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(Message started by: dlou on May 13th, 2002, 9:51pm)

Title: Keppra
Post by dlou on May 13th, 2002, 9:51pm
Hi everyone.  I am new to the site on behalf of my daughter who is going into her third week of a cluster cycle.  Today she was prescribed Keppra and Wellbutrin.  Has anyone had any luck with these two drugs and what about side effects.
She would also like to know how you continue working during a cycle as she has been unable to function.  
Any advice would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Keppra
Post by NotH20 on May 14th, 2002, 8:44am

First off let me say a big THANK YOU for helping your daughter get some information.....that is the key to getting the correct treatment and meds.   :)

I have taken Keppra my last cycle.  I more affectionately refer to it my "tequila pill" HA HA   :o  It made me feel quite drunk, unsteady, light-headed and especially at work made me do a "take 2" with all my work to make sure it was done correctly.  As I understand from my doc, Keppra dispenses in the liver and does not negatively affect the rest of your organs. It's one of the newer meds right now for Epilepsy and if you have been doing research, you know that some anti-seizure meds are being prescribed for ch's.  The doc can increase Keppra at a fairly quick rate to get her to the level she needs to help the ch's.  

Unfortunately I know nothing about Wellbutrin, but if you click the OUCH button on the left side, you can research both of these meds more in detail.

As for working during a cycle - I have a very understanding boss so I am usually laying on the floor sniffing O2 and giving myself injections and YES even sometimes sleeping afterwards from being exhausted.  After reading a lot of posts, I realize that I am in the minority with my work situation.  Several people here have had to take sick leaves, etc. from their jobs during cycles, but I have personally been fortunate.

I wish your daughter much luck w/ this cycle.  I'm so happy that she has you in her corner doing the leg work.  Print as much info as you can both off this site and off the OUCH site and take it with her to her next appointment.

Keep the faith,

Title: Re: Keppra
Post by rick on May 14th, 2002, 5:41pm
I'm not familiar with those drugs, but on the topic of work, click the OUCH button on the left of this page.  Click on the link "Cluster Help", then down to "Cluster Resources",  then "Dealing With Employers".  You'll find a form your daughter can use to help out a little.  

Like NotH20, I am fortunate enough to be blessed with a really understanding employer.  It's a small company, and I've worked my butt off for them for 3 years, so they've been really good to me.  It's great that you to take the time to research this for your daughter.

Title: Re: Keppra
Post by dlou on May 14th, 2002, 10:35pm
To NotH20 and Rick,
I haven't quite figured out how to use this msg board yet, but I'll try.  Thank you both so much for your input.  I've looked up the meds and printed the emp form.
My daughter has been on 500 mg of Keppra twice a day since yesterday and has had three headaches.  So, either it has helped or maybe she is getting near the end of the cycle.  No pain pills today.  This is her third week of ch.  Her last cycle was 5 years ago.  It's been hell, as you know.
Please, no praise for trying to help her.  Wouldn't anyone do the same?
Thank you again.

Title: Re: Keppra
Post by das on May 15th, 2002, 10:23am
Has she tried Oxygen ? If not, it's a good option (if it works for her).

I myself, don't know what I believe anymore as far as which meds actually do help. I would tend to believe that CHs have the ability to circumvent preventative meds after a while.

I took verapamil and epival (seizure medication)for 6-7 years straight and then one day it just wasn't effective anymore. After posting a message in December about Lithium (which my DR. prescribed), someone replied suggesting a get off all meds and see what happened. I did and have been CH free since. I also took shrooms twice in December. Perhaps it was the shrooms, perhaps stopping the meds confused the beast temporarily, or maybe I had just gotten out of the cycle.

That's the unfortunate part about having CHs. There doesn't seem to be too much continuity when it comes to what works for you and what doesn't.  I guess she should keep trying different things. Be patient. In most cases, meds take a little time before you see results.

Good luck.

Title: I beg your pardon, das
Post by Ueli on May 15th, 2002, 11:36am
I beg your pardon, das,

The overwhelming reports here are that shroom can prevent CH from returning for periods of half a year and more. So you cannot say that you went med free since December, rather the meds you took then are still effective.
That's another success story for the shrooms. But be aware, your remission will probably not last for ever. So keep another dose ready for the time when the beast tries to raise its ugly head again.

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