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(Message started by: MIKEYGTO on May 7th, 2002, 10:07pm)

Title: Newbie - Pred/Water
Post by MIKEYGTO on May 7th, 2002, 10:07pm
;D Just a note to say hello and describe my CH episodes. Have suffered for some 25 years. Been miss diagnosed for many and have tried all the suggested treatments (exp't O2). Prednisone seem's to be the most effective for me. When I feel the onset taking hold (late Pm" 2:30ish)I experience severe accuteness to light and noise (a microwave clock light is like a lighthouse beacon) so I make sure the room is as dark and quiet as possible with fresh air available. One thing which sooth's the pain is rinsing out my mouth continually with cold water, it also seems to assist and shorten the eye & nose running. Hope for a more permanent cure some day for this terrible aliment, perhaps some type of forum for more research is my dream. Keeping the faith  MIKEY  

Title: Re: Newbie - Pred/Water
Post by NotH20 on May 8th, 2002, 8:47am
Hey Mikey - sorry that you have the need to be here, but welcome.  :)   Do some research on some meds on the left - there may be other medications out there to help with the pain.

Good luck to you....


Title: Re: Newbie - Pred/Water
Post by eyes_afire on May 8th, 2002, 7:10pm
Sorry you've been suffering for so long.  I must say that O2 is my favored abortive treatment, it is worth a try.  The forum for more research is O.U.C.H.  Click the button on the left and check out the website. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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