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(Message started by: gracie on May 2nd, 2002, 12:17pm)

Title: O2 mask questions
Post by gracie on May 2nd, 2002, 12:17pm
Could someone help me understand the various ways to inhale the O2 and the differences?  My neuro prescribed O2 and it definitely seems to help, but the respiratory therapist who filled the prescription kind of "pooh-pooh'd" the idea of a non-rebreather mask.  I have the small tanks that go up to an 8 flow level.  They only gave me the canules (nose-plugs).  I wound up taking new tubing and putting the canules in my mouth so that none of the precious O2 could escape.   Am I missing some major benefit of the O2 by doing it this way or do you think this will work?

Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by Not4Hire on May 2nd, 2002, 12:40pm
Hey Gracie--tell your respiratory therapist to "POOH POOH"THIS!The canula is simply NOT effective--you MUST use the rebreather mask for good effect. I have a spare in an un-opened bag I'll send you, if you have trouble getting one. Just email me your address. You should also get a regulator that goes up to at least 12 LPM--any less than 10 LPM doesn't do it for me but it works for some CHers. YMMV.

I am experimenting with the canula myself for napping in the afternoon at 2-3 LPM and it seems to help with the intensity (i.e.lower KIP) when I'm inevitably awakened by the Beast. More testing necessary. (Of course, I'm using four "S" tanks a week at 154 cu.ft vs. your "E" babies at 22.5 cu.ft.---Size DOES matter-LOL)

I have a special place in my heart for "Gracie's"- my daughter is named Grace and she is the light of my life- Take care and DON'T TAKE NO CRAP FROM YOUR RESP. THERAPIST--YOUR DOCTOR PRESCRIBED THE o2 AND YOU SHOULD USE IT THE WAY IT'S BEEN PROVEN MOST EFFECTIVE....would you stick an Imitrex tab in your ear?


Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by NotH20 on May 2nd, 2002, 2:20pm
From one "Not" to another - I absolutely LOVED your post........Gracie, Not4Hire is totally correct - you really need the appropriate mask for breathing the highest concentration of O2.  You will surely notice a difference the first time you use on the OUCH website for information on the correct mask, etc.

Good luck to you and keep us posted....


Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by Drk^Angel on May 2nd, 2002, 2:22pm
I may be wrong, but respiratory therapists just aren't trained to deal with CH.  They are trained for ppl with respiratory problems.  I didn't know they could override a doctor's prescription like that.  If the doctor prescribed a non-rebreather mask, that is what they should have given you, no questions asked.  Oh well... Maybe you can train 'em like some clusterheads have to do with their neuros.  Good luck!

PFDAN..................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by clavers on May 2nd, 2002, 2:57pm
I finally got tired of the mask and cut the tube off and stick the bare end into my mouth blowing up my lungs like a baloon.  Then I turn off the tank and hold it as long as I can.  Then repeat until the CH is gone.  This works best for me.  It may be harmful, I don't know, and I don't give a damn.

Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by Not4Hire on May 2nd, 2002, 3:16pm
Hey clavers--I am far from the expert on o2, but I am quite sure that your "technique" is pretty risky. You could possibly rupture a lung and this could be quickly fatal. I very strongly urge you to use the non-rebreather mask the way it's meant to be used. I know the mask is a pain...I got calluses on my already ugly mug from the o2 I'm using, but "huffin'" o2 as you describe is DANGEROUS and probably not very effective.

Please GIVE A DAMN....I DO.......and I think the rest of us do, too...

Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by Drk^Angel on May 2nd, 2002, 4:49pm
I agree with what Not4Hire said.  I can't remember where I read it, but takin' oxygen at high flow without the proper mask has been known to tear lung tissue.  Please be careful.

PFDAN.................................. Drk^Angel

Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by Svenn on May 2nd, 2002, 5:15pm
Hi Friend

You have to tell your respiratory therapist  to WAKE UP.that nosething is only give you a hurricane up your nose.Beside that its doed not help you at all

You MUST use the rebreather mask for good effect.

Your friend in Norway


Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by Svenn on May 2nd, 2002, 5:16pm
Hi Friend

You have to tell your respiratory therapist  to WAKE UP.that nosething is only give you a hurricane up your nose.Beside that its doed not help you at all

You MUST use the rebreather mask for good effect.

Your friend in Norway


Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by Greg_A on May 2nd, 2002, 6:51pm
I have been getting good results with the regular facemask type. I mess around with the holes on it to get more o2 than air.

I have also tried this-- pinch the hose, exhale all the way, then inhale (deep breath) --> while you do that let the hose go and you will get a little burst of o2 blown in you nose....  dont know if there is benefit of this but helps pass the time on the tank.

Also when i'm gettin my sniff on, i take slow deep breaths, hold them for a count of 6, exhale slow ....repeat.  I do belive this hint of breathing came from the Colonal a while back.

SHUT UP NOT4HIRE!!!!!!   8)

btw ... i go to the respitory doc tomarrow 3 may finally.. dont know what he's going to do.... you guys have any questions you want me to ask?????

Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by BobG on May 8th, 2002, 1:10am
It's a NON rebreather mask!

click this

for Ueli’s reference to re-breather masks posted Dec. 31, 2000

click this

Title: Re: O2 mask questions
Post by gracie on May 10th, 2002, 11:12am
Not4Hire - Thank you so much!!  The mask came in yesterday.  I will be sure to ask about the bigger tanks.  My regulator currently goes up to 8 but maybe that is enough for now.   I am lucky that my cycles only last two weeks but they come back in five so I don't get too used to not hurting.   The good thing is that I can get restocked with O2 before the next one hits.

Thanks Again...that was such a nice thing to do for someone that you don't even know. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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