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(Message started by: Kenzie60 on May 12th, 2002, 10:18am)

Title: Mushrooms
Post by Kenzie60 on May 12th, 2002, 10:18am
I am new to this and was wondering if someone could tell me what shrooms are and where I can get them.  I know this might come sound like a stupid question.

Right now I will try anything.  I am a 38 year old female who has about 5-6 headaches a day now for the past ten days.  I have been cluster free since June 2001.  That episode lasted for 8 months.

Roseanne ???

Title: Re: Mushrooms
Post by tommyD on May 12th, 2002, 12:32pm
Shrooms or "magic mushrooms" are any of several species of mushrooms that contain psilocybin.  All are illegal in the US and many other countries. They can be bought on "the street," but it is much preferable and safer to grow your own; there are companies that sell the spoors and kits to grow them. In most states, the spoors are legal, since they do not contain psilocybin.

They work really well for most people, and problably have the highest success rate of any preventative treatment.  A single dose or two (maybe three) keep many episodic clusterheads pain free for months. They work less well for chronics, but can still be very effective. In any case, wait four to five days after a dose before dosing again.

Shrooms work best when taken between cycles, or right at the beginning of a cycle, or when a cycle is not at its peak. If you are have frequest, severe attacks, I recommend trying to push the beast back a little with the water X 3 treatment (see button at left) before trying the shrooms. But that's just me.

Psilocybin is a hallucinogen, and shrooms will get you high.  But you don't have to get REAL high for them to stop the pain.  Enough to be equivalent to a "two (or three) beer buzz" is usually plenty.

For detailed information see:

and for accounts of experiences treating CH with shrooms, see:

Research carefully. Some medications may interfere with shrooms, others may enhance the psychedelic effects. People with some kinds of mental illness, or tendencies toward mental illness, should not take hallucinogens of any kind. Shrooms bought from dealers of illegal drugs may be adulterated with other substances.  And having fatty foods in your stomach when taking shrooms may block the absorption of psilocybin.

By the way, LSD works too (perhaps even better) as do similar hallucinogenic chemicals, but shrooms are preferable -- can't make LSD yourself, unless you're a fully-equipped, highly-trained organic chemist.

Our resident experts here are Flash and PinkSharkMark. They know much more than I.

Title: Re: Mushrooms
Post by gtarman on May 12th, 2002, 1:42pm
Only someone who's never had CH would think Roseanne's question stupid. My episodes sound like hers, several weeks of intense (oh man) attacks followed my months of wind-down. I've been trying prescrip meds for awhile now, and when you subtract out the benefit and add the side-effects back on you're right back where you started.
Now: shrooms. I'm 52 and remember the old days, 'nuff said, and that stuff (people used to tell me) really grogged you out after the uh, buzz wore off. However, if less than the normal recreational dosage will help, it would be worth considering. Can someone tell us where to inquire - as a purely academic endeavor, of course...

Title: Re: Mushrooms
Post by ave on May 12th, 2002, 1:56pm
Where to enquire is right at (look in the above post).

They have  special pages full of information on shrooms. The only thing outdated is the information about a shroom growers' site called Drool Donkey.
Check out the pages first. I'll see if I can retrieve where to go.

BTW am in my fifties (just) and don't remember anything of the sort. I have done shrooms though, and with a mild buzz or a half dose I was all right, at least last year. The verdict on this year is still not in.

Title: Re: Mushrooms
Post by ave on May 12th, 2002, 2:35pm
to continue:

To know how to obtain them, you might post a cry for help for pinksharkmark. He has helped many people in the past with the right information.
Or seek him out in the members section and send him a note.

Title: Re: Mushrooms
Post by rick on May 12th, 2002, 7:54pm

Here's some more info to help you get started.


Title: Re: Mushrooms
Post by rick on May 12th, 2002, 7:59pm
Spores are illegal in California and Georgia if you are a U. S. resident, just to warn you.  Let us know when you have questions, and we'll help as best we can.    ;D

Title: Re: Mushrooms
Post by pinksharkmark on May 12th, 2002, 11:43pm
Kenzie, for even more info on the use of mushrooms, check my post titled "Important Notes on Mushroom Therapy" in this section.

For information on where to obtain everything you need to grow your own and HOW to do so, send me an e-mail and I'll e-mail you my standard "First time grower's Info FAQ". It includes the same links that rick posted, and more. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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