21st, 2002, 3:41pm
If memory serves me accurately.......most all of my headaches lasted about 1-1/2 hours...........even the rare "10".  In my humble opinion, 10's  ARE intolerable.  "10's" are the suicide headache if help is not received within a reasonable length of time............."hours" would not be tolerable.

I have an extremely high patience and pain threshold, but the 10 ALWAYS found me in the ER.  We didn't have preventatives and abortives back in the good old days when my headaches started.  I didn't even know that there was any kind of relief for CH until I found this board, getting close to 4 years ago now.

My doc prescribed tylenol #3 for pain.  Didn't dent the pain and just gave me a stomach ache.

By the time the ER triaged me, kept me waiting for the doc, and finally gave me "the shot", my headache was either on it's way down or already gone.  But I did associate "the ER" as an end to the pain.  I knew that they'd take care of the pain or mask it so that I could get through it.  Or if my eye popped out, they'd push it back in.  That's why I drew this lovely picture at election time..............

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by gtarman on Jul 22nd, 2002, 2:21pm
I didn't have any 10's during my first (6-month) cycle (1997) but had several 8 or above during #2 starting last June. I had JUST found out about and gotten some Zomig when I got nailed with my first 10 but it still took min 2 hours to subside, with the 10 part at least a half hour. Longest half hour of my life.
I guess the diff between an 8 or 9 and a 10 is the diff between THINKING about the .357 magnum pill and actually sitting there with the barrel in your mouth weighing the benefits.
Theological question for all you believers out there:

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by gtarman on Jul 22nd, 2002, 2:36pm
I didn't have any 10's during my first (6-month) cycle (1997) but had several 8 or above during #2 starting last June. I had JUST found out about and gotten some Zomig when I got nailed with my first 10 but it still took min 2 hours to subside, with the 10 part at least a half hour. Longest half hour of my life.
I guess the diff between an 8 or 9 and a 10 is the diff between THINKING about the .357 magnum pill and actually sitting there with the barrel in your mouth weighing the benefits.
Theological question for all you believers out there: what kind of God (all-wise, all-knowing, all-merciful?)would torture somebody with this shit untill they off themselves and then consign them to Hell for eternity for being insufficiently grateful for the gift of life?
No, I don't expect an answer that makes sense, I'm just venting. My head hurts, like it does every day.

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Ted on Jul 22nd, 2002, 3:18pm
There is no philosophical or religious reason as to why we have these things. It's not God giving them to us, or karma, or punishment. It just is.
On the same token, for the person who kills him/herself from these things or other things is doing it themselves. It's not God putting a gun in their mouths. There are two choices: Live or don't. But it's our choice to make.
Sorry you're hurting. I hope you make the first choice.

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Drk^Angel on Jul 22nd, 2002, 4:11pm
The longest I've had a kip 10 would be at least 8 hours.  I know that, because that's how long the ER kept me in the waiting room.  I'm not really sure how long it lasted after being taken into the ER, because I was pretty much out of my wits by then

PFDAN........................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by maria on Jul 22nd, 2002, 8:32pm
Hey Ted,  thankyou for your supersizing comment.  Maria

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Donna on Jul 22nd, 2002, 9:25pm
Are you saying that you had a full 10 on the kip scale for 8 to 10 hours?

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Drk^Angel on Jul 22nd, 2002, 9:39pm
Well... From the time that I started screaming, banging my head on a table, wishing I had a gun, and finally letting my wife and sis-in-law talk me into going to the ER... To a half an hour or so before they injected me the first time with whatever that worthless crap was... I was in horrible, agonizing, suicidal pain...  Yep.


Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by kim on Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:44pm
Kay.  Here goes.  have had episodic ch since age 13-14.  I'm 41 now.  

I've gone through too many to recall all to exact pinpoint.

I can remember the real BAD times from lots of cycles of the past going back YEARS and also most recent.

Each time a "10' comes to mind in my minds eye, I was a different age and at a different emotionally developed stage as a person, so each time is handled (or coped with) according to my maturity and strength of character as time has gone on.

When in high school, i would become at first stressed and agitatated that "it" was happening...Would skip class and go somewhere where I could freak out in peace and away from people.  Thus, no one really knew what was happening....

Okay, now in 20s.  Livin it up.  Single no kids good job lotsa fun.  Get slammed and well, same thing.  Isolate until goes away, or wait until in complete agony and go to ER.  At this point the only people who understood the pattern and what was happening was my mom, dad, siblings.  I dated, but did not really tell boyfriends about it.  

Okay, move on to late 20s.  Meet hubby.  Fall in love and etc, etc, etc.  Remember telling him get these "awful Cluster Headaches and describe the general insanity, but can he really get  if cuz he never saw it b4.  So get marred.  Shortly thereafter, baby #1 comes along.  Right after birth BANG!  Daddy gets first hand birds eye view of Kim in a cluster.  Beginning to end.  He was worse off then me, believe me.  He did not know what the FUCK to do.  New baby, wife is now a Cybil character.  We rented a Ranch house.  Each attack, I would pace up and down the LONG HALLWAY, back and forth.  Run into shower not let anyone near me.  Pack ice and rock with it prressed to my head make noises not familiar to my new family.

Okay, what was the longest 10?  The memory that comes to mind is the maternity leave after my 2nd baby.  WORST cycle.  Two babies at home.  Parents far away.  Daddy puts the two girls in the car and we drive to StonyBrook Hospital onLong Island which is approx 15 min away by car.

We get there.  Sign in,  Can barely talk to the ladyat the window.  They bring me back and I wait.   How long has it been?  I can't really tell ya, cuz it's just too DAMN long NO MATTER WHAT.  Probably 1-1.2 hours.
Indian doctor comes along.  O2.  Nuttin.  Imitrex shot - Nuttin.  Some other shot in the ass (thigh-whatever) nuttin.
Then - no one comes and I am alone.  I lay there.  There is a curtain seperating me from otherpatients.  I can hear them talking, but don't know about what.  I want to scream so bad, but hold it in.  There is no thought.  There is nothing.  Only pain and stress and a guilt so bad I cannot speak of it even now.
I tell my husband I'm sorry.  He starts to cry and holds the babies and we all sit there and wait.

It's time to leave.  I'm shadowing but needle is out of my eye for the moment.  Drooling has ceased and I can even crack a stupid smile at the nurses - sort of.
They tell me that i'm bettr now and things are ok.  I smile at them and say, Yeah but what do I do later when it comes back??????????????

How long?  Too fucking long, thats how long.

Title: 8) 8)Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Slammy on Jul 25th, 2002, 7:37pm
Longer than I have lasted during foreplay!   ;D

Slammy   8)

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by williamsmh on Jul 25th, 2002, 10:59pm
All mine last about 2 1/2 - 3 hours without Imitrex or ER drugs.

I've had a couple 10s that I couldn't treat that lasted the full 3 hours.


Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Svenn on Jul 26th, 2002, 6:50am
I have lasted for about 14 days with almost kip 10 every hit,but from ther on i`m hospitolised because i can be a danger to myself and suicidal.It takes about 14 days in the hospital before they are manage to break the cycle.
That`s me in a nut-shell

Take care friend

Your Friend in Norway


Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by pjbgravely on Jul 27th, 2002, 7:35pm
I have had 10's for three hours before they were knocked down to a 5 by o2 and imitrex. Not sure but If gone un treated they would have stayed for the full 6 hours. After two hours I become insane with the pain and have to force myself to breath.    Paul B.  

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by oringkid on Jul 28th, 2002, 12:05pm
I think I have only had about 2 that I would consider a 10 and as for how long they lasted...I don't know... It seemed like hours and hours but probably not that long.  I remember thrashing wildly and crying and begging to die and when it began to let up I fell asleep (or passed out) But I have never had any CH last longer than 2.5 hours so going to the ER would have been useless.

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Cin on Jul 31st, 2002, 10:10am

Well I just started my first cycle this last Dec. I would wake up and have awful pain on one side of my face, as night after night went by it got worse.  To make a long story short, on Sat night I woke up to the worse of worse, I was in every room of the house, begging God, Please I can't stand this, I was going crazy,  it was a 10 alright lasted about 20 min to half an hr but seemed like forever.  Than there was the night the 02 didn't even work for me,  I sure did want to be dead.  

Take care all,

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Flash on Aug 7th, 2002, 7:58am
During the peak of each episode I usually suffer #10 headaches for between 1 and 3 day spells.   The all time worst ever was 3 days of #10 headaches, around 6 headaches each day and each headache lasting 2-3 hours.  All throughout this I had a classical migraine running concurrently along with the CH for the entire period.  In other words for 18 hours a day I had cluster headaches breaking through the migraine pain and taking it all the way up to #10 for anything up to 3 hours at a time.  Often just as one headache ended another would begin.

In my humble OPINION the classical migraine with symptoms such as B&W zigzags can appear as a symtom of a true #10.  The reason being is that a true #10 aggrivates the blood vessels so much that even someone that doesn't suffer from migraines may get what is effectively a migraine running as background music and support act.

I realise that I'm going to get flamed on 2 counts here:

1) I used the M word and some people believes that belittles their saintly suffering.  They are going to accuse me of not having CH at all blah blah.

2) What I have related implies that I do not believe that the majority of people that think they've had a #10 really have.  Ha!  Fine get back to me if you ever do and until then shut the fuck up because until you've had this baby you don't know what the fuck you are talking about anymore than when someone with a hangover claims they have a cluster headache.

The #10 as I know it may have left behind some minor brain damage, but that's hard to prove.  Ever since then I have been suffering from muscle fascillations.  Virtually every muscle in my body has gone through a spell of twitching over the last 19 months, sometimes lasting several days per muscle.  This was very distressing at first since that type of fascillation is also a symptom of ALS,  as is the numbness in my hands that I have also been suffering from.  The good news is that after 19 months without any muscle wastage, and with the fascillations and numbness slowly becoming less pronounced I probably don't have ALS.

Therefore I suspect that my exceptionally bad CH ordeal MAY have been the cause of these problems.

Another interesting one is that after a previous bad bout of #10s some years prior to that last bout I've mentioned horners sign was evident for around 6 months after the episode had ended.  The neurologist noted that this was unusual and examined me for typical signs of brain damage (tested reflexes with a small hammer etc).

Hope this is of interest to someone.

Flame away I aint coming back to this particular thread.


Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Flash on Aug 7th, 2002, 7:58am
During the peak of each episode I usually suffer #10 headaches for between 1 and 3 day spells.   The all time worst ever was 3 days of #10 headaches, around 6 headaches each day and each headache lasting 2-3 hours.  All throughout this I had a classical migraine running concurrently along with the CH for the entire period.  In other words for 18 hours a day I had cluster headaches breaking through the migraine pain and taking it all the way up to #10 for anything up to 3 hours at a time.  Often just as one headache ended another would begin.

In my humble OPINION the classical migraine with symptoms such as B&W zigzags can appear as a symtom of a true #10.  The reason being is that a true #10 aggrivates the blood vessels so much that even someone that doesn't suffer from migraines may get what is effectively a migraine running as background music and support act.

I realise that I'm going to get flamed on 2 counts here:

1) I used the M word and some people believes that belittles their saintly suffering.  They are going to accuse me of not having CH at all blah blah.

2) What I have related implies that I do not believe that the majority of people that think they've had a #10 really have.  Ha!  Fine get back to me if you ever do and until then shut the fuck up because until you've had this baby you don't know what the fuck you are talking about anymore than when someone with a hangover claims they have a cluster headache.

The #10 as I know it may have left behind some minor brain damage, but that's hard to prove.  Ever since then I have been suffering from muscle fascillations.  Virtually every muscle in my body has gone through a spell of twitching over the last 19 months, sometimes lasting several days per muscle.  This was very distressing at first since that type of fascillation is also a symptom of ALS,  as is the numbness in my hands that I have also been suffering from.  The good news is that after 19 months without any muscle wastage, and with the fascillations and numbness slowly becoming less pronounced I probably don't have ALS.

Therefore I suspect that my exceptionally bad CH ordeal MAY have been the cause of these problems.

Another interesting one is that after a previous bad bout of #10s some years prior to that last bout I've mentioned horners sign was evident for around 6 months after the episode had ended.  The neurologist noted that this was unusual and examined me for typical signs of brain damage (tested reflexes with a small hammer etc).

Hope this is of interest to someone.

Flame away I aint coming back to this particular thread.


Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by scottie on Aug 7th, 2002, 6:02pm
Hey Flash,

To hell with them if they want to flame you.  Don't give up on a thread because of a couple of not a very nice persons.


Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Drk^Angel on Aug 7th, 2002, 10:00pm
Is it me, or is there an echo in here?

PFDAN..................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Calamus on Aug 9th, 2002, 6:37am
4 hours without any medication. When I experience a "10" I call it a category 5 hurricane. Thank God the majority of my headaches last between 45 minutes and 2 hours. If I went through 10 hours, I would probably be dead of of slug slamming through my right temple.

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by JonB on Aug 9th, 2002, 7:09am
I don't believe in these scales......generally subjective and, on an individual basis, only comparitive.

I cannot know what Tom, Dick or Harry refer to when they refer to a "10"....gross subjectivity.

My "10" refers to those ultimate headbangers but, what if next week I had a more severe event - that would become my new "10".

The numbers provide nothing more than a highly variable index for non-scientific discussion.

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Drk^Angel on Aug 9th, 2002, 11:35am
How about changing the subject to the thread to... How long has anyone had a mind-numbing, screamer, of a Hell raising, brain blazing, life threatening suicide headache?  

Of course the scale in subjective, and can change with one's perspective, but the scale represents the impact the cluster is causing at that time.  If you have a cluster tonight that is so bad, you wish you had a gun to end it all... And tomorrow you have a cluster even worse causing the same wishes... They're both 10s.  Just because tomorrow's is worse physically, doesn't mean today's ain't as bad mentally.  

There is no true way to accurately measure our pain on a hard and fast, chiseled in stone way.  Pain itself is subjective, and determined by perspective.  The scale is just there to simplify what we each are dealing with instead of having to describe every little detail.  It's alot easier to say, "I had a kip10 last night."  than it is to say, "I had a cluster last night that was so bad, I thought it'd kill me, or I'd kill myself."

PFDAN.............................. Drk^Angel

Title: Re: How long has anyone had a "10"?
Post by Marcos618 on Aug 9th, 2002, 1:44pm
My tens are always my first CH of a new session. And they LOVE to start when I am on vacations. 1998 had a major #10 to start a new session while in Puerto Rico. Had another major #10 three weeks ago the start of a new session while on vacation in Las Vegas.

Throwing yourself out the window of the hotel when your on the 22nd. floor does enter your mind during a 10.

Large Hotels and resorts often have tanks of Oxygen on hand I have learned. But expect your hotel room to become very crowded quickly after you pick up the phone and tell the hotel front desk you need a tank of oxygen brought up to your room NOW!. Hotel/resort security and medical staff all rush to your room (with the Oxygen) along with the fire department and ambulance company.

I will give a 10 about 30 minutes, during which time I try all my tricks to stop it myself before I give up, wave the white flag and ask for help.

Has anyone ever had their blood pressure checked during a major CH?  Kind of scarry numbers aren't they!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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