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(Message started by: HelperHealer on Jul 1st, 2002, 1:11am)

Title: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushrooms
Post by HelperHealer on Jul 1st, 2002, 1:11am
I am writing to inform people that there is indeed a legal way to obtain the means to produce mushrooms.  I am happy to hear everyone having so much success with the mushrooms.  I have a CH suffering friend who just started mushroom therapy also with good results.

What you all may not know is that the SPORES ARE LEGAL.  Thats right,  the spores that you can use to grow your own supply of this wonderfull medicine are 100% Legal in the USA!!!  While it is still true that GROWING the mushrooms is  illegal,  ordering the spores is not.  This is largely due to the fact that the spores do not contain even a trace of the controlled substance Psilocibin.

Here is a link for a  supplier of spores who has been in the buisiness for many years:
There are others,  but this is the one I recomend due to the special,  fast fruiting strain available called "pf strain"

I ordered from there and followed the special technique for beginner growers.  Had great sucecess as promised.

Another bonus to growing your own:  they are much more potent and better tasting if eaten fresh.

I am overjoyed that this mushroom,  which has opened realms of joy and knowledge for me,  can also free people from a lifetime of pain!  Hallelujah.

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by kristi on Jul 1st, 2002, 10:03am
Thanks helperhealer for your post. Information about the legality of obtaining and possessing spores has been posted here many times, along with links to websites where the spores may be purchased.  But it is always effective to post the information again, as it may educate many people who have not seen the older posts.

There is an exception, however, to this.  The spores are not legal in two states, California and Georgia.



Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by rick on Jul 1st, 2002, 12:24pm
Spores are also available here:

You will find many similar links if you search the net.  The Sporeworks link above is where you will find the "Philosopher's Bag", which is said to be quite easy for first time growers to use.

Also, here's some more info:

- ;D R

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by HelperHealer on Jul 1st, 2002, 12:46pm
Thank you for the additional information.  I started this thread because I saw alot of people asking in other threads about where to get mushrooms and being told "your on you own "

Also,  it appears after browsing the messages,  that the Psilocibin Mushroom is one of the only things that offers any kind of sustained relief without heavy side effects. So it seems that a big deal should be made out of these mushrooms.  Perhaps it deserves its own tab in the main menu, like "Water x 3".  I personally know two cluster headache sufferers who have obtained complete relief from the mushroom.

It is known that the psychoactive chemical in the mushroom is so similar to the seratonin your brain produces naturally, that the brain treats it as its own.  This is why the chemical is assimilated so completely and without side effects ( besides your trip :))  Whatever the reason,  it would seem that these little beauties WORK! Once again,  I think this should be made into a BIG DEAL.... lets get a tab in the left column!

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Jul 1st, 2002, 12:54pm
Very nice list Rick, thanks
Here's my personal favorite, tell him your a clusterhead...he's dealt with a few of us ;)

I'd very much recommend farming with jars, using the pf tek (the second to the last link that Rick gave).  Several clusterbuds have done the myco bags with NO success that I've heard.  I'd love to hear if any of the clusterbuds HAVE had success with the bags.
Plus the jars were extremely fun to watch grow :)

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by notseinfeld on Jul 1st, 2002, 1:27pm
In response to Mastiff I've had tremendous success with the myco bags. They were growing so quickly I got tired of harvesting them after a while.
Final result was about 16g per bag of usable, mature and DRIED mushroom.

Glad to see all the relief they're providing for everyone-- for many of us it's the ONLY relief available.


Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Jul 1st, 2002, 1:36pm
wow, good news Nots!!
Of the 4 people that I know of that farmed with myco bags, only 1 person's worked and only half way.  2 of these people did them twice without success.
Glad to hear of one persons success,

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by rick on Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:34am
Helper Healer,

I am not aware of anyone being told that they were "on their own" as far as how to obtain mushrooms, at least not since I've been using this board.  As Kristi stated above, the information about the legality of obtaining and possessing spores has been posted here numerous times, along with links to websites where the spores may be purchased.  There are a number of us who spend quite a bit of time helping sufferers head in the right direction toward safely and quietly producing psilocybin to treat themselves.


Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by Ted on Jul 2nd, 2002, 1:40am
Hi helper. Thanks for the info. It's already here and apparently has been decided not to give itself its own link to the left of this board. Somehow we've managed to get along quite fine without it and yet let people know of the option. We ask people not to just come to this message board to get info but to explore the entire site. And, if they re willing to do that they'll find out all about it without having it placed right there for them.
So, can I ask where you "heard" someone say around here that someone is on their own if they're going to try psilo? Or did you mean whenever you hear someone willing to try it elsewhere they get no support? I ask because your post sounded way too much like an advertisement more for fanaticus then a proponent for something that might help and because I get bored with people who come here and say "I'm brand new. Let me tell you how your message board should be run!"

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by Bob P on Jul 2nd, 2002, 8:53am
I doubt very much, and understand why, the owner of this web site (who is an active duty military man) would not put a link to shrooms on his web site.

He'd just be asking for trouble.  It's enough that he lets us talk about them here on the message board.

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by Slammy on Jul 2nd, 2002, 11:08am
Right on, Bob!  btw.. I know this great link to this Haitian Voodoo Witch Doctor that makes a great Peyote Shake.... ;)

Slammy   8)

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by michelle on Jul 2nd, 2002, 1:12pm
this is also in response to Mastiff........I've also had success with the mycobag.  I think I'm ready to harvest.  Problem is....I don't know what to do next.....I'm a virgin at this   ???

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by rick on Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:11pm

They do taste pretty nasty.  I like to wrap bits and pieces of my dose into dried apricots or other dried fruit after I have weighed it out.  It is important for the shrooms to be completely dried out so that you can accurately weigh what you are taking.  If you don't have time to do so, that is understandable, but you will be unable to accurately determine the size of your initial dose.  A food dehydrator that doesn't heat what it is dehydating would accelerate the process, but it is very important not to heat the shrooms as the psilocybin will degrade.  

You can still taste the shrooms even with my dried fruit method :P, but they become more tolerable.  Smoothies are a pretty popular way to take them as well, although I have never made one myself.

Definitely give this a look, this is PinkSharkMark's tea recipe:

Beyond actually ingesting the shrooms, PLEASE read all the recent posts under "Mushrooms: New Field report" by SteColor, beginning with TommyD's post from June 30th on down through the posts that Stecolor and Scottie have put up today (July 2).  Here's the link:;action=display;num=1024349781;start=25

Very important stuff for the first time shroomer!

Please keep us posted on how you are doing, and keep in mind, you may not see immediate results.  Good luck, I pray you have as much success as we have all had lately.  Let us know if you need anything, or have any questions.  Feel free to send me an instant message if you need to!



Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by scottie on Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:21pm
The same goes for me healer.  If you need to talk then feel free to contact me outside or IM also.  We can always go back and put info up on the board.  Later.


Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by HelperHealer on Jul 3rd, 2002, 2:10am
OK --  I am very glad that some of the people here invest time to get the good news out there.  seems like the situation is in good hands.

The thing about someone saying "you are on your own "they were not saying you are on your own if you try the was you are on your own when it comes to obtaining them.  But we can let that go because it has been established that there is a great deal of help  and support here for people who wish to try this route.

I just wanted to share the success story of my friend and also how easy it is to produce mushrooms using the jar method.  Enjoy your freedom !

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by rick on Jul 3rd, 2002, 8:40am
No need to let go of anything we weren't holding on to in the first place.  "We" have all been providing each other with links on where to obtain spores and discretely grow them for awhile.

No sufferer is ever on their own when they come here, that is why this board exists.

Have a good one.


Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by pinksharkmark on Jul 3rd, 2002, 9:59am

on 07/01/02 at 01:11:33, HelperHealer wrote:
I am writing to inform people that there is indeed a legal way to obtain the means to produce mushrooms.

Thanks for the link, Helper. It is true that the spores themselves are legal, except in California and Georgia, but the mushrooms themselves are not. The authorities can't do a thing to you if you own spores, but they can give you a load of grief if they ever manage to discover you are actually GROWING mushrooms and if they have enough time on their hands (when they're done busting crack dealers and heroin dealers and pot dealers) to hassle you about it. So, the TITLE of your post is misleading, though the CONTENTS are not. I must admit it was a pretty effective way to catch people's attention, though.

As for Fanaticus, he is indeed a VERY reliable supplier of spores, and his particular strain, the "PF Classic", is certainly one of the best choices for a first time grower. When I first posted his link on this board in June of 2000, he was the ONLY supplier I recommended. Further research has yielded a number of other reliable suppliers, many of whom will accept credit cards. This shaves some time off delivery, and time is of the essence with a clusterhead in mid-cycle!


Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by pinksharkmark on Jul 3rd, 2002, 10:14am

on 07/01/02 at 12:24:58, rick wrote:
Spores are also available here:

Here are my comments on the above list.

LilShopofSpores -- A fairly new suppler, but very reliable. Great prices, good selection, fast delivery. Quite a few clusterhead fungus farmers have good things to say about them.

Sporeworks -- Hands down the very best supplier in America today. Excellent quality and customer service. BUT... their prices are a bit higher than some others. Also, perhaps because they are so popular, their shipping time can sometimes be a few days longer than some of the smaller operations.

Myco-tek -- The spore division is run by "Ralphster44", a great guy with a big heart who was delighted to find out his "babies" have such an important medical application. Ralphster has a soft spot for us clusterheads, and many clusterhead farmers have dealt with him.

Gnostic Garden, Amazing Nature and Earth's Tongue -- I have never heard of any of these guys, so can make no comments other than to say that none of the regulars on any of the cultivation boards I frequent ever mention them as suppliers.

Spore Trading Post -- STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!!! His prices are absolutely outrageous (up to $85 for a spore syringe compared to $10 or $15 at all the others), and he claims to have many "specially developed" strains of mushrooms available nowhere else, which is utter nonsense -- he simply relabels common strains available elsewhere and charges a premium for them. He is a disgrace to the online mushroom community.


Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by Blind_Guardian on Jul 6th, 2002, 6:17am
Give me 5 Pinky,

Definitely Stay AWAY from STP!!!!

I've heard of loads of people getting ripped off from that company. Actually their prices run up to $90 for a 10cc syringe.

To me the top suppliers of psilocybe mushrooms spores are:

They have been around for a while in the internet community. They have a nice variety of Cubensis strains, a couple of oyster mushroom cultures available, some nice Exotics, and pretty good shipping times, within 8-10 days. But the quality is what is most important. Very great company with  a reputation.

Although not a massively advertized company. I've tried their spores and found them to be surprizingly some of the best that I've ever had. Their syringes are incredibly fat. 20ccs syringes with a very dark solution. The only website out there with 20cc syringes.( All others are 10-12ccs.) They run from $12-$17. They have the largest selection of spores of any other web-site that I've seen or heard of. I think they have like 30+ species and strains of Cubensis and Exotics. I've been ordering from this company for quite some time now, and never had any problems with contamination. Their spores actually colonize super fast. Their prints are also big and very dark and clean. Shipping times are darn fast as well. About 4-7 days to receive. They also sell sterilized jars with different substrates for beginners with instructions. I believe they are the original company to come up with these.

Ryche Hawk. Definitely a Cubensis God. This man has the BEST pictures of the entire internet. Your mouth will drop and will not come back up for hours after viewing these pictures. In fact other websites use his pictures to describe their products (legally?? probably not) . I am a very happy customer of this web site. Ryche sells some very nice clean and dark prints along with 10cc syringes as well. I know his website and the pictures on it like the back of my hand.
Very nice selection of Cubies.
The only draw back is that the shipping times aren't that great sometimes, you have to place a very large order of $200+ to receive your stuff quickly, but other than that, a very great site with great pics, and quality spores.

Just my 2 cents. :)

Title: Re: This is a Legal Source for Psilocybin Mushroom
Post by rick on Jul 6th, 2002, 11:55pm
O.K., it sounds as though "Spore Trading Post" is bad juju ::).

I wasn't endorsing anyone in my post actually, I was just letting any newbies know that there's more than one source out there for spores.

Sweet pics on that Hawkseye site though!

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