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(Message started by: Duckflor on Apr 17th, 2002, 4:26pm)

Title: Has anyone tried HGH or one of the boosters?
Post by Duckflor on Apr 17th, 2002, 4:26pm
Just a shot in the dark here, but I was at the Doc's today and he brought up the possibality of trying HGH, or Human Growth Hormone to reduce or end the CH cycle, has anyone tried this or is this just another BS treatment suggestion.  Also has anyone been seen by a Dr. Robert Kaneicki out of Pittsburg, PA.  I have been told he's one of the best and have got an appointment with him. (in Sept 2002) quickest date I could get?

Title: Is today the day of weird treatments?
Post by Ueli on Apr 17th, 2002, 5:38pm
One doc suggests to use growth hormones for treatment of CH, while another thread proposes Octreotide, a med used to treat acromegaly, a serious disease caused by excessive production of the growth hormone.

I just don't get it   :o  ???  ::)

Do some people stick a needle into the pharmacopoeia and then propose to try the med found in this way for clusters   ::)  ???  :o

Very confused Ueli  

Title: Re: Has anyone tried HGH or one of the boosters?
Post by notseinfeld on Apr 17th, 2002, 11:14pm
You guys will love this:

To add to the confusion, as a boy I was given intramuscular shots of HGH for 6 months to trigger what was then deemed a malfunctioning pituitary gland. What is more likely is that the hypothalamus, which controls pituitary release/secretion, did not function properly. I was a very late bloomer and did not reach sexual maturity (which is the predecessor to physical maturity) and was in danger of having my bones 'seal' at age 14. With the injections, my pituitary gland was sort of kick-started and growth took its normal route.

I've often reflected on this time now in my 30's and have come to the conclusion that my hypo has been pissed for better than 20 years. Can't help but think there's a corrolation between indications of rotten hypo as a boy and subsequent rotten hypo causing CH as an adult. Problem arises when I start attributing all my 'me-isms' to this condition. Lack of emotive response for instance, which I'm clearly indicative of, and other bodily functions stemming from the hypo.

Your thoughts gang?


Title: Re: Has anyone tried HGH or one of the boosters?
Post by oringkid on Apr 18th, 2002, 7:56am
Well, I never had an obvious problem, but I was a late bloomer.  Reached my "sexual maturity" (ie starting menses) late, and am still under developed (ie I'm flat, hehe course that just means I'll still look good at 50!)

Any other late bloomers?  Early bloomers?  Could be an indication I guess.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried HGH or one of the boosters?
Post by eyes_afire on Apr 18th, 2002, 10:13pm

Temperature regulation and sleep (controlled by hypo)...

Some people think I'm crazy when I walk around in wintertime with just a sweatshirt instead of winter jacket.  
My sleep patterns are wacked.  Early this evening I took a nap, then woke up 15 minutes later and realized I already had a REM cycle within the 15 minutes.

Just my thoughts

Title: Re: Has anyone tried HGH or one of the boosters?
Post by rick on Apr 18th, 2002, 11:51pm
Nots:  I bloomed on time.  However, when I was 14, I experienced a cycle where I completely broke out in hives every day for a period of months.  Changed the diet, tried and tried to determine allergies, and came up with nothing.  

The pattern of the cycle was totally similar to a ch cycle.  It started every night when I would be outside playing basketball or football with my friends, around the same time every day.  If I was indoors that night, it would happen in my house.  Gradually, the cycle shifted, and I would break out in hives every afternoon at the same time.  Finally, after months, it all just stopped.  

I know that hives are caused by histamine, and there is some relation to histamine and ch.  I told a neuro this story, and she said there was no relation.  She also wanted to put me on a slow drip histamine IV to try and kill this cycle...

Eyes Afire:  I have totally found myself overheating during my current cycle, which is my third.  I tried to take a hot bath one night, and ended up with a KIp 10 that put me in the ER.  It was most bothersome during the height of the cycle.  Fortunately, that was through December and January and my city has cold winters!    

Title: Re: Has anyone tried HGH or one of the boosters?
Post by ave on Apr 19th, 2002, 2:46pm
Let's put it in perspective.

I was an on-time bloomer.
I have always been cold (temperature) during  my fertile years
 due to low BP. Those years I had migraines, now I have
 clusters, no migraines, proper BP and don't feel cold any  
 more. Still have lousy circulation. hah!
I have always had sleep "problems" which means  I sleep too
  little. Twenty years ago I found out it does not matter and
  is in fact a great boon: more time to live.
Yea, could be my hypothalamus is out of whack.

And, hey, oringkid, the flatchested are heading for problems when the 50+ adipose tissue starts to accumulate around the belly button! Hope you'll escape.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried HGH or one of the boosters?
Post by oringkid on Apr 19th, 2002, 3:47pm

hehe, I think either way (flat or not) it tends to accumulate around the belly button one way or another! hahaha

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