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(Message started by: oringkid on Apr 20th, 2002, 1:23pm)

Title: What about capsaicin?
Post by oringkid on Apr 20th, 2002, 1:23pm
Anybody use capsaicin?  Does it help?  What kind do you use?  OTC? Cream?

Does it burn? (cuz I want it to burn, the burning helps)

How do you use it?  One of my doctors mentioned it briefly one time.

Everyone thinks I am crazy cuz I have been putting tabasco up my nose. (under the tongue does not work, but up the nose helps at times)  So, I was wondering if you could use the cream that way.

Title: Re: What about capsaicin?
Post by Mattso on Apr 21st, 2002, 1:51am
This is what I know about Capsaicin and CH:

You put a bunch of Zostrix cream (OTC) on a Q-tip, and rub it around way up inside the nostril on the side of the CH.

You'll be happy to know that it does burn.  :o

I tried it at the beginning of an episode once, and it aborted the first few headaches, but then seemed to stop working for me.

Title: Re: What about capsaicin?
Post by Bob_P on Apr 21st, 2002, 6:39am
From the OUCH Research Library:

A double-blind placebo-controlled trial of intranasal capsaicin for cluster headache.

Marks DR, Rapoport A, Padla D, Weeks R, Rosum R, Sheftell F, Arrowsmith F

Clinical Immunology Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 92114.

It has been suggested that treatment of cluster headache (CH) patients with topical capsaicin may desensitize sensory neurons by depleting the nerve terminals of substance P. We attempted to determine whether capsaicin is effective in aborting CH attacks. Patients in acute cluster were randomized to receive either capsaicin or placebo in the ipsilateral nostril for 7 days. Patients recorded the severity of each headache for 15 days. Headaches on days 8-15 of the study were significantly less severe in the capsaicin group vs the placebo group. There was also a significant decrease in headache severity in the capsaicin group on days 8-15 compared to days 1-7, but not in the placebo group. Episodic CH patients appeared to benefit more than chronic CH patients. These results indicate that intranasal capsaicin may provide a new therapeutic option for the treatment of this disease.

Title: Re: What about capsaicin?
Post by Greg_A on Apr 21st, 2002, 7:15am
Man i would hate to be in the "placebo group" while trying to get rid of this pain. Seeing the others get relief almost immediately while the beast has me over in the corner kickin my a$$.... that would probably cause some serious degradation of my morale  :o

I was doing the HOT SAUCE thing worked by itself to rid me of pain but only a couple of times. Then it just became part of my many things i do tryin to get rid of the pain... pacing, hot showers, cold air, etc.

Title: Re: What about capsaicin?
Post by oringkid on Apr 21st, 2002, 9:26am
Cool thanks guys, I am gonna give it a try.  Hell, at least it will look more "medical" and not so crazy! hahaha

I doubt very much that it will work every time or even most of the time, but for me distraction is important to riding it out.

I have pretty much come to the conclusion that for me at least nothing is going to work EVERY time.  But part of the time is good enough sometimes.

Just gotta keep on standing back up!

Title: Re: What about capsaicin?
Post by clusterdome on Apr 22nd, 2002, 7:33pm
I was going to post a 'snake oil' I was given by a massage therapist. The stuff has chilled shadows and has helped chill a few bad ones also. I'm shocked! I've been using a sample she gave me for a week and I had to get more. The company is called, BIOTONE, out of San Diego, I "Just got it", and I see they have a 1-800-445-6457# and a web sight I'm going to now BIOTONE.COM. after this.

The product she gave me is called 'POLAR LOTION'.  Something she gave my wife for sore muscles BIOFREEZE did nothing for me. I am able to put this Polar Lotion on my temple, forehead, jaw and neck, NEAR MY EYE, anywhere it's tight or I have swollen vessels.

I tried the Ben-Gay, Minit-Rub, Icy-Hot, ect. "Bullshit to that!". The capsaicin or whatever was too much for the swollen eye to bare and/or my nose to even smell! This has even opened the blocked sinus with no kick, just relief.

This label reads like it's out of a 60's herbal health guide; coconut oil, aloe vera, wintergreen, rosemary, lavender, juniper, and the base stuff + cruelty free. (See?) ......They can be as cruel as they want TO ME if it helps like this!    

As I said I did JUST get this 8 oz bottle, $9.95. I think it's great, I'll take any help anywhere I can get it and this has helped! I can't tell you how it's really kicked a shadow to death by itself!

Let  It Be Known!!, .... IF..... this keeps working and doesn't shit out on me, I WILL be posting a Snake Oil suggestion on this sight in another week or so. Go ahead any non-believers and load you guns! I don't trust a one week trial - yet so far so GREAT! If you want to try some I'll fill the sample bottle and ship it to you, just let me know!  Your Navy, we Marines like to help y'all out every time we get the chance anyhow! ;)

Thanks again for them fine rides 'round and you take care oringkid...............Ed Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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