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(Message started by: Sweet_Landings on May 6th, 2002, 10:16am)

Title: Riddle me this???
Post by Sweet_Landings on May 6th, 2002, 10:16am
OK, I have question or maybe it is a theory.  Some of you may not like my line of thinking, if you don't, simply pass this post by please.  If you have something constructive to add, by all means please post.

CH is basically a result of arterial pressure on the Trigeminal nerve, right? (keyword here is basically)

Trigeminal Neuralgia is a result of arterial pressure on the Trigeminal nerve, in most cases.  There are cases of TN where a tumor is the cause, but these cases are not as common as the arterial pressure.

If both statements above are true, how can the two conditions not be related in people who suffer from both?

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by Ueli on May 6th, 2002, 12:00pm
Sorry Jackie,

I don't agree with your theory, but I can't simply pass your post.   ;D

Basically, a cluster attack starts with a wrong signal from the hypothalamus, which in turn mediates the arterial expansion (that is hence a secondary effect), and the expanded artery pinches the trigeminal nerve.

In trigeminal neuralgia no expanding vessels are involved. Simplified, the pain starts with a misfiring in the trigeminal nucleus (in the brain).

The common point in CH and TN is that the pain appears to come from the endings of the trigeminal nerve. But the trigger for attacks is radically different. In CH, when one of the many chemicals in the brain - that vary in concentration throughout the day - exceeds a threshold value the attack is triggered. A TN attack is often triggered by a stimulus to the nerve endings, such as touch, cold air, chewing, talking, facial movement, brushing the teeth.

But although the mechanism of the two diseases is quite different, it is possible for a sufferer of both that a certain correlation in attack frequency builds up, as mentioned in article recently quoted by BobP.


Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by Sweet_Landings on May 6th, 2002, 12:22pm
I suppose I am just getting desperate to end both.  If it isn't one it is the other or it is both crashing down at once.

If I don't keep telling myself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel concerning both, I may just lose what little mind I have left.

For anyone who thinks there is no other pain as severe as CH, try TN for a month or two. :)

This too shall pass!

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by Linda T on May 6th, 2002, 2:46pm
Dear Sweets:  Keep believing in that light at the end of the tunnel.  It's there.

If you would have asked me about it 1 month ago I wouldn't have believed it either, but it's here now (or almost).  You'll see it soon.

PFDAN always, Linda T.

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by Sweet_Landings on May 6th, 2002, 3:27pm
Thanks Linda :)

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by Lori on May 6th, 2002, 7:08pm
I'm sorry you are suffering so. I pray your pain ends soon for you. Hang in there the best you can. Keep the faith the best you can. One day at a time. Even when it gets tough, don't give up, keep going. It will get better.

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by dannyboy on May 7th, 2002, 11:29am

Aye Sir, ... distresses me so ta see that all the paragraphs of yer post in this thread are theories presented to Sweets as the results of primary data...

You're "Bod" ... ye canna do it Captain.

We sleekit like Sweets 'll get all kinfoosed

There's many a thoery out there ... pick one, Ueli's is Ueli's ... its popular here so he's popular ... or maybe its the other way round.

Primary data is irrefutable

A theory is just a wish Captain


Title: Great post, Dannyboy!
Post by Ueli on May 7th, 2002, 3:51pm
Thank you, thank you very much Dannyboy for your very helpful and informative post!!

Wow, this was even more to the point than your usual "United Headaches" theory.

People! Take Dannyboy as an example! Although he is neither a clusterhead nor a supporter of one, he is un-remittent in his endeavor to support and entertain all the readers of this board with his kind words of empathy for the suffering, his humorous remarks, his sound medical advice, and his reports about his relentless quest for the cause and cure of all headaches. Lately he has even taken up to teach us a foreign language (I must admit, I didn't know that Afrikaans is so close to English).

Dannyboy, your posts are so kindhearted, and at the same time abounding of useful information, that I would like very much to send a sample of them to your boss, to show him your effort to further his business and to advance its reputation. For this purpose could you, please, tell me the e-mail address of your daddy?

Keep up your excellent work!

Ueli    ;D

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by kim on May 7th, 2002, 4:24pm

I guess we all "just don't know".  sure hope some person figurs it out soon tho.  sweet landings to you dear.  sorry the flight is "holdin yu up!"  Feel better.  Kim

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by BobG on May 7th, 2002, 7:55pm
Here ya go Ueli

Dr Elliot Shevel's email can be found here. But it's probably just something Daniel made up.

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by dannyboy on May 8th, 2002, 3:18am
BobG ... you Are an Oak! ... how Ever did you find that?!! is our family address, go ahead, spade my mom, my sister's a hotty too if yer under 25 or yer name is den.

Pops is a brilliant sensitive soul concerned only with yer healing, solvin problems, and livin out the rest of his days spearfishin in peace and drinking Red wiff his boys and his misses

Ye wanna say something ta 'im ya sarkastic poontang, ya kin address it to our home as above, or to and mark it for his attention. Ye ain't earned the right te e-mail 'im direct. Sides, we'll just leave that to Dr's Goadsby and Spierings for now shall we, until ye kin show that yer on their level ... eh ...? Alternatively you can compile yer knowlge into a paper and present it at the next international congress of maxillo facial surgeons to be held in Durban SA in June.

Man ... here's a bit of trivia ... last congress he attended in Durban, 1983, he caught a fish out of the Durban Aquarium and got away with it ... cross my heart baby, its mounted on his wall!!

... go ahead honey... I ain't got a boss

I'm stricktly a free-lance fuck-head

De Boss

Title: DannyA$$hole !!
Post by Ueli on May 8th, 2002, 8:13am
Can't you write your post in English? The contents of your gibberish is usually not worthwhile to translate.

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by dannyboy on May 8th, 2002, 8:33am
BobG ... you are a wonderful person! ... How ever did you find that old post?!! well done! is our family address, go ahead, flirt with my mom, my sister is a hotty too if yer under 25 or yer name is den.

Pops is a brilliant sensitive soul concerned only with your healing, solving problems, and living out the rest of his days spearfishing in peace and drinking Red whine wiff his sons and his wife.

You intentions are suspect in regard to your request, you may address any correspondence you wish to have with him to our home as above, or to and mark it for his attention. You have not yet earned the right to mail him directly. Besides, we should just leave that to Dr's Goadsby and Spierings for now, until you can show that you're on their level ... hey, what do you think ...? Alternatively you can compile your knowlge into a paper and present it at the next international congress of maxillo facial surgeons to be held in Durban South Africa in June.  

Here is a bit of trivia ... the last congress he attended in Durban, in the year 1983, he caught a fish out of the Durban Aquarium, and got away with it ... I promise, the fish is mounted on his wall!!


Daniel Shevel

howzat china?

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by randyT on May 8th, 2002, 2:05pm

on 05/08/02 at 08:33:31, dannyboy wrote:
drinking Red whine wiff his sons and his wife.

your dad gets drunk and smells his sons and wife??
strange culture you got down there ;)

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by Drk^Angel on May 9th, 2002, 3:51am
lol... Well said Randy and Ueli.  And dannyboy, why don't you shut the fuck up?  If you're as smart as you want everyone to think, you should know when you're not welcome.


Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by dannyboy on May 9th, 2002, 4:56am
Ahhh Dark Wing Duck .... I do, I do ... that's why I stay ...

And If you think I'm smart ... then your dummer than you think ... I'm just a messenger ... I got the looks

You poor cretan you ... Metastophiles ... typical

Here son, meet Ted and Charlie, they'll introduce you too all the people you need to know.

You can join OUCH for only seven cents a day

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by Sweet_Landings on May 9th, 2002, 9:40am
Why don't you get bent? I have neither the time nor the energy to sit here and sift through your bullshit. If you don't have anything useful to say, then don't fucking post.

Thanks to everyone else who has been supportive.

Title: Re: Riddle me this???
Post by Drk^Angel on May 10th, 2002, 8:16am
*yawn*  Oh... Were you talkin' to me dannyboy?  Sorry...  I thought you were on another of your mindless babbles... Oh well...

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