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(Message started by: SusanM on Apr 12th, 2002, 3:33pm)

Title: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by SusanM on Apr 12th, 2002, 3:33pm
My dr is started my on depakote today...250mg twice a day.  I'm scared of the side effects I've been hearing about...but we've tried almost everything else.  I'm hitting the desperate stage now.  This cycle has been going on for 16 weeks now...and mine usually only last 4-6 weeks.  I can't afford to miss anymore work (been out almost 3 weeks on this one) and missed a week and a half earlier last month.

If anyone has any glimmer of hope with depakote...Please let me know!
What can I expect??


Title: Re: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by kim on Apr 12th, 2002, 4:45pm
Hi Susan,

Last time I tried depakote was in 1998.  I didn't have any luck with it, but it has worked for others.  I wish you much luck.  Hang in there! Kim

Title: Re: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by NotH20 on Apr 12th, 2002, 5:10pm
Sorry Susan - I too did not have any luck with Depakote - alot of weight gain and did nothing for the ch's.......

There are many though that it has helped.....keep the faith and hope you feel better soon.


Title: Re: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by SusanM on Apr 12th, 2002, 5:25pm
Is there anyone who hasn't experienced weight gain?
I can't have that happen!....personal reasons!  
(to put it another way...had some surgery done about 9 mos. ago..if you know what I mean).

Seriously, I am very concerned about weight gain!
And worried about the nightmares and mood probs!

I hope someone has some positive outlook on this med!

Title: Re: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by NotH20 on Apr 13th, 2002, 9:28am
Susan, try to go into this with a positive outlook (i know how hard that is)....but there are meds that work on some ch'ers and some that don't.....this just may be the one thing that works for you.  Keep the faith and don't close the door - postivie outlooks always help in the long run.

Good luck to you,

Title: Re: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by nancyc on Apr 13th, 2002, 9:52am
Susan, I agree...don't listen to all the failures of depakote...I am on depakene...when i was taking 500mg per day, I was having less attacks and few side effects...It was upped a few days ago, and the chs got worse and the side effects my neuro reduced the dose yesterday...I thought long and hard about stopping it yesterday and going on aricept..but I don't feel like I have given it a fair chance to work yet..As far as weight gain, I went on the high protein diet when I started depakene and have lost 5 weight is something you can work on...need any help with diet, let me know...i am losing not gaining...good luck ,sis...what does not work for others, may work for us..hang in there.. :D

Title: Re: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by nancyc on Apr 20th, 2002, 6:11pm
Susan, update on depakote...i am now ondepakote sr, verap and getting ready to add Doxepin...I can definetly say things are looking up...dont want to speak too soon but I think it may be working...Have had two good days now with only one ch. beats the 3 to 5 per day I was having....and have lost 12 pounds...Hope all is well with you... :D

Title: Re: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by Linda T on Apr 20th, 2002, 6:18pm
Nancy:  happy to hear you are having luck and feeling better.  Just goes to show what works for one doesn't work for the other.

I am off the depakote and now on inderal.  I haven't read too much positive about it but some people have responded to me in a positive manner.  I'm trying it out but so far no change.  I still have hope.  After all, without hope what have we got? LOL.

Wishing you continued PFDAN always, Linda T.

Title: Re: Has depakote worked for anyone????
Post by nancyc on Apr 20th, 2002, 6:24pm
You are so rite, sis...see Inderal did not work for me...verap worked alone for me for about 6 months or longer..then it stopped...this is a good example of  that old saying about what is good for the goose ....hell, i cant even remember it...see what being a granny does to you LOL...even a young granny. lol..  Keep us posted on how you do , Linda T. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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