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(Message started by: il_pastore on Mar 22nd, 2002, 10:06pm)

Title: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by il_pastore on Mar 22nd, 2002, 10:06pm
On 03/19, I went to a pain mgmt clinic and found out the very hard way that I am now dangerously allergic to all NSAIDS; a shot of Toradol put me in anaphylactic shock, dropped BP below 60/40, and temporarily stopped my heart. That was after I turned bright red all over an felt like I was on fire. I am also allergic, the same way to sumatriptans. This leaves me with opiates as of now. I have been using, on average, some form of opiate every day for the last 35 years. Anybody know of hear of, besides O-2 and some of the even stronger drugs, anything that works that won't kill you? il pastore

Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Lee on Mar 23rd, 2002, 12:01pm
Try these together, verapamil er 240 mg twice daily, lithobid sr 300 mg twice daily. I used to be chronic, this combo broke a five year chronic period. I keep O2 and Imitrex inj. around for breakthroughs.

Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Karla on Mar 23rd, 2002, 1:38pm
Have you tried ergot, DHE, and migranol as an abortive?  These are completely different than the triptans.  So they may offer you some hope.  Good luck!

Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Tom on Mar 24th, 2002, 10:43am
to Lee:

How can you be so stupid to recommend Imitrex as il_pastore stated that he's allergic against triptans ?

to Karla:

Migranal  i s  DHE !


Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Lee on Mar 24th, 2002, 12:05pm
To Thomas:
I guess even Einstein made one mistake. I simply always post the O2 & Imitrex out of habit because most people are not allergic to Imitrex, It would appear after rereading his post that he probably knows this and does not need you help in this matter and would simply ignore that part of my post, so who is really stupid in this picture? Back off.

Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Lee on Mar 24th, 2002, 5:29pm
Lee, I must strongly protest that you try to piss of one of the very few doctors posting on this board!  
--- Get a life ! ----

Einstein did read carefully what others wrote, that's why he was so successful.
I must agree with Thomas, it is stupid to put out recommendations without reading what the other wrote.  And recommending Verapamil ER isn't very clever either, as the CH-expert (like Dr. Goadsby) found out that the regular release Verapamil works much better for CH.

Ueli believes only in scientifically sound methods and hates snake oil vendors.
Visit Quackwatch and learn about scams!

Ueli, if this guy is really a doctor he has terrible bedside manners. You can protest all you want, but as I see it he was trying to piss me off. It appears there could be some European vs. American personality clash thing going on here and you know with 2 hrs sleep in the last 48 it might be possible for someone to make a slight error or oversight. As for verapamil types, this is what works for me, I don't know how many people Dr. G has tested but for me I could not tolerate standard release verapamil. If you think you are some kind of total medical expert that knows all there is to know about C/H and that no one else has an opinion then go fuck yourself. I will continue to post what works for me and there is not a God Damn thing you can do about it.


Title: Oh Lee, ...
Post by Ueli on Mar 24th, 2002, 6:10pm
do you want to become the successor of Tony?
You are on the best way to it.   ???

Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Tom on Mar 24th, 2002, 6:35pm
Hi Lee, hi Ueli,

I apologize for the word "stupid", sorry, I shouldn't have used it ! It should not be the cause for a potential future battle between US-Americans and Europeans.

Nevertheless: "Advices", given automatically,  may be dangerous !


Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Lee on Mar 24th, 2002, 6:46pm
Point well taken and recieved.


Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Lee on Mar 24th, 2002, 7:09pm
Ueli, my name is Lee Moore, I have been in and around this site from the start, if you are making some kind of threat why don't you spell it out. I know more about this dreadful condition than you could possibly comprehend. All of your picking fly shit out of the pepper is annoying. So here is the deal, you stay away from me I will stay away from you.

As far as I am concerned you are the one being unreasonable and I don’t change my mind very often. So do your Tony thing if you need too, I really don’t give a shit, I have better things to do than argue with not a very nice persons like you. By the way what makes you such an expert on this subject, how many years have you had a gun in your mouth?

Lee Moore  20 yr C/H experience

Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Lee on Mar 25th, 2002, 5:59am
to: il_pastore

Dear Sir/Madam I Am most regretful for the awful display we have givin you here in response to your request. This sort of thing happens from time to time and tempers flare up and then know the rest. Please give us a chance to show you that we care about you, your questions and how you are feeling. I know it doesn't look like it, but we are here to help you. Please don’t take any Imitrex, my mistake.

Lee Moore

Title: Re: allergic reactions, etc.
Post by Tom on Mar 25th, 2002, 7:43pm
Right! Good and magnanimous behaviour, Lee, thanks!

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