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(Message started by: mick_w on May 14th, 2002, 9:57am)

Title: electronic impulse devices
Post by mick_w on May 14th, 2002, 9:57am
Hi all,
first timer at this site, tried all the meds nothing working i  saw some info about an electronic impulse device, just wondering if anyone has tried this type of device and if so do they work??

Title: Re: electronic impulse devices
Post by RichardN on May 14th, 2002, 12:16pm
Hi Mick
  Noticed this your first post - - t"tried all the meds".   What meds have you tried?  What type clusters do you have?  How long have you had the bastards?   Try and be more specific and there are those here who can help.

 Re the electronic impulse device - - - They do work I know for post-operative pain and have a friend who is using successfully for severely damaged vertebrae (sp?).  It's my understanding that these units are more or less electronic accupunture which short-circuit pain receptors.  Whether they could be used for clusters and where you would position the leads, I have no clue - - - I'm sure someone here does.


Title: Re: electronic impulse devices
Post by sailpappy on May 14th, 2002, 12:35pm
;D ;DHello and welcome to the Family,
    being more specific will help us all to help you ,if that is possible.
    I have tried the Tens unit(I think that is what thay called it, it works for specific types of pain, but cluster headaches isn't one of them, I attempted to get my Neurologist to try one for my attacks and he told me the full story about cause and affect, it's been many moons ago so I can't remember the specific's of the conversation other than the fact that it will not work on this type of pain!
      A very Good first Question for a great begining to a relationship with our family.
     Again Welcome and hope to see some other thought provocitive post from you very soon! Pappy ;D

Title: Re: electronic impulse devices
Post by ave on May 14th, 2002, 2:23pm
Sailpappy and others:

If you cut your finger, the nerves report to GHQ that there is damage and then get a message back that says: Go hurt! (For pain generally is a useful warning).

Clusters hurt because the big nerve that is all over one side of one's face and head, gets a wrong damage message somehow, and "thinks" it has to hurt.
But on the spot where it hurts, there is nothing wrong, so pain fighting (even electronically) does not help. Also in most clusters the pain moves about - maybe because it does not really "know" what to do.

Simply put but it is the way I explained it to myself  and others.

Title: Re: electronic impulse devices
Post by mick_w on May 14th, 2002, 4:10pm
Hi and thanks for the replies,
This is my 3rd cluster ive been luckier than most so far they have been 3 yrs apart.
The pains i get start with swelling of right eye quickly followed by pain in same eye which then travels to my right nostril roof of my mouth, and right ear ive been having 2/3 attacks each day for about 4 weeks now which seem to be worse since i started taking Inderal 160 mg also been given immogran which do no good, in the past ive been prescribed serotonin, dihydrocoedine,and other one i cant remember name none of these helped. Ive tried feverview and lavender(ill try anything to get rid of the pain)hoping to gain any knowledge from your experiences that may even ease pains.
Thanks for your concerns and i'm pleased to be joining a family of people who understand and support
mick w

Title: Re: electronic impulse devices
Post by dannyboy on May 15th, 2002, 10:15am
Hi Annemarie,

Its been quite some time.

You may well be right in your assesment of clusters but there is no doubt in my mind that the explanation is not valid for ALL sufferers, so in that regard I find it misleading.

I really believe that when it comes to Understanding Cluster Headaches we have to be careful of espousing theories as The Truth. Blanket Theories even more so.

No offence intended but on my conscience I can't let it slide.

I know nothing about electronic impulse devices


Title: Re: electronic impulse devices
Post by Bob_P on May 15th, 2002, 11:03am
OUCH Library

Title: Re: electronic impulse devices
Post by dannyboy on May 15th, 2002, 11:20am
Gog Damn ... Go Baby!!

Now I'm impressed, ta

I don't understand a word of it, but I hope they do it again some time soon

I know nuuuuthing ... I learned it from a booook

Title: Re: electronic impulse devices
Post by Sweet_Landings on May 15th, 2002, 11:34am
Thank You Bob!  Very interesting! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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