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(Message started by: mustang on May 8th, 2002, 5:02pm)

Title: Topamax
Post by mustang on May 8th, 2002, 5:02pm
OK I'v read the the alert and now my doctor has given
me Rx for them, need to know if anyone has taken them, what results, any thoughts or information.
This is pretty ergent since I am chronic and can't go long without meds. Thank you for any thoughts.   ???

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by Karla on May 8th, 2002, 5:35pm
I tried 200mg and had no relief.  Now I am going to try 400mg and see if that offers me any relief and if not then I will try 600mg.  I have had no side effects or problems with the medicine.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by mustang on May 8th, 2002, 6:13pm
Thanks for info. Did the doctor have you up the dosage
every week. I'm alittle scared to try them, but I will.
stay in touch and let me know how you are doing,
Been chronic for more years than I want  to think about.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by Karla on May 8th, 2002, 7:26pm
I will be upping the dose by 25mg a week until the pain stops or I reach 400mg.   then we will reevaluate at that time.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by nancyc on May 8th, 2002, 10:36pm
My old neuro put me on 200mg  the first nite and it stopped them dead in their tracks...i am chronic too...My new neuro said he was stupid for doing that high a dose the first nite..I had major side effects...felt like a zombie, got really suicidal and had all the side effects known to topamax users except weight loss..i gained lol...Keep in mind though that I dont do well on alot of meds...have side effects with all of them..due to problems with my liver processing them...Good luck...and remember what doesnt work for one clusterhead, may for another...keep us posted.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by NotH20 on May 9th, 2002, 12:45pm
Mustang, I was on Topomax for several months with this last cycle.  I too had some side effects: had floaters in my vision, dizzy, clumsy, thoughts not connected, second quessed myself and weight loss  ;D

I'm not sure if this was the drug that stopped the cycle since I was on quite a few meds at the same time [Verap, Keppra, O2, and many abortives as needed (Imitrex injections, DHE injections, Maxalt and Zomig)]  WOW IT SCARES ME TO TYPE ALL THAT OUT!!!!  :-/

I can tell you that I did see a decrease in the degree of severity while on the Topomax.  I takes a while to climb to the correct dosage for ch's so be patient and don't throw the towel in too early.

Good luck to you and keep the faith....


Title: Re: Topamax
Post by johnrudd on May 9th, 2002, 6:14pm
Just watched a national feed on Fox TV that gave a long presentation on the "miraculous" effects of Topomax for migraine and CH sufferers. It kind of downplayed the really bad side effects, but spiked my interest after 3 weeks of 480mg verapmil plus 3 weeks of 720mg verapamil with no lessening of a daily 8+ HA. Will research the prescribed dosages and have my Doc order and give you an update as soon I begin; although the previous postings aren't too favorable.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by NotH20 on May 10th, 2002, 7:50am
John - don't close the door to Topomax.  It may be just the drug for you.  I know that the effects may sound bad, but believe me - the tightness in my head and the ch's did go away......remember that all meds don't work the same on everyone.

Good luck to you and keep the faith,

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