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(Message started by: Greg_A on Apr 16th, 2002, 9:26pm)

Title: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 16th, 2002, 9:26pm
Some good info here...

Does OUCH have a way that we can startin linking resources?

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 16th, 2002, 9:34pm
As i do my research on the web i will post the links in this thread so others can poke around if they wish.

Feel free to add some links of other info you find too..

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 16th, 2002, 9:38pm

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 16th, 2002, 9:44pm

This looks like an interview that was done with Dr Goedsby in London.

There is some contact info at the end of it.

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 16th, 2002, 9:51pm
Some of these are links i've had from previous searching around....

I think we need to corner Dr Goedsby with our imitrex needles until he fixes the pain :) OR we can all show up on his doorstep and help him find a cure...

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 17th, 2002, 9:50pm
This article is about tooth extraction causing CH...

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 17th, 2002, 9:58pm
This is a search engine for ACHE (American Counsil Headache Education.

Type in "cluster" or any other word and see what you get... i have read alot on this site.

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Bob_P on Apr 18th, 2002, 5:14pm
I like the ACHE one.  If you check their links, you'll find OUCH, the "ONLY" cluster headaches advocacy group in the world.  Is everyone a member yet?

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by maria on Apr 18th, 2002, 7:32pm
Hey Greg,

just read about a 21 year old woman who died of Migraine related strokes and siezures on

so sad, Maria

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 18th, 2002, 8:55pm
That is sad Maria...imagin how she felt going through that....  :(

Here is a link for some different cluster info from

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 18th, 2002, 8:58pm
Headache Med Index

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 18th, 2002, 9:04pm
Here is some info on med usage.... there is a warning about Topomax that some may be interested in.

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by rick on Apr 19th, 2002, 10:19pm
Thanks for all the info Greg.  I had a neuro who wanted to put me on Topomax last month, and I was getting sick enough on Depakote and Doxepin, so I did not go that route.  The above link makes me feel that much better about my decision.  I am morally against human cloning, but would make an exception in Dr. Goadsby's case!  -Rick

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by eyes_afire on Apr 19th, 2002, 11:55pm
DAMN!  The legal medicines are much more dangerous than the illegal ones.  Big brother is looking out for your health.... not!  Sorry, I'm just pissed.   >:(

Title: Re: Info on CH
Post by Greg_A on Apr 20th, 2002, 8:26am
Not too mention that the "legal" meds are a hell of alot more EXPENSIVE than the "illegal" ones.... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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