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New Message Board Archives >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies 2002 >> HEADACHE FREE
(Message started by: gore2424 on May 31st, 2002, 9:41am)

Post by gore2424 on May 31st, 2002, 9:41am
Hello everyone
Just back from Mayo Clinic had a trigeminal rhizotomy done.
Which is where they went into my skull and under my brain and cut the trigeminal nerve. Which sends pain messages to brain. Had this done Tuesday 5/21/02 AM then was in ICU for 36 hours til got balance back then in private room til Friday afternoon. Then sent home. Am not feeling any pain except for in back of head where the 5" scar is.The whole right side of my face is numb and will be rest of my life but i will adjust to that.Have to watch right eye for infections and have to put lube drops in 4 times a day.I am off work for 6-8 weeks but will get short term disability.So glad its done and if had to do it all over again i would because dont think i wanted to go on taking pain meds rest of life and miss things going on with my familey and life.Anyone has any questions about what was done and such please e-mail me.My wife is a CNA and we have researched the whole world web and all hospital records and such so we are well informed.Dr's up in Mayo were impressed with our knowledge.Thank you all for support you all have given me all the years on this site and i will contiue to be on here to help anyone i can in any way.THANKS AGAIN Terry (

Post by Drk^Angel on May 31st, 2002, 9:48am
Very glad to hear that the surgery is working for you.  Hopefully it'll be your cure.  Unfortuneately, I still don't think I'd do it... Especially seein' as though my clusters are bilateral.  Besides, I've heard that they won't do in a bilateral patient anyways.  Oh well... Good luck m8!  May you have everlasting PFDAN!  :)


Post by Karla on May 31st, 2002, 7:04pm
I am so relieved and happy to hear that your surgury went well.  I am also elated to hear that your not feeling any pain. I wish all your days and nights to be pain free.  Here is to a new life. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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