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(Message started by: Susanne on Mar 31st, 2002, 2:52pm)

Title: Zomig advise
Post by Susanne on Mar 31st, 2002, 2:52pm
Hi... I'm Susanne and I was just diagnosed with CH after suffering for over 10 years !! I've been using Zomig thinking my headaches were migraines. It does help, but takes about an hour to do any good. Oddly enough a new family Dr. that I started using is the one who told me my headaches were CH's. But he told me something I didn't know. He said that you shouldn't take more than 6 Zomig's a month !! I've been taking about one (5mg.) every other day. I read the crimp that came in the Zomig and it says no more that 10 mg. in 24 hr.'s I'm trying to get in to see a neurologist, but that may take forever. I even ask my Pharmacist about the 6 a month and she had never heard this either. I'll die from the pain if I can't take the Zomig when I have the CH. The Dr. also started me on Topamax. It seems like a low dose, 25 mg. once a day. I've also been reading with much interest about the mushroom therapy. I plan on giving this a try. I'd really like to hear from anyone who is using Zomig and if they have ever heard of the 6 a month limit. I'd also like to add that I'm so glad I found this site. It's been a answer to my prayers !!


Title: Re: Zomig advise
Post by Greg_A on Mar 31st, 2002, 5:45pm
HI Susanne,

My Doc / Neur have me taking zomig 5mg a day when i get a HA. Also i have imitrex shots that i can take but they say not within 24hrs of the zomig.

The 5mg at one time seems to be a little much so i cut the pills into quarters and take one ever so many hours.

Not sure of the max dose of the zomig. I'm going back to see the doc on 11 apr, i will ask him and see what he has to say. He seems to be pretty knowlegable on CH.

more later, Greg

Title: Re: Zomig advise
Post by Karla on Apr 1st, 2002, 12:16am
I used to take zomig before I found imitrix ns.  If I remember correctly in the insert it states it has not been tested for saftey for more than 6 uses a month.  However, being chronic I used to take 2 or 3 zomig pills a day, 3 days a week, then take percacet for a day, then use migranol the later part of the week.  However, now my dr. gives me unlimited all I ever want and need up to 8 a day everyday imitrix ns.  Imitrix isn't tested for more than 4? times a month for saftey.  However, I have used it frequently with no bad side effects.  Usully it is your insurance that limits you.  I was also on Topamax for awhile.  25mg is as low as you can go.  You need to be in the 200mg range to be theraputic.  That is what my neuro told me.  However, they need to start you out slow on this med if possible.  Some people were started fast on this but from what my dr says the slower you go onto Topamax the better your chances of tollerating it.  

Title: Re: Zomig advise
Post by NotH20 on Apr 1st, 2002, 4:24pm
Hey Susanne - welcome.......

I have taken Zomig and have had great success with it.  I'm not sure of the maximum for the month, but I only used it as a substitute when I was not able to get my Imitrex injections (which is my abortive of choice).  It worked, but just not as quick as the injection.  Maxalt also worked just like the Zomig along with Imitrex pills - but again not as fast as the injections.

I've been on Topomax for this cycle since this past December - first time using this medication.  Strange, but my doc says that you need to take the same amount of medication in the morning that you do at night for blood level purposes and I wonder why you are only on one pill per day   ???     ....but I agree with Karla - you need a higher dose to be effective.  It's a slow starting drug - takes MANY weeks to get up to that high of a dosage and there are several side effects that you can search on this site.  Topomax is not a drug for everyone - but if you can stand the effects - the results may be worth it.  I have now been PF since the beginning of January (after a hospitalization and an IV round with DHE) and this Friday will be my last Topomax pill   ;D  

This site is a world of knowledge - from support - to docs - to meds - to even some funnies........

Keep the faith....


Title: Re: Zomig advise
Post by Tom K on Apr 6th, 2002, 2:41pm
I've been taking upto 4 Zomig a day and piggybacking them with 2 Tylenol Sinus caps, then jumping on the O2 at 13 LPM for 15-20 mins.  Usually this kills them in their tracks, but some days...  This series has been around for the last 4 weeks and not letting up at all.  I spoke with my pharm. the other day and she said that the only meds to watch out for is Amerge.  You can't take more than 2 Amerge in a week.  As for the Imitrex and Zomig combo in 24 hrs, I try to use a Imitrex NS at night and the Zomig during the day, with no adverse sideaffects.  It has been my experience that if I take too much Imitrex (more than 3 a day), I wind up getting very, very depressed and my forehead starts to swell up like Frankenstein.  Hope this helps! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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