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(Message started by: Troxie on Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:32am)

Title: I've missed you guys!
Post by Troxie on Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:32am
:DHey all!  I've been here.  I've just had so much going on, PLUS I've had a heck of a time trying to figure out how to get on here.  But I'm back!  

Still trying to deal with "head rushes" related to my ice pick headaches.  The worst of the pains are being dealt with through a combination of Neurontin, Indocin and Topamax, but I now have only about one good week a month.  The rest of the time, I experience what I can only explain as these "rushes" of light-headedness and almost blood rushing through my head that comes on me at any time during the day, no matter what I'm doing and I can never feel them coming on.  They aren't exactly what you would call "painful", but because they happen so frequently..they are definitely causing me alot of problems (physical, emotional,etc.)  

My neurologist is now thinking that she needs to take me OFF of the Neurontin - thinks my being on two seizure medicines is too much for me.  This is just a "guess" on her part though (which makes me ANGRY because once again, I feel like a guinea pig - they really do NOT know what to do with me since "ice picks" are so rare).

I know alot of you can relate to this hopeless feeling and wondered if any of you have had to wean off of Neurontin and can share with me..I've been on this for 4 years and take 300 mg. in the morning and 300 mg. at night.  It's a low dose, but seems to me that I tried to wean off once before a couple of years ago and had a problem...but could have been a coincidence.  

I explained to my neurologist that if I HAD to live with these "rushes" compared to going back to living with the terrible ice pick pains...I rather just grin & bear it and suffer through the rushes..but she insisted that I shouldn't have to have them at all - jeez!  This is all so scarey!!  

Can anybody shed any light on any of this?

Appreciate you all so much.  Take care and hope you're all having a PF day..  

Title: Re: I've missed you guys!
Post by kim on Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:13pm
Hi Troxie,

I am unfamiliar with ice pik headaches :'( sorry.  I am currently on low dose (300mg) per day of neurontin.  it is the first time i've tried it for clusters.  It is a LOW dose.  I'm also using maxalt mlt for abortive.  I am hoping to begin weaning off next week, so I'll let you know how things go.  
I have been on many preventative meds in the past and have always suffered side effects! :'(  I guess my system is really sensitive to it.  Side effects of neurontin include: red face (splotcy complexion), severe memory problems, easily angered and upset, and sometimes think my thinking is somewhat confused.  I don't like it at all and can't wait to get off the damn stuff.  However, i think it may have had success in breaking up cluster, as my cycle was not as massive as ones in the past.  So, i'm staying with it until out of the danger zone.  I wish I could tell you more, but will keep you posted on weaning experience.  Good luck to you.  Kim

Title: Re: I've missed you guys!
Post by Mattso on Apr 24th, 2002, 1:09am
I don't know if this might apply to your type of head rushes, but when I was experiencing an inordinate amount of head rushes, I learned that they can be a symptom of stressed adrenal glands.

The very effective treatment was: stress B vitamins. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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