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(Message started by: nancyc on May 24th, 2002, 11:58am)

Title: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on May 24th, 2002, 11:58am
Found out i was having a toxic reaction to neuro put me on Keppra...i am her gunea pig....well, atleast she is trying....started on 500mg...moved up to 1,000mg...she wants me on 2,000mg...chs are still here but with all the stuff going on in my life rite now, i would be shocked that they left LOL....has anyone else tried it? so far, I have not had an side effects except it makes me drowsy at nite...also, on verap 480mg, remeron, doxepin...

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by Ann on May 25th, 2002, 8:32am
Nancy, hope this its the one that actually works!  
Thinking ofyou!

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by erik on May 29th, 2002, 3:08pm
nancy keppra is like topomax it is supposed to have less side effects i still have a almost full bottle sitting in my cabinet 500mg capsules they never did work for me and made me extremly dizzie also seemed to really increase my bloodpressure had to go to emerg to getmy bloodpressure back under control and was taken of them rite sister who is the head nurse in a critical care hospital in the netherlands told me that it is actually used to control bloodpressure . hope it will work for you but be carefull. PFDAN ERIK.

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by dlou on May 29th, 2002, 3:58pm
My daughter is on Keppra.  It is a fairly new anti-seizure drug.  Her ha have improved, but she is experiencing some side effects (insomnia, very emotional), and she and dr are trying to eliminate one drug at a time to determine where the side effects are coming from--not sure if it is the Keppra.  She is also on Verapamil and Welbutrin.  She eliminated Lithium yesterday.  No improvement yet.
Good luck to you.  I hope Keppra is the answer for you!

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on May 29th, 2002, 4:03pm
Have upped my keppra to 1500mg along with the other meds...having break a call into my neuro....keep your fingers crossed...if this does not work, she wants to do pain management...perfect solution for an RN, rite?  That would certainly end my career....thanks for all the responses and well wishes...Erik, my fingers are crossed for you too on your new meds, you guys.

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by NotH20 on May 30th, 2002, 9:19am
Hello Nancy - sure is good to see you posting again.  I hope that things have settled down for you.

I was on Keppra my last cycle - I called it my "drunk" pill.  It made me very dizzy and confused at times.  I'm not sure it actually had any part in breaking my cycle, but I know that it did reduce some of the pain.

Good luck w/ the meds.....hope you feel better soon.

See you in August, Mia     ;D

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on May 30th, 2002, 4:28pm
Neuro called today wanting me to go from 1500 mg to 3000mg of keppra today  but i refused...I can hardly stay awake on the 1500mg..and am returning to work saturday...she is not very happy with me...but i did not know what else to do... :-[  I am breaking out again on my upper chest and neck but did not tell her this...I guess my liver is having trouble metabolising this drug too...was scared she would take me off of it and then i would have nothing...still having breakthrus but atleast i am not getting hit 4 to 5 times a day...thanks for your support.

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by erik on May 30th, 2002, 5:49pm
good for you nancy did you tell her that you wanted to see a pain mngmnt doc. after talking to you last night I am concerned about you. who cares if she is mad at you
she isnt the one living with all of the side effects that these drugs are causing . I am confident that there is a solution around the corner for you.   keep the faith i am praying for you. pf to you and every person in pain. ERIK

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on May 30th, 2002, 8:13pm
She is calling me back check on me...wish me luck...don't know what to do rite now...just trying to hang in here and see if this stuff will kick in....

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by SwordAssembly on May 30th, 2002, 8:48pm
My Prayers are with you nancy, may God lift you up and strengthen you and remember He is always with you.


Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on May 30th, 2002, 9:06pm
Thanks bro...Prayer has gotten me thru alot of my guys are in mine daily too...

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by maria on May 30th, 2002, 9:20pm
Nancy, I may have missed something but what were the results of the sleep apnea studies? Maria

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on May 31st, 2002, 8:08am
Everything was ok...she has not even said anymore about me "having the most narrow airway she has ever seen."  Sometimes I think once you leave a neuro's office, they forget who you are...LOL..I did up my keppra last nite to 2000mg and had the worst ch I have had in a long time..go figure.....

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by SwordAssembly on May 31st, 2002, 8:13am
nancyc do you think detoxing might help, I know you talked about the rash and everything? Have you ever considered Lithium? Just a thought...


Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on May 31st, 2002, 8:20am
was thinking about detoxing last nite..but then i got hit really bad about 45 minutes after i went to sleep...i return to work i am afraid to stop taking my meds for fear i will get hit really bad....i can not do Lithium because of other health problems i have ....

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on May 31st, 2002, 11:07am
my neuro just called...said i have to double the dose of take 4,000mg..and said i could not return to work until i adjust to the dose because i cant function at that high of a dose as a nurse...i had to call my boss..he was real understanding and promised i wont lose my job because of this..all i could do is cry when i was talking to him..I am about to lose my mind here alone with nothing to do ...she is having me also see pain management in a month..

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by NotH20 on Jun 3rd, 2002, 8:19am
WOW Nancy - 4000 mg per day   ???

I was only on 1/2 of that and thought I was gonna walk sideways for the rest of my life.  My thoughts and prayers are with you - may you find some peaceful moments until you return to work.

Keep the faith - things WILL turn around for you.


Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by eyes_afire on Jun 3rd, 2002, 6:26pm
Sorry you're having such a rough time Nancy.  I'm glad your boss is understanding.  I'm pulling for you.

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on Jun 3rd, 2002, 7:35pm
Thanks guys for your support.  Not h2o, I am not walking much lol.Cant even walk sideways lol..i can barely stay awake and sleep alot...I have only had to take two imitrex shots in the last 24 hours so I am grateful for that.  I was ready to go back to work...think that will help alot with the depression but they wont let me unless my neuro releases me and she wont.  I do appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and will be glad when i can come back and help support you guys...dont feel like I have much to offer anyone rite now on all the meds I am on.  God bless.

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by NotH20 on Jun 3rd, 2002, 9:00pm
Hey Nancy - now you better stop that!  What do you mean you feel as if you have nothing to offer this group   ???

Next time you feel that way, just check out the bottom of your postings ....."smile, cause that is why God made make the world a brighter place"'s time for Nurse Nancy to take a dose of her own medicine!    ;D

Walk sideways, walk upside down - just keep on walking girl.

Keep the faith,

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by NotH20 on Jun 3rd, 2002, 9:06pm
Now Nancy - don't you even go there.  What do you mean that you feel you have nothing to offer this group   ???

The next time you are feeling that way maybe you should check out the bottom of your postings....

"smile, cause that is why God made make the world a brighter place"

UH OH folks - it's time for Nurse Nancy to take a dose of her own medicine!   ;D

Walk sideways, walk upside down, just keep on walking girl!!!

Keep the faith,

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by williamsmh on Jun 3rd, 2002, 9:31pm
oh Nancy... I'm so sorry!

I know how horrible the clusters are, but having meds that make you sick on top of it just sucks.

I'm praying for you...
The job thing sucks... I have had issues in the past with employers not knowing what to do with my clusters.  They usually tried to understand, but I felt horrible about it all.

We shouldn't have to live with pain and then fear of losing our jobs and not having enough meds.

Hang on.... We're here for you!

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on Jun 6th, 2002, 9:48am
Keppra now upped to 4,000 mg...along with the other meds...had some shadows yesterday but two days full blown attacks.  Unfortunately , like alot of the antiseizure drugs, you get depression and I sleep alot...hopiing to adjust to these side effects ...

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by Lori on Jun 6th, 2002, 9:23pm
Hi Nancy,

I hope the side effects go away. I was on topamax(and verapamil) and at 100mg a day I got very depressed. I was worried but hung in there and after a week it was much better. I did have major fatigue if keppra is somewhat like topamax..I did have to nap daily while on it but still tired. But the nap helped. Personally, I think we each know our body best and when you feel you need to lower the dose or stop it, call the doc. My doc tried to increase my verap. from 360mg to 480 mg a day but it made me sick. My doc was convinced the verap. wouldn't do that to me, and I said..oh yes it was. I refused to up the dose. Sometimes we know what our own body can handle. I hope the meds work for you though!  

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on Jun 6th, 2002, 9:37pm
Thanks sis...wondering tonite if i need to keep being a gunea pig for chs meds...which is worse...depression with or without chs? alot of praying to do before i decide though...thanks for your support...keep up the good fight. You help me go on.

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by sailpappy on Jun 7th, 2002, 1:49am
;D ;DSis,
     As you already know the Keppra is a seizure control Med. I suspect the one making you sleepy is not the Keppra but the Doxipin I would go to healthsquares main medication page and look up each and every med your on. I had taken Sinequan one time when my Brother in law gave me one to try so I could get some sleep. he takes it because he is mentally ill.  I woke up 48 hrs later with the worst headache I had ever had (drug hangover) and the combo your on just seems to be overkill and if your over medicated how can you function at all?
    After Healthsquare I would go to Dr. Koops site and check the interaction of mixing all of these medications together.  Here is his address Look for the drug checker link.
    I'm very worried about you Sis, Be very carefull about your serious thoughts, call me if you need to talk to someone!  Pappy

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by oringkid on Jun 7th, 2002, 10:20am
Nancy, sorry you are going through so much hell right now.  I agree with Pappy doc prescribed doxepin for help with sleeping.  Is that what yours prescribed it for?  Or for depression?  Cuz it is an old med for depression.  Now that they have found so many better meds for depression, a lot of docs prescribe it for sleep.  

How often are you taking the doxepin per day?  I would think you would only need it at night if it is to help you sleep.

I hate to see you sleeping your life away!  Feel better soon!


Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on Jun 7th, 2002, 12:29pm
According to all I have read on keppra...that is the med making me sleep alot....I only take doxepin at nite along with remeron and keppra...I did not take the doxepin last nite but slept for 12 hours anyway...I have been splitting the keppra dose into two doses as I have to take 4000mg of it per day...Thanks for the website, will check it out...

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by sailpappy on Jun 7th, 2002, 3:14pm
    I spoke with my Neurolorist today about your case, I remembered the swelling that you were experiencing while here in Florida, I told him about the different meds you were on and he saw  the same thing I did, He expressed concern that you are over medicated, the Max dosage on Keppra is supposed to not exceede 1500mg.  All three of these medications can cause a rash and swelling but he felt it was probibly the combination of remeron and Doxepin that was causing the swelling and the rash mighalso be from that but given the fact your on verapamil he thinks it could be the keppra causing the rash, all of them in combination at the dosages you take and drinking any alcohol are a deadly combo!  Please re-evaluate your meds! John

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on Jun 7th, 2002, 5:04pm
Thanks so much bro.....gonna talk to my neuro as soon as she gets back into town...The swelling is down after i got off the depakote and switched to keppra...but the rash is still around...I am staying so sedated...i felt the keppra was way too high too...I am not taking the doxepin tonite...and thinking of reducing the keppra so i can function far as alcohol, if i drank one beer now, i would be in a coma you for caring bro. Oh, did he suggest anything i could take? (wishful thinking ...)

Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by rick on Jun 7th, 2002, 7:04pm

You are a great motivator.  God I wish I could take your pain away.

Thank you so much for reaching out to me.  I learned so much from talking to you.  You are the first real clusterhead I have ever spoken directly with.  Thank you for taking the time.

Keep focused on your grandchild.  

Anyone new reading this, pay attention to this woman, because she's a fighter.  We need more fighters.  And I mean fighting by staying active.  If everyone who ever used this board came on here once a day and responded to at least one post, we would all be more connected against this thing.



Title: Re: KEPPRA?
Post by nancyc on Jun 7th, 2002, 7:21pm
Thanks, know a Woodstock gal has to have some knowledge lol...may not be the rite kind though ...i do appreciate your post...and most of all, i enjoyed our talk last helped me so much...depression, especially when it is from medication, is no fun...but you helped me see that I can keep fighting...that is what this mb is all about...Support.....I now have a new son LOL..welcome to the family, Rick. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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