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(Message started by: Bob_P on May 17th, 2002, 9:17am)

Title: Antibiotics?
Post by Bob_P on May 17th, 2002, 9:17am
Found this in the Guest Book and figured I'd put it here, where it may get some response.  So, has anyone found antibiotics stopped clusters?
~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTE My message ends with a plea for survey data on antibiotics and cluster headaches. This is a superb site. Congrats. CH is a very debilitating condition. Much under-rated. My attacks occur 35 minutes after falling asleep or 30 - 32 minutes after any amount of any kind of alcohol. A large meningioma was removed from the right occiptoparietotemperal part of my brain 20 months ago. The clusters disappeared, but have now returned, with no recurrence of the meningioma. Research: I would be very interested to know, because of some observations I have made, if any sufferers of c;uster headache have had their headache relieved for a long period by a course of antibiotics given for any purpose, but especially for the treatment of peptic ulcer. I have some personal data suggesting that a chronic local infection may possibley be the cause of cluster headache.
(Dr) Max Whisson <>

Title: Re: Antibiotics?
Post by Lee on May 17th, 2002, 10:12am
on 17/5/02 12:23 AM, Lee Moore at wrote:

"Research: I would be very interested to know, because of some observations I have made, if any sufferers of cluster headache have had their headache relieved for a long period by a course of antibiotics given for any purpose, but especially for the treatment of peptic ulcer. I have some personal data suggesting that a chronic local infection may possibly be the cause of cluster headache."

Due to having MVP my dentist demands that I take 2000MG of Amoxicillin prior to any visit, I understand his reasoning for this however I began to notice two or three days after a visit (Standard cleaning, no real dental work) I would go into a cycle, normally lasting 2-3 weeks. So in my case I theorize that the antibiotics must be killing a good bug that somehow helps keep the bastard away as after 2-3 weeks it seems to replenish itself and the cycle abates.

Just my observation,

Lee Moore

Tulsa, Oklahoma USA

This makes sense.

The bug I am particularly interested in is Helicobacter pylori. There is a specific test called a urease test to see if you carry it. It is pretty common so i guess it does not prove anything if you are positive.  Amoxycillin alone certainly would knock off it's competitors but to get rid of it you have to also take other antibiotics such as gentamycin plus a "proton pump inhibitor".

Max Whisson

Title: yes
Post by MarkV on May 17th, 2002, 9:39pm
Before going chronic I was put on extended doses of eurythromicin (sp?), sometimes in addition to really heavy duty prescription decongestants.  My problem was allergy and the resulting sinus infections triggering the CHs.  

I was on 2 Z-packs a month to help with the clusters.  My stomach was a mess.  But in hindsight, I was fighting the trigger and not the cluster.  I have been antibiotic-free for the longest time in the last 4 years since I started my daily course of verapamil and depakote this year. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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