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(Message started by: steColor on Jun 17th, 2002, 4:36pm)

Title: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by steColor on Jun 17th, 2002, 4:36pm
Personal History: Male, 42, CH’s for past 7 yrs or so, had some early 30’s but not the Kip level they have been at for the last 7 years.
Cluster type: episodal, 1 cycle/yr, duration of ea. cycle approx. 2 months or so, currently in mid cycle (getting hammered pretty hard), at peak of cycle can set watch by nightly attacks, AND unpredictable attacks during day (sometimes brought on by stress, sometimes nothing at all).
Detox: 70 hrs since last intake of Imitrex (2 – 25mg), still had feverfew in system (mentors of BB unaware of impact either way on this)
Dosed Friday night…2g plus a little…bone dry…species unknown…but potent... went into some level 3’s (awesome 3 dimensional closed eye), somewhat intense for the initiated (20 yrs ago) but still in full control.
Saturday - Day 1 Post therapy - hungover feeling and definitely an OFF day, 10:00 had a quick like (literally one second) electrical charge feeling at my “sweet spot” (origination point of my CH’s) and nothing else all day… shadows…..nothing. I was pretty cooked all day…like stick a fork in me…I am well done, but at the same time a peaceful, tranquil feeling. CH’s millions of miles away.
Day 2 minor shadows in AM….at 3:00 pm had one rolling on….but it diffused rather quickly…rest of day minor to meduim shadows….about 10:30 (after falling asleep) I woke up with a good one in full steam, just ready to cripple me …requested ice pack (sure sign I am going down for count) and it fizzled in about ten minutes of 2 quick applications of ice pack and fell back asleep for rest of night.
Day 3 – Woke up and head was totally shadows in AM.  I HOPE and pray this works..I was getting pretty bummed out yesterday that this whole therapy thing was for nothing and then last night hit and got really discouraged. But in hindsight, I guess missing the one last night is cause for hope. up to 4pm update very slight shadows so far.

I will update later (hopefully updating on nothing :)

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by ave on Jun 17th, 2002, 6:00pm
Hello Ste (or whatever), I used a low dose (1/4 of recreational users) last year and had about what you report ,just not a big attack). Attacks stayed away after that.

This year I started late, and the episode had not completely shut down.

If you were in the midddle of an episode, it might be you had less chance to kill the demon in one go. You might want to try again

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by kristi on Jun 17th, 2002, 8:36pm
Hi stecolor;

Thanks for posting your info.  Sounds like you are getting some relief anyway, and that's something good.  Hope it continues.  Please keep us posted on your continued results.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by tommyD on Jun 17th, 2002, 9:35pm
Breaking in on the middle of a cycle like you are, it sounds like the the shrooms are working real well.

Don't get discouraged by an attack or two, especially if they're short.  That intense but short attack a day or two after dosing seem to be common experience. If you've broken the cycle, the shadows will gradually fade.

A second dose next weekend, and it can be smaller if you're having too much fun, often works to put the beast away for the rest of the cycle, though again you may get a few shadows for a while.

Thanks for the report. And please give us more details as the beast fades away.

It great to see you're (almost) pain free. This littel fungi gave me my life back.

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by steColor on Jun 18th, 2002, 5:51pm
Thanks to all for your support :)

It has been a GLORIOUS 24 hrs since my last post.
I can not believe it!!!!!!
Day 3 Since 4 pm. I made it thru entire day the WHOLE DAY AND AND AND my bewitching hour (I can set a clock by this nightly attack) AND the ENTIRE night AND *drum roll* NOTHING!!!!  NADA!!!!, ZILTCH!!!!.......I am so friggin happy I do not know WHAT to do!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!
Day 4 - (thru 4:30 pm) VERY VERY ever so VERY SLIGHT shadows....I can probably count them on two hands....hardly anything..This I can deal with...I can hardly tell them at this point!!!!!

I know it is a bit early to call it a total break of my cycle..and celebrate...but the break from this....the 24/7 thinking of this beast. the mental control and fear of the beast...the fear of night time arriving...the absence of the surprise ones during the day....SUCH a RELIEF!!!!
My head is still clear.....I am sooooooo happy now!!!!

I will post updates as the days (or mishaps (if ANY)) <-- pretty bold HUH??? LOL progress....

TommyD....yeah. a lil too much fun for sure lol..thinking about redose this weekend to be sure...smaller dose though for sure...any recommendations?

Best Regards, AND PFDAN TO ALL!!!!!! And God Bless those lil fungi...

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jun 18th, 2002, 11:34pm
Is this Steve that we've all been talking to under Scott's thread lately?  I'm assuming so.

Anyway, WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOO  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D!

Congratulations on your success, and thank you for the detailed report!

Like Tommy said, be prepared to dose again if necessary.  Hopefully, you have broken the cycle, but take it one day at a time.

Steve, you mentioned in another post to me that you had gone through the archives and noticed that I had a rough period awhile back.  That was when I let up on therapy a little too early.

So I took some time over the weekend to search through the shroom related archives, in order to examine my own treatment and compare it to what others have done over the past few months.  One thing that I noticed was that everyone who was having quicker success than I was (which was everyone who actually stuck with it) was taking 2 grams per dose, while I was taking 1-1.5 grams.  A point of interest for all potential shroomers as well as myself for future reference, I believe.  

When I was taking 1.5 grams, I began to have tension headaches plus that "hangover" feeling you described on the following day.  Over the past few weeks, I dropped down to 1 gram doses.  No hangover, no headache.  I felt amazingly good.  However, by the end of the week, I could feel it creeping up again, so it was time for another dose.  

So what I'm wondering is what if I would have started off taking 2 grams at a time, and then tapered down to 1 gram?  Would I have broken my cycle already?  It's impossible to tell, not knowing the specific differences in my physiology as compared to others who have had this success, but it is something I will now keep in mind for the future.  My fear at the beginning was that I might exacerbate my condition by taking doses that were too large.  Live and learn!

It is truly a great thing to hear of your success, I'll be praying for your continued relief.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jun 18th, 2002, 11:34pm
Scott and Kristi, how are you? 8).-R

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by maggie on Jun 19th, 2002, 2:21pm
Glad to hear this has worked for so many of you.  How on earth do you get a perscription?


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by Bob P on Jun 19th, 2002, 3:05pm
No prescription Maggie.  We buy them on the street, grow them ourselves or smuggle them in.

To stop a cluster we spit in the face of the law.  Phtoooey.

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jun 19th, 2002, 5:28pm
What I neglected to mention when I put up that post last night (I was tired) was that I actually took 2 grams over the weekend for my "session".  Felt the hangover and a little bit of a shadow for two days afterward, but all is well since then.


Shutting up,


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by scottie on Jun 19th, 2002, 7:21pm
Rick, Stecolor, and all the rest of the members of the Cult of Fungus.,

I am excited to report that as of right now I am still pain free since the two shadows that I had right after.  I think my wife posted the other day that I was doing well and even had the math done for the days.  Currently, it's been 21 days since dosing, 15 days since the last CH, 13 days since the last shadow.

I haven't wanted to look a gift horse in the mouth so I have remained quiet here in the beginning.  I am really waiting for the one month mark to get here before I relax too much.  I will be redosing periodically.  I will let you all know how much and how often.

Stecolor - man I am happy for you.  I hope that everybody can do this and get this kind of relief.

Rick - I think that you are on to something there about the two dose.  Maybe a person needs to at least touch the 3 level to kick the beasts ass the first time.  I know a lower dose might work.  But, I think that I will keep the tried and true going.

I am also going to post this under my thread so that anyone that was following will see it.



Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by kristi on Jun 20th, 2002, 9:59pm
Bob P:

"To stop a cluster we spit in the face of the law.  Phtoooey."

That is my absolute, favorite, can-never-be-beat, post.

Thank You.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by kristi on Jun 21st, 2002, 7:47am
Hey steColor!

How's it going?  Hoping you are still very much pain FREE!!

If you are, do you think it is wise to redose this weekend?  Has anyone else redosed when they were doing really well after the first dose?  If so, what were the consequences?  I don't think I have seen much information on this particular issue.

Just thinking out loud..... ::)



Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by Bob P on Jun 21st, 2002, 8:48am
But ain't it the truth Kristi!

I'm a law abiding, 50+ y/o, middle class, family man.

A couple clusters ago I was neglegent and ran out of cafergot, my only weapon at the time, on a Saturday.  I went to the pharmacy to get a refill.  The Pharmacist wouldn't refill because "it was too soon"!  I seriously thought of jumping the counter and beating him unconcious.  Then I thought of getting a gun and robbing him of his cafergot.  I wound up getting the on-call Dr. to phone him and order enough to get through the weekend with a lecture from the Dr. about taking too much cafergot and an appointment with the neuro the following Monday.

Shrooms - I grew my own last year.  I even had a City Attorney come to the house investigating a police beating of the kid accross the street (he deserved it).  The guy asked to come into the bedroom to see the view of the incident that I had from the window the night the kid got thumped.  My shroom grow chamber was sitting in the corner of the room with the crop in full bloom.  Luckily, the sides of the chamber were fogged up by the moisture and he couldn't see what was inside.  But I didn't care.  I was gonna try the shrooms no matter what.

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jun 21st, 2002, 11:47am
I take it one day at a time as far as redosing.  

When I begin to feel the beast creeping up again, I take that as my body's way of telling me "it's time".  Sometimes that's 6 days after the last dose, other times it's 10.  

If I had no more trouble, I wouldn't redose, personally.  I am once again going to attempt to lay off of them for an extended period of time.  I've had to continually dose at least once a week, but I've been pain free as a result.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by steColor on Jun 21st, 2002, 5:40pm
Hi Gang !!!
Sorry for the delay in posting, But I wanted to get to a "milestone" and then post.

Since my last post it has been about 72 hours and STILL PF!!!! The shadows are getting a little heavier though but still not bad at all. And getting the slight feeling of the eyelid syndrome sometimes (forget what that is called) so I think a booster dose will be in order.
What dosage? I am still wrestling with that one. For sure 1g plus, I think. I do not want to risk getting into next week and having one of these puppies nail me and then have to deal with a mid week dose.

Plus from the mentors of board stated, and as some of the archives mention, this would not be a bad idea at all and often necessary to knock me outta this cycle totally.

So it is exactly 7 days (tonight) from my first dose, since then I had 2 Ch's 2 days after first dose but both of them fizzled. And since that day, nothing but shadows, but they are now getting little heavier, so the beast is not totally gone. But it has been a great week not having to deal with them!!! and the dreading of the night arriving is gone too!! I just gotta keep this going and it appears this therapy is the ticket to get past this.

I need to do some more research in the archives and with the mentors about biyearly booster shots in order to totally miss cycles. Now would'nt THAT be WONDERFUL!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

This is a much better concept than having to worry about the meds, and the meds to take care of the side effects of the original meds, so on and so forth. Seems to me this is WAY easier on the body too.

So in closing, I wish to one and all PFDAN's !!!!!!! and to all a good night!!!
PS. I will  update soon.

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by kristi on Jun 21st, 2002, 7:48pm
HEY!!!!!  YIPPEE!!!  YAHOO!!!!    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I am so happy for you stecolor, I am doing backflips.  Ain't it wonderful!!!?!!!

Good luck with the redosing - let us know how the light plate is - and definitely hope you stay pain free!

Hugs and kisses!  Kristi

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jun 21st, 2002, 10:05pm
Great news, man!

It certainly does feel easier on the body, doesn't it?  And it actually works.

Notseinfeld kept up his therapy with 2 gram doses.  I kept mine up with 1-1.5 grams.  We began around the same time, and he saw greater relief faster than I did.  I'd use your own judgement, monitor yourself.  There does seem to be a case for larger initial doses in order to break a cycle.

Keep us posted, and enjoy the relief.  I'll keep praying for you.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by pinksharkmark on Jun 22nd, 2002, 2:46am

on 06/21/02 at 22:05:55, rick wrote:
Notseinfeld kept up his therapy with 2 gram doses.  I kept mine up with 1-1.5 grams.

The thing to remember is that 1 - 1.5 grams may produce a "Level 2" experience for one individual, while 2 -3 grams may just barely produce a "Level 1" experience for someone else.

It is impossible to say how many grams a given individual will require. There are just too many factors involved:

1) Individual sensitivity to psilocybin

2) Potency of the particular batch of mushrooms involved (this can vary substantially)

3) Dosing method

4) Blocking or enhancing effects of other medications (hopefully this will be a non-issue since it is best to follow this therapy while free of other meds)

The key thing is not so much how many GRAMS you eat, but how "buzzed" you get from whatever amount you took, be it 1 gram or 4 grams. I realize that everyone is looking for an answer to the question, "How much should I eat?" but there really is no answer -- just very broad guidelines.

After your first dose, you will have a very good idea of how many grams OF THAT PARTICULAR BATCH of mushrooms YOU PERSONALLY will need to take to reach the desired "Trip Level". But the next batch you get your hands on could be twice as strong or half as weak. This is another reason why it makes sense to grow your own.

I'd use your own judgement, monitor yourself.

Excellent advice.

There does seem to be a case for larger initial doses in order to break a cycle.

True. The thing is, most people are cautious with the first dose (as they SHOULD be) for just the reasons I outlined above. Someone who is exceptionally sensitive to psilocybin who managed to obtain exceptionally potent mushrooms would get quite a ride from a 3 gram first dose, so almost no one does that much the first time out. Hell, even I didn't do that much, since it had been over two decades since my last psychedelic voyage.

But once you have an idea of how much you will need to get good and zonked on the particular mushrooms you have ready to hand, the best chance of success for those deep into a vicious cycle seems to be to JUST GO FOR IT. Put on some Pink Floyd, plug in the Lava Lamp, and watch the walls breathe for a few hours.

Keep us posted, and enjoy the relief.

I'll second that! It's great to see so many people posting success stories... DETAILED success stories at that. We need all the data we can get.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by steColor on Jun 28th, 2002, 6:33pm
Hi All,
Sorry it has so long since last post, but I did not want to jinx myself !!

Dose #2 one week ago tonight (Friday), 1.25g had level 1 experience, very nice and easy.
The next day (Sat.) I felt very good (no hangover feeling)
but that night I was woken up by the beast. Although this CH did not feel like a normal one, it stayed at one consistant level, but I eventually went back to sleep after taking 400mg Excedrine. This had me concerned in that the entire last week I had nothing but shadows but getting heavier as the week wore on. (hence the need for dose #2) In may have been the beasts last attempt to get me....but I kicked ASS!!!

BUT *DRUMROLL* NOTHING SINCE..........NO Shadows to speak of....maybe a total of 3-4 EVER SLIGHT ones earlier in the week but since NOTHING. Head clear....What a relief !!!!! I think I can state with reasonable convidence that my cycle is broken (fingers crossed).

I think the true test for me would be to have a drink. Although I can count the number of drinks I consume in an entire year on 10 fingers.....this would be the true test....Whether I am THAT confident is another story lol but I am thinking about it.....just to see.....

But I feel GREAT!!!! and can concentrate on everyday life again without being obsessively overtaken 24/7 by worrying about the friggin beast.

As to those who are pondering this therapy, I have this to state.
I feel this is a superior alternative to all the meds all these people are it is organic..I think the damages done by the scrip med is much more harmful to one's body than the shroom therapy...and I do not know of any harm done by doing this the therapy is a win-win situation..The Almighty placed these puppies on the earth for some purpose...maybe this is it.....or maybe it is just the first step in finding cures for different HA's too... But I can not believe the relief I have gotten from this therapy.

Illegal....yes....but if done in the privacy of your own home, the risk is zilch....

There is definitely ALOT to far as success....I can not even begin to try and explain what this has done for me....

Keep in mind too....I am a small business owner....not a druggie....20 year ago...I had experimented with this in college....but this is the LAST thing in the world I had expected to do again....THE LAST THING.
After first discovering this site....I was estatic about finding others with the same problem, it was like I was not alone...I had this alone feeling prior and not knowing how to deal with it......but then after I got into the site for a few days of reading...I got bummed out about finding all the meds everyone was on to deal with the beast...Then I came across a shroom thread....I thought there is no way in the world this is what these people are talking about...but it was....I could not believe it....I discussed this with my wife...and she was 150% for it....anything not to see me in agony..Even our oldest daughter (20 yrsold) who is NOT a fan of drugs was in support of this therapy.......and seemed to recalibrate my head..... so it aligned things up again, is the best way I can state I could get back to daily life. There is TONS to be found on this site about this subject and alot gets into very scientific why's and wherefore's this works.....

Also...another thought....I would have brought this up to my doctor....and asked him if he had heard about this....but I recently had to chance health insurance carriers (Due to the ridiculously high cost increase they were trying to shove down my throat) and you never get to see the same that option is out..but the point I am trying to get to here is this....if you are on a good long trusting relationship with your doc...please inquire if you feel the need...the reponse you get may surprise you....they (the doctors) went to college....just like me....and like me....probably were exposed to the same things I these people are just like you and fact....I had a very good buddy in school....we had experimented with recs together...he went on to be a very successful surgeon at a prestigious hospital...and has never regreted any of his experimenting in his past....

Anway...please seriously look into this therapy...the worst that could the CH's continue....the middle of the get a break.....the best.....the cycle is GONE!!!!!!..AND NO EXPENSIVE MEDS...think about it...

I will be reading up on yearly or biyearly "booster" doses to totally miss the beast all THAT be nice !!!!!
any thoughts anybody???????

A special thanks to all of my supporters here...Rick, Scottie and Kristie and the many others, I followed your reports and read them religiously...and gained the confindence to try this again....and THANK GOD I DID....and to are THE MAN !!!

PS. I will be checking back regularly....If I can offer support to I had..and see the is well worh my time and be very satisfying knowing I can help others too. And hopefully soon...someone can do some laboratory testing and get this thing to an art.  

Best regards...and PFDAN to ALL.....
Stec    ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by Slammy on Jun 28th, 2002, 7:22pm
Way to go Stec!

Hoping that you stay with PFDANs forever!  

Alas,  I'm too afraid to go to shroom therapy...but am thrilled to hear all the success stories!

Slammy   8)

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jun 29th, 2002, 2:10am

;D ;D ;D ;D RIGHT ON!!!!! 8)

Nothing makes me happier than to see another clusterhead out of pain.  Thank you very much for posting your experiences in such detail.  This is excellent data from which others can benefit.  I learn by reading your posts just as you have learned by reading mine, thank you.  PLEASE continue to hang out so that we can pass this information on to others.

It's sounds as though you had a few minor attacks similar to what I experienced at times after dosing.  They were attacks, but for me, they were so mild it was as if the beast had shrunk from a pit bull to a mouse.  Simply annoying at their worst.

As for the maintenance doses which you spoke of, I believe the current school of thought is that you should dose at the mid-point of your remission.  If you are an individual who typically has a 2 year remission period, you should consume a maintenance dose 1 year into that remission, for example.  Flash's cycles occur once a year, so he doses every 6 months.  

Also remember that Pink recommends a "pre-emptive strike" dose shortly before you expect your cycle to begin, rather than waiting for your cycle to actually arrive before beginning therapy.

I hear you about the docs, I believe many of them know more about this than they are able to admit.

Great news, please keep us updated, and enjoy the relief!



Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by Flash on Jun 29th, 2002, 7:56am
Don't try alcohol just yet - your body needs a chance to recover from it's ordeal.  Leave off for another week or two.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by Bob P on Jun 29th, 2002, 4:27pm
Hey Flash,

I was just wondering when the Erowid Shroom Survey was going to go live?  I know you posted the link a while back, when it was in Beta testing.  Guess I'm just anxious to see real data collected.

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by kristi on Jun 29th, 2002, 10:10pm

Absolutely awesome!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Thanks so much for coming back and letting us all know how it went.  We have been keeping our fingers crossed that you would get some relief with the therapy, and hoped and prayed that it would abort your cycle like it did for Scott.  Wish we were close enough so we could all go out to dinner and celebrate - guess that's where the drinks would come in, huh?!   ;D

Yes, please, please, please, keep active on the board so you can help mentor others who are interested in trying the therapy.  Many are also fearful and apprehensive and will need your support!

Wishing you continued PFDAN!


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by tommyD on Jun 30th, 2002, 7:17am
Congratulations, SteColor--

Thanks for the great report. Nice to have a life back, isn't it?

And I have to agree, shrooms cause fewer problems, and are a lot less expensive, than the prescription meds we are given...or I should say, told to buy. And the little fungi are much more effective than just about anything known so far. However...

Leave it to me to go negative on everybody....but Slammy's comment got me thinking...

The early researchers on psychedelic drugs quickly found that the experience is heavily dependent on two things: set and setting; that is, your attitude and mind set when you take the substance, and the physical environment you are in during the experience.

It is very possible to have an uncomfortable, or downright nasty, experience on psychedelic drugs such as psilocybin or LSD. This can be due to bad drugs (adulterated with other substances, such as PCP) or too high a dosage, but otherwise set and setting have everything to do with it.

No offense to anyone, but a warning: IF YOU FEAR SHROOMS, DON'T TAKE THEM. Holding such a mind set going in is a recipe for a bad time.

And those who suffer from mental illness should avoid psychedelics. Despite the myths, There is little evidence these drugs will cause mental illnmess, but many feel they may trigger or exacerbate an existing condition. Wish I knew more about this...what kinds of mental illness are likely to cause problems, for example.

Those trying the shrooms for the first time should plan ahead to insure a good setting. You will want a stable and secure environment and situation. My best advice: stay at home. Line up several CD's of your favorite music and have a good and trusted friend with you. Make sure you have several hours without responsibilities, and have on hand everything you need for a pleasent and comfortable don't want to feel compelled to trek down to the minimart in the middle of the night for cigarettes (If you smoke, you will want plenty of cigarettes).

All in all, the shroom experience can be pleasent, or at least not unpleasent. My general reaction is "not unpleasent;" it''s not my favorite way to spend a day, but it's better than a poke in the eye with a twisting, red-hot, acid-soaked, motorized, rusty-barbed-wire-wrapped stick.

The saving grace: you don't need to get very high to find relief. Be careful Grow your own and avoid street drugs), relax, start slow, and things should be fine for most people.  But again, if you fear the psychedelic experience, the experience will feed on that's a self-fulfilling expectation.

Be careful out there...

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jun 30th, 2002, 9:07am
Tommy is right, psychedelics can be quite a powerful experience.  Whether that experience is a positive or negative one has a lot to do with your mood and setting.

If you are in the midst of a cycle, it can be tough to find that good mood, as it was for me.  I had used psychedelics recreationally in college, but that was a few years back.  Moods and emotions all seem to become amplified for me when using psychedelics.  With all the life stresses I was experiencing during my last cycle, it was a bit rough at first.  I was generally unhappy on a daily basis due to my condition.

However, when the pain relief came, I cheered up pretty quickly.

IF you do decide to take shrooms to treat yourself, DON'T FEAR THEM.  Remind yourself when taking them that whatever anxiety you might feel is all in your mind.  Remind yourself also that this may be your ticket out of this pain.

Yes, some individuals may need higher initial doses, as has been discussed on this board.  However, if you haven't had any experience with psychedelics before, you may want to consider easing into this.  Maybe one or two level one experiences to start yourself off, just so that you are able to get used to them.  Although, keep in mind, this may not provide you with the pain relief you're looking for as quickly as you would like it to.

A bad trip will not hurt you, but can leave you a bit uncomfortable for a few hours.  However, that discomfort in my opinion is minuscule by comparison to ANY ch attack I've ever had.

Having someone with you can be the best comfort/support when dosing, particularly if it's your first time.  However, it is EXTREMELY important that the person remains calm, stable, and relaxed along with you to help you with your experience.  As Tommy has explained above, PREPARATION IS EVERYTHING in this treatment.  It begins with reading everything you can, all the way to having great music to listen to when you are in "therapy".  Or having a sweet bug zapper, whatever makes you happy :).


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by scottie on Jun 30th, 2002, 10:10am
Hey Rick!  Loved the bug zapper reference!


I'm excited that you finally got that good relief, man!  Ain't it great!  No pain AND no meds.  Never thought I'd get both at the same time.

I understand about not wanting to jinx yourself.  I did the same thing. But, I guess I need to get on the stick and post an update on my thread as well.  But FYI, I am one month painfree!  Life is great!  And better still, now that I'm off the nuerontin, the insomnia has disappeared, so I'm sleeping good (well, except for this damn summer cold I've managed to come down with) and I don't need the sleeping pills also.

For those of you out there who are considering this treatment but are apprehensive - get in touch with one of us directly - we will be happy to hold your hand and help you through it.  I had previous experience, many years ago, so there was no fear here.  But for a lot of people, this is a very daunting decision.  I still think that Rick has hit the nail on the head.  No bad trip that I could ever think of would come close to the pain of CH.

Congratulations again to stec and rick and every other doser out there.  Even the lurkers, I know you are out there.  Feel free to come on in an share your thoughts with us.  And thanks for everything to flash and pink!

Lot's of love to all the Clusterheads in the world.  PFDAN


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by steColor on Jul 2nd, 2002, 6:30pm
Update  ;D

STILL feeling shadows NOTHING  ;D

Now about the comments from TommyD, Rick and Scottie, I would like to add a couple. ANd I ditto all the comments.

Yes, large doses for folks who have not done this in the past would be a bit much I think. In fact, during my first dose (remember I hit level 3 and pretty intense for awhile BUT fun still and 150% in control) I was trying to put in perspective of how one (withouth prior experience) would be thinking if they were at the state I was in...(this took some thinking too LOL)...and definitely would be a bit much. But then I was thinking if the "uninitiated" would dose much lower just to get a "footing" of what the experience was like this would be a big help (like Rick was saying; hit level 1 one to two times). And then there would be no surprises if a bigger dose was needed. PLUS with a small dose I would think alot of folks would at least get some degree of relief.

The mood setting. Yes important and the "reliable buddy" important too. Just the simple fact of knowing that there is someone around that one can "touch base" with during a heavy dose or even a small dose is a huge "relaxer" on the mind. Knowing that if something comes a pipe breaks in the house...or one of the kids wakes up with a nighmare....or the phone rings...or an unexpected visitor drops by .or whatever(potential items that could make therapy uncomfortable for awhile) .THAT "reliable person" deals with ALL of this for you....This alone will ease any anxiety that may occur during the therapy. So in other words this person is your babysitter I guess I would put you do not have to worry about ANY responsibilities...just sit back and enjoy your new found therapy....and yes, freedom from these friggin CH's. It IS WONDERFUL!!!! Life if BACK!!

The mood/setting....set all of this up PRIOR to dosing
Lava lamps, those clear balls with little electric charges that simulate lightning, My wife bought a plate with a similiar concept that you could touch, or let it react to music ...was fascinating, a 3 d movie, good CD's, etc, think along these lines and this stuff will provide your entertainment during therapy.

Also, other than your "reliable buddy" it is probably wise to not be around other people (for me anyway), this way you do not have to worry about dealing with anything that may arise. And more than likely, you won't even need to "touch base" with your "buddy" just the mindset that someone is out there for you (if needed) is comfort in itself and will produce a fun therapy. In fact, my reliable buddy was my wife...she slept most of the time, but just knowing that if something happened (like it did me (dose #1) our youngest had a nighmare and got up....she delt with the whole thing for me....I just scampered off into another room and "chilled" for awhile and everything was good  ;D. So the reliable buddy is not necessarily one that is going to have to be committed to being around you all the time. In fact, I do not think (for me anyway) one would really want that person to be around all the time anyway....I just wanted to be left alone and relax and let my mind wander where it wanted to go.

Time for personal preference has been at night after the kids have went to bed and the likelyhood of any surprise visits, calls, anything are likely to occur. For me, this helped ease my mind from daily worries and enjoy my therapy.

And Yes.....this can and will be an enjoyable experience, provided a little preparation is done. How often has one heard of therapy being enjoyble?. not me, until now. So if you are going to do this....mentally prepare a little (particularly for large doses) to have fun....and enjoy the therapy....if you are a new timer to this...I would say small doses of known potentcies ...just to get your feet wet....and hopefully throught will gain some relief....and confidence to do a little bit more of a dosage the second time. (if needed)...

This therapy does make you "high".....I guess level 1 would be equivalent or maybe slightly more than smoking that "wacky weed". Levels higher than this, obviously higher "highs". This is the best way I can word this.

My dose #2 was very easy.....just watched the TV...Letterman in fact....had a stupid guest on.....but at the time of therapy it was very entertaining....and just laid in the peacefulness of my bed with my wonderful wife (asleep)....giggling occasionally.....switching the channels (locate the remote FIRST!!!)...and just kicking back.....and thinking....WAY better than meds....

Well. thats my story and I'm sticking to it LOL
PFDAN to all my fellow shroomers and for those "lurkers" (love that word Scottie LOL) do some more reading on may work for you too !!!


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by scottie on Jul 2nd, 2002, 9:41pm
Right on man.  I wish that I could take credit for the "lurkers" comment but my wife got that from somewhere else on the board I think.  I think that the only problem with starting off with a couple of small doses is they may have the same problem that I had in finding those little elves with enough to allow it.  I had enough for a one shot deal and did not have time to farm this go around.  If those of you do have access to enough then this may well be the course for you but if not then you just have to decide what is more scary.  The trip or the constant fear of laying down at night knowing that the beast is going to come for you in your sleep like like a vampire in those old horror flicks.  I know what that is like so even had I not been experienced in the past, my personality would dictate that I try the unknown rather than face a known beast.  Especially with the amount of people reporting success on here.   I wish everyone continued success.  Now go and check out my thread for my update.  Later.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:42pm
Brilliant posts SteColor and Scottie.  I sat down and thought about everything I was going to say in a response to Michelle over on HelperHealer's thread, but you guys seem to have it covered.  Supporting others comes much easier when working together.

The only advice I'll add here:  Leave the phone off the hook when in therapy :-X!

- ;DR

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by scottie on Jul 6th, 2002, 7:24pm

How are you doing man.  Just looking around and wondering how you are.  Later.  PFDAN


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by steColor on Jul 17th, 2002, 5:26pm
Hi Fellow Fungus folks,

I know, I know, It has been awhile....but I been buried with work..ughhhhh

Anyway...time for an update
2nd dose was june 21....been PF for awhile..then......on July 6,  ...I started getting one..WTF???..surprised the sh*t outta me.....My wife asked wanna to do the stem under the tongue trick?....I thought for a second...and felt the beast coming on still...and said yes...Another ten minutes later I did another small stem under the tongue and it subsided....and nothing since....just slight shadows on rare occasions and today is been roughly 1.5 weeks since last CH.
Would it have fizzled if I had not done the small stem trick?....dunno.....did not want to take the risk....would have been a good experiment though

And I have not tried alcohol yet, been too afraid too...

But it does seem this is not unusual to have a few attacks after dosing from what I have fact it should be expected? Still better than daily attacks any day.
I thought I had broken my cycle..bu the last attack convinced me otherwise..but time will tell...if shadows get heavier or more frequent I think I will redose again...but heavier than #2 but not as much as #1...kinda in between...

Another noteworthy comment...I have been under extra stress last couple of if I was in my main cycle without therapy, I think (rather I know) I would have been really hammered with CH's, so in reviewing my case I think the merit of the shrooms carried me through all of this. So really the one CH I had was nothing in comparison to what would have happened.

So in closing...been 11 days since last CH, and 25 days since last dosing and few minor shadows in between here and there. So all in all doing VERY WELL!!

Scottie/Rick; You guys tried a drink yet for a test? and still doing well I hope

PFDAN to all!!!

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by scottie on Jul 17th, 2002, 6:37pm

I am sorry that you are not getting the same as me but I am damn glad you are getting some.  As far as drinks.  Kristi and I did shots of Cuervo the other night.  After four in about 15 minutes she cut me off and it was a good thing because I was drunk.  BUT, still no HA. :o :o :o  Give us a call sometime.

Rick I tried to call you but all I got was the machine.  Tag your it.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jul 18th, 2002, 12:47am

Congratulations on the continued relief!  Glad to hear the "stem under the tongue trick" worked, although I wouldn't recommend it to anyone trying to snap or prevent a full blown cycle, as it would "shut the door" on the shrooms effectiveness for another 4-7 days.  I wouldn't want to waste that opportunity on a single aborted attack, but in your case, you seem to be hitting remission, so it probably wasn't a big deal. If not, brew some more tea8)...

on 07/17/02 at 17:26:43, steColor wrote:
And I have not tried alcohol yet, been too afraid too...

I'd say that's wise, particularly since the beast tried to pop up on you again so recently.  I haven't had a drink in 8 1/2 months now.  I really don't feel like rolling the dice given my condition, particularly since alcohol is an acknowledged trigger.

Keep us posted, hope you continue to be PF...


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jul 18th, 2002, 12:49am

on 07/17/02 at 18:37:55, scottie wrote:
 Kristi and I did shots of Cuervo the other night.  After four in about 15 minutes...



Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by tommyD on Jul 18th, 2002, 7:48am
SteColor -- Did you have any psychedelic effects at all from the "tiny piece under the tongue"  therapy?  Did it taste as bad as I imagine?

I'm thinking this might be a good emergency abortive to have on hand. In my work, I find myself in situtations where it just wouldn't do to run and hide in a closet for an hour to deal with an attack. But then again, it wouldn't do to be tripping my brains out either. A very slight buzz would not be a problem, but I don't want to be distracted or confused in these work situations.

But if I could slip off to a rest room or a quiet corner to slip a tiny piece of vegetable matter under my tongue, and be back in the saddle in 10 minutes...

It's gotta be cheaper than Imitrex and easier to carry than Oxygen...


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by steColor on Jul 18th, 2002, 10:59am
Hi TommyD,

About the stem under the tongue trick.....
I wish I could answer that question with 100% accuracy but after I did them I soon fell asleep. But I do remember after the first stem, I did not feel alot at all, if anything. I too have seriously considered this as an abortive treatment in lieu of imitrex. I think this would be very do-able and still be able to work (although if you are a surgeon or rocket scientist, I probably would not recommend it LOL) But if I were at work, and started getting one I think I would try it with a pretty good degree of confidence that adverse affects would ot happen. My last dose hit only a very comfortable level 1 and that would about 1.25g., so I think a small piece would not do much except kick away the beast. Oh yea....about the taste...pretty bad....but tolerable..but beats a dance with the beast anyday.

So I too have thought about this (as an abortive) to the point that I am trying to figure out how to carry a small amount around with me and keep it handy without having it go bad. We gotta figure out what the "shelf life" of these puppies are...

This idea reminds of a vacation my wife and I took about 2 years ago...We were in the US Virgin Islands...ST. John to be exact....3/4 the way through our weeks stay...we JUST arrived at a beach called Magellon (SP?) beach....touted by the locals as one of the top 10 most beautiful beach in the world...we were walking just past the entrance......I was getting a CH....beginning of my cycle...very first one....we walked down the beach...maybe 1/8 mile...and had to lay down right by the lifeguard station...and dance with the sucked soooo bad. I wish I had known about this therapy back then.

Scottie   4 shots!!!!. (I agree with Rick SHIT!!!! LOL)....hope it was the SMOOTH Cuervo....but I think this proves you broke your cycle!!! CONGRATULATIONS DUDE !!!

Rick...about the stem trick ....I too was concerned about "closing the door" even to the point of handling the shrooms with my bare hands and inhaling the fumes from making the tea. So I posed the question to Pinky on another thread (when I read Gregg and Monique did it)....I will have to look for it again to get the exact answer....but basically (I think) it boiled down to there needed to be a large enough quantity to trigger the closing the door deal (again do not take this as gosple until I can find pinky's answer) Furthermore, because Gregg and Monique did the stem deal several nights and then he did a large dose and it seemed to be successful.

oh Old Gdead fan here - old fart music LOL

PFDAN to one and all

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by gtarman on Jul 18th, 2002, 12:35pm
Ste - damn, guy, you could be me talking (deja vu all over again!). Age 52, I'm long past my youthful psychedelic experiences and wouldn't have believed I'd be involved in this sorta thang a year ago. Of course, a year ago I was rolling on the floor, screaming, pulling my hair, wife going nuts, gobbling Zomig and clutching my chest waiting for the heart attack.
I'm probably a few weeks away from the end of production so I'll be monitoring these discussions faithfully, and reporting my experiences as they develop. Not really concerned with the trip or the after-effects, I can handle it, just the RESULTS. Would give ANYTHING for just one day of no symptoms.
That's another question: haven't had an attack over a KIP/5 since last August, but constant, everyday pressure-head and twinges. Am I now chronic?
Anyway, thank God that we aren't alone; that we've got each other, and some hope for this treatment. Government, law, medical establishment, KISS MY ASS.

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by rick on Jul 18th, 2002, 12:53pm

The Virgin Islands are one of my favorite places on Earth 8).

What I was concerned with about with the "stem under tongue" technique had to do with Greg's situation.  Greg and Monique were unable to break Greg's cycle last time around,  and I was concerned that over use of the shrooms through this technique may have had something to do it.  ??? Here's a fine example of why we need research.  

Although in your situation, where it seems as though your beast is going back on vacation, you'd think this method as an abortive to cope with a few bumps in the road wouldn't be such a big deal.

Flash?  Pink?  Any thoughts?


I hope your crop fruits quickly bro...



P. S.  WARNING:  The Surgeon General of the Cult of Fungus has determined that drinking with Scott and Kristi can be hazardous to your health.  ;D

Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by kristi on Jul 18th, 2002, 1:42pm
Howdy Guys!

Been mucho laid back in posting for the last week, out of town a lot, etc.  Apologize for my absence, but I have at least had some time to read and catch up.

Stec:  Sorry you haven't been able to abort your cycle darlin', but I am glad that the shrooms have helped and that your cycle seems to be coming to a close.  Gotta agree with Rick here about the stem under the tongue trick - my readings and memory (I hope) say that while this worked to abort a single headache, it diminished the possibility of aborting the cycle outright.

Gtarman:  Good luck with your crop and with dosing.  Let us know if we can do anything, 'cept keep our fingers crossed, which we will be doing anyway.  We look forward to reading about your experiences.  As BobP once said ""To stop a cluster we spit in the face of the law.  Phtoooey."

Love to all!


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by kristi on Jul 18th, 2002, 1:54pm

on 07/18/02 at 12:53:00, rick wrote:
P. S.  WARNING:  The Surgeon General of the Cult of Fungus has determined that drinking with Scott and Kristi can be hazardous to your health.  ;D

Rick, I assume you are the Surgeon General of the Cult of Fungus!?  Kinda like that title, but I think your multiple personalities are getting a little outta hand lately.   ;D

Actually, the truth is, drinking with Scott and Kristi can be lots and lots of FUN (even if you don't remember it all the next day ;)) but first ya gotta be in remission!  Just another good reason to dose - so you can partay with us!   8) ;D

BTW - I had 4 as well, but I used good sense and spread it out over 30 minutes!  (bahahahaha)



Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by Pinkfloyd on Jul 18th, 2002, 9:34pm

on 07/18/02 at 00:49:15, rick wrote:


I sure hope I'm not going to have to go hide behind the scoreboard to drink my $6.50 beers at Comiskey!

Even during remission periods, BS (before shrooms) I'd get bad headaches from even a couple beers and couldn't touch a wine bottle.
Maybe if I wrote Michelob and explained that shroom treatment allows some of us to drink their products again.....think they'll fund a study? LOL

I even drank two...count em TWO bottles of wine while sailing Lake Michigan last night and didn't get a headache OR fall in the water. (I jumped in on purpose LOL)

I felt I NEEDED to begin a limited participation (one) study on the effects of alcohol on the shroominized vascular system. So far so good.


Title: Re: Mushrooms - New Field Report
Post by steColor on Jul 19th, 2002, 3:18pm
Hey all Fellow Fungus Fans and Followers,

STEC< ----- counting the number of bottles of wine of the wall for the "other Pink one" Nice test....hope it continues for you

STEC<---- Counting the number of shots of tequila Scottie and Kristi did.....umm...lets see.....One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, FLOOR LOL....or was that four?? or does it make a difference LOL

Hey Rick.(hope your still PF) about the stem under the tongue deal....I did not realize that Gregg and Moniques technique did not work.....probably because of the  mutiple attempts (tongue trick) at this and then doing a regular dose....the reason I bring this up..(it is on scotties thread)..I asked this very question and Pinky responded....and here was his response

" First, the individual involved, Monique's husband Greg, seems to be exceptionally sensitive to psilocybin, and seems to be able to get the full effects at much shorter intervals than the average individual. In other words, he seems not to need to take as long a break between doses.

Secondly (and here I must get a little technical), the way the psilocybin produces its effects is to occupy receptor sites in the nerve synapses in the brain which are normally occupied by serotonin. A synapse which contains a molecule of psilocybin will send a slightly different signal "up the line" than one which contains a serotonin molecule. One of the effects of this slightly different signal is to produce the famous "psychedelic experience". It follows that the more such signals are being sent, the stronger the experience.  

The thing is, there are billions of these receptor sites. With a very low dose of psilocybin, only a few million molecules of psilocybin actually make it across the blood brain barrier to become available to the synapses in question. This is apparently enough to abort a headache in progress, and those synapses which received their psilocybin molecules dutifully "close the window" for a few days. But such a tiny fraction of the available synapses do so that when another small dose is taken (under the tongue) the next day, the majority of sites are still capable of accepting the new batch of psilocybin molecules.

However, there DOES seem to be a "critical mass". If a large enough dose is taken to produce any noticeable psychedelic effects, even at a "Level 1" intensity, it appears the affected synapses not only "close the window", but send a message to all the OTHER synapses to close THEIR windows, too. This is why it is impossible to get high two days in a row. A waiting period of several days is mandatory, at least for MOST individuals.   " END OF QOUTE BY PINKY

So what I gather from this is that there is some room before "critical mass" is reached. Therefore, and depending on the individual, very small doses may be used for an abortive without having a adverse affects for the main therapy? am I seeing this correctly? Or maybe in Greggs and Moniques case too many small doses utilized for an abortive may have been able to achieve critical mass therefore closing the door? Any thoughts? Again I was not around when they went thru his ordeal, so Rick you definitely are more familiar with it than me.   THanks for correcting me Bro

Update on me.
It is now mid day Friday...TGIF....I had a loooooong shadow Wednesday evening..(wierd I know)..but just an annoyance..then Thursday night...I had a heavy shadow that kinda fizzled with this in mind I think I may redose tonight in hopes of totally breaking my cycle. Until the two Saturdays ago...I thought I had broken it.....but the beast is still sorta lingering some....and then with the two shadows in the last two days...and one slight one time to redose I do believe.

But all in all still going VERY WELL
Well I will check in once I have returned from the other side  ;D ;D ;D ;D  :o 8) :o ;D

PFDAN to one and all and to all a good night!

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