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New Message Board Archives >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies 2002 >> Hot shower instantly stopped HA! I was surprised.
(Message started by: Lori on Mar 30th, 2002, 10:45am)

Title: Hot shower instantly stopped HA! I was surprised.
Post by Lori on Mar 30th, 2002, 10:45am
I have read a few times on here by several different people that they jump in the shower or wrap their heads in hot towels, etc at the onset of a HA...well I must say I never tried the hot water thing in the past probably because when I'd get I HA the last thing I wanted to do was to take a shower. But after reading this, I thought I'd at least give it a shot. So, this morning when I felt a HA coming on I jumped in the hot shower (not burning hot) and it was instant relief! I was really surprised. Maybe it won't work for everyone or everytime, but you know, we all need to try these things to find what will work or give us some relief. The HA has not returned...been 2 hrs. It wasn't bad, just starting, so I guess it might be best to get in the shower asap if possible. Just wanted to share my experience with it.

I also want to thank those that have shared this info already. It's because of your sharing that allowed me to try it. I am really grateful I found this site.

PF Easter Weekend to All

Title: Re: Hot shower instantly stopped HA! I was surpris
Post by Linda T on Mar 30th, 2002, 1:41pm
Hi Lori.  Glad the shower worked.  I also take showers when the ch starts.  Lately sometimes up to 4-5 a day.  Sometimes it doesn't work but 80 percent of the time it does.  But you are right.  Run, do not walk, to the shower.  The faster you're in, the better off you are.

Happy Easter and PFDAN always, Linda T. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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