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(Message started by: Dressage on Apr 7th, 2002, 4:29pm)

Title: Crystals
Post by Dressage on Apr 7th, 2002, 4:29pm
I recently bought a book called Healing with Crystals by
Pamela Louise Chase and Jonathan Pawlink.

It talks about using a Double-terminated quartz crystal for healing the body.I will quote a little about it.

"Double -terminated quartz crystals are pointed at both ends.Energy flows in two direction like a battery,so the crystals are complete in themselves.
They are used for mediation with the 3rd eye&crown of the head.also used for healing the body."

I was going to purchase one and give it a go.I know like most of us we are willing to try what we can to see if it will work. ;)

Has anyone eles tryed this method?

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by BobG on Apr 7th, 2002, 5:26pm
Someone here has probably tried crystals.

And found out it will only decrease the fattness of your wallet and increase the bank account of scam artists like Pammy Chase and Johathan Pawlink.

You would be wasting your time and money.

Also, chiroquackers, accupuncture, boji stones and magnets are all useless against ch.

Click this for scams            

After you've read that site, click the medical info button on the left side of the screen and find real information.

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by Ueli on Apr 7th, 2002, 6:27pm
Cluster Headaches are a serious condition and cannot be alleviated by wonder gadgets sold by some greedy scam artist.  >:(

If you have some surplus money, fold it into a paper plane and throw it out of the window.  Watching it circling in the wind, before it is lost, brings more satisfaction and CH-relief than pushing it down the throat of a snake oil vendor.

Better even: Join  O.U.C.H.

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by Dressage on Apr 7th, 2002, 6:28pm
Thanks for your input.
Although I hope you don't think I was saying The book I am reading deals with methods for CH. I talked about a certain type of crystal in my first thread and thought about using it for CH. It is a book about crystals and there use in this world.For people who use them for mediation and healing and there energy. The book deals with all types of crystals and there they work and how people in our society use them for everyday living.  I suggest you might do some reading yourself before making a judgement so quickly on how they are scam artists.

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by sailpappy on Apr 7th, 2002, 6:59pm
;D Does Dressage know what terminated means? so what would double terminated mean?  ::)
     ??? if the crystal had been double terminated it would indicate to me that it would be doublly usless?
     ;D Would you like to buy a bag full of copper wire, you could make Bracelets,rings,and necklaces if you believe in Coppe cure too!---Wake up Dressage the dream is over!  Pappy

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by Dressage on Apr 7th, 2002, 7:24pm
Wow I just love how someone new comes here with the same CH as everyone eles and bring up a subject about crystals.asking a question if anyone eles used them.Not Hey lets just bash me and say how much it will decrease my wallet fattness!!  How rude are we really. I figured this board was for help not putting another down.Guess I was wrong and its just like every other message board out there.You have your users who are friendly and the ones who think they know everything under the sun and like to put others down or in there place so they seem more knowledgable than everyone eles.

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by Ueli on Apr 7th, 2002, 8:16pm
Oh yeah, double-terminated quartz crystals were allegedly already used for healing by the ancient people of mythic Atlantis.  But the trouble is, in nature quartz crystals grow from a substrate in one direction only and have only one point.  But nowadays it's easy to grow a second point at the other end in the laboratory; after all quartz crystals are grown by the tons for all kinds of electronic timing and frequency control devices.  The energies going both ways actually should cancel each other, but maybe they go back and forth, in a kind of LASER or MASER action and get so very strong.  Oh please, give me a break!

Dear Dressage, I happened to learn reading about 60 years ago, and believe me, I have done quite some reading since. But don't forget: Paper doesn't blush, so it's not done with reading alone, the more important part is analyzing the contents and checking its consistency with other known facts (see 1st paragraph of this post). Isn't it amazing that those "healing energies" are only known to people who want to sell books about them and aids to harness and utilize them? No physician or physicist has ever encountered them, much less made some measurements on them.

If you need an object to for your meditations why not use something that's ready at hand, like a pencil from your desk or a tea spoon, instead of wasting your money on some bogus gem stones.  Meditation may lessen the cluster pain by 1%, for an experienced Indian fakir, but it certainly can not heal CH.

If you want to waste your time and money on some esoteric hokum, go for it. But please don't advertise it on this message board, or you'll have to cope with scam hunters like BobG, Charlie, Frank, Sailpappy, Ted and many others, including yours truly.

I for myself will rely on the "healing energy" of Verapamil, oxygen and Naratriptan.
Ueli  ;D

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by Lee on Apr 7th, 2002, 8:49pm
“I was going to purchase one and give it a go. I know like most of us we are willing to try what we can to see if it will work.  

Has anyone else tried this method?”

Doesn't smell like an advertisement to me, more like someone asking a question.

No Dressage, never tried that and wouldn't waste my time.

See the medications tab at the left, there you will find things that will actually help.


Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by BobG on Apr 7th, 2002, 8:57pm
Dressage, I was the first to answer you question but I was NOT trying to put you down for asking it. Sorry if it sounded that way. There have been tens of thousands of posts at this site. Some are off the wall, some are serious. Unfortunatly there are people out there that want to make money off other peoples misery. I took your question to be a serious question, something you didn't know and truly wanted to know about. Sorry if I sounded harsh.
And I have to say this, you did good to come back and give us hell for what you felt was disrepectful. We need tough people here, people not afraid to say what they think.
Stick around and use the information available at this site. And jump in here when ever you feel like it, good or not-so-good.

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by sailpappy on Apr 8th, 2002, 11:04am
      I meant no malcontent towards you, but any one with just a little common sense knows of the myth of crystal healing, the only crystals I'm aware of that can alter a force as great as a cluster headache are Ice crystals, sorry if I offended, you but you would have to be a 14 year old to believe in the quartz  healing theory!
    This is a site of people that try to deal in fact, often we throw a little humor or sarcasim in with our post, but beyond that you'll find a great wealth of tried and tested factual information to point you in a possitive direction---Pappy

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by oringkid on Apr 8th, 2002, 11:31am
I understand your willingness to try anything, but the first thing I thought of when reading your post was that the only relief I could get from a double terminated crystal would be if I took it and put one of the pointy ends midway between the top of my skull and my temple and pounded it in there with a hammer! haha

But seriously, if you are into crystals for meditation or all over healing of the mind and spirit, I say go for it.  Maybe if you truly believe that it will work, your mind will spur your body into producing its own magic pain killer and it will help.  The brain, mind, body is still a very mysterious and mostly unknown thing.  Weirder things have happened.

But!  If it doesn't, there are proven (for some) medical treatments that seem to help a lot of these people.

Don't take offense.  Keep in mind that all these people are usually in pain.  Kinda keeps us all a little on edge, ya know!

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by BobG on Apr 8th, 2002, 1:32pm
Hey sailpappy
there is one other crystal that has special properties.
Diamonds. Give one to your wife and see how 'friendly' she'll become.

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by maria on Apr 8th, 2002, 6:38pm
Hey Dressage,
  On my first post I claimed  taking up golf  caused a cessation in my CH.  I didn't get lambasted like you, but rather no (or little) response.  They were thinking another wacko? Oh well, my advise to you is sit tight, hang in there and you will learn a lot about CH as I have.

Maria ;D

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by Mattso on Apr 8th, 2002, 11:17pm
 Wow, pretty disappointing that you guys (Sailpappy and Ueli) would lower yourselves to such ugly bullying tactics.

 A woman who is new to the site comes on asking a question and you attack her like that?? What was it, her teddybear icon that gave you the signal that she might be a meek, or gentle person? I guess that's what really makes bullies see red and want to go into action with the attacks. And you do this to a fellow cluster sufferer no less?

 Ueli, you accused her of advertising esoteric hokum - she was just asking a question which you could've responded to in a civil way.

 Sailpappy, your insults and putdowns: "any one with just a little common sense",  "you would have to be a 14 year old to believe", etc. were completely uncalled for.

Think about it, she came here looking for relief from cluster headaches and this is what you dished up.

 Dressage, not everyone on here is a bully, please don't be too discouraged.

Title: Re:  Crystals
Post by Marc on Apr 8th, 2002, 11:59pm
BUT - BobG's apology was sure nice!  ;D

Title: Some thoughts that never should have entered my br
Post by Ted on Apr 9th, 2002, 1:01am
That was a cute little teddybear, wasn't it? That is such a sign of meekness. The fact that it's a Dead dancing bear and I probably saw her on tour somewhere along the way doesn't discount the cuddlieness of them.
Sailpappy. I was wondering the same question about a "double terminated" crystal. And I used to once hold crystals myself, thinking of more chakra openers in the times I wasn't meditating. Ueli? When I did that a manufactured quartz would have never occured to me to use because I believed the pure nature of the crystal was doing it, whatever "it" was. No. Crystals don't do anything for CH. They probably don't do much for meditative energy either, other than the mind telling you they do.  I've yet to see an insult from anyone. I have seen some scientific minds get a kick out of the idea. But an attack from bullies seeing a cuddly teddy bear? I haven't seen that. If questioning, asking, showing the ridiculousness of what doesn't help is now not PC at this board I'm leaving. Wait, Hub, I mean I'll be back with a vengence. :-) What about you Ueli? Will you let this board completely abandon the sane for the insane (Oh, and I don't see asking the question as insane. I see people not liking seeing the answers as the insane).
Listen. I've seen a whole lot of recipes, in the last 24 hours, claiming to help someone when they weren't and they sent me mail telling me their true intentions. I hope any of them might get in touch and verily("truthfully"? "Sneakily"? Wrong term used here, again. Maybe I mean "apace" or anon? I get lost when I try and talk like an Elizabethan. Maybe I should stop trying to impress someone with this sophomoric use of erudite language. I mean, maybe I shouldn't try to seem I'm smarter than I am. Ooops, I sidetracked on a sidenote to something off this subject matter. It's OK. I'm crazy and can. :-)) and find out what's happening there before they rethink their thoughts or buy the product.  People get hurt by scams and it's up to us to point them out for people. And we can. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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