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(Message started by: NotH20 on Mar 20th, 2002, 8:20am)

Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by NotH20 on Mar 20th, 2002, 8:20am
Sorry Ann - I haven't tried the "tip" yet.  I'm not sure if it's the lower dosage that is the goal here or if it is spreading out what few shots we are "allowed" by our insurance - maybe it's a combination of both  ???....I try to stock pile my shots just as a suggestion.  Even when I don't need them I go ahead and fill my Rx over and over again as many times as I can so that when I do start w/ another cycle I'm not paranoid about having enough shots on hand......

I wish you luck...


Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by justin on Mar 20th, 2002, 9:48pm
what's the most viles or stat dose refils people have gotten their insurance companies to fill for a 30 day supply. my neuro just wrote a script for 15 3mg viles and syringes. in the past i've just gotten 4 refils or 8 shots with the statdoes (6mg). just curious. i'm calling the insurance company tomorrow to find out some more info. but they did tell me that with a doctors note sent to them they will make an exception and reinburse me for they $480 i spent on imitrex statdose refils (4 of them!)

Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by NotH20 on Mar 21st, 2002, 7:59am

Sometimes don't you just want to turn your paycheck over just to get injections  >:(   I think it is different with every insurance company.  In my case I get my neuro to write the Rx for 3 INJECTIONS at a time with many refills - that way i get 3 boxes of injections (6 shots total) for one copay at a time.  But there is something that I have found out this last go-around that you may want to try - I found it out w/ the DHE in the middle of this cycle and haven't had to use it with the Imitrex yet - your doc can override what the insurance company dictates for a period of one year with a written authorization.  There is a specific section of your ins. company that this has to go through so call them and ask what procedures must be taken - anything is better than what they have currently dicatated is "allowed" for us ch' won't be shots whenever you need them (wouldn't that be wonderful) but anything is better than the limitations that are currently out there.....

Hope this helps...and good luck to you.


Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by tsol75 on Mar 25th, 2002, 7:17am
This might not be too comforting of a source considering I have been on the verge of suicide the last week or so but....the tip seems to work a little slower for me but gets rid of them completely...the catch is I have to catch them early or I end up having to use the whole injection...and the problem with that is that they are so expensive i have always tried to breathe oxygen first, ect, to make sure it was gonna fully develop before using the Imitrex and with the tip I don't have that option if I want it to be maybe a toss up...but at least I feel proactive and I don't want to use anymore of Glaxo's stuff than I have too...I hate those bastards...


Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by williamsmh on Mar 25th, 2002, 12:24pm
My insurance will only allow 3 - 2 packs (6 syringes) in 45 days.  I called them and said - "are you kidding?".... I said how am I going to work (especially because I have had one at 2 PM every day for the past 3 weeks....

The womand told me that she has never seen anyone get more syringes no matter what their doctor says... But she did tell me I could get 12 nasal sprays for 24 days.... I figure if I keep ordering every 24 days I should have enough because of the off times when I'm not in cycle.

This is just stupid!  We shouldn't have to beg, borrow, & steal to get our meds.  If I don't have enough I am going to talk to my lawyer.... I really don't believing in doing frivilous legal battles, but I am a single father with 2 kids (full custody) and I can't be without my meds.  I can't lose my job and I can't not be around for my kids.

Mark  >:(

Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by NotH20 on Mar 25th, 2002, 1:03pm
Mark - have your doctor write a letter to your insurance company to the Review Deparement stating that you need injections outside of what they are dictating, which would possibly allow you to have more medicine....there are ways around what THEY consider "standard and normal treatment."  If the review board members had ch's you could bet your last $1 we could have access to more meds.  Have you tried other meds like Imitrex pills, Maxalt or Zomig - those also work not as quick as the injection, but they work and you can get them more often thru your more suggestion - ask your doc for samples ...that sometimes get me thru the last days of when the ins. won't fill an Rx..........I feel your pain - LITERALLY Mark - I've had many meltdowns at the pharmacy when they've said "it's too soon".......try some of these suggestions and see if you can get access to more medication......

Good luck to you - we are all with you!

Not H20

Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by williamsmh on Mar 25th, 2002, 1:57pm
Thanks NotH2O...

I have tried Maxalt, Imitrex pills, Amerge etc.  Amerge works maybe 1 out of 5 times, the others don't seem to work for me.  Sometimes the headache starts to go away, but then comes back full force.

The nasal spray does work for me, though.

My other hope is Oxygen.  I have a tank being delivered to my work today!!!  Hopefully - it's snowing like mad here and roads are closed in places from what I hear.

I'm seeing a new neurologist in a few weeks I'll see about him writing a letter to the insurance company!!!

I'm probably a little irritable about the meds right now because I'm in cycle.  I've gone 4 weeks with 1-3 a day!
Although It's now 3 PM here and I have actually made it past my 1:30-2:30 daily cluster!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe I'm at end of cycle.....

Thank you all for your support... these messages help a lot... I, at least, know there is someone who knows what I'm going through who I can talk to.


Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by NotH20 on Mar 25th, 2002, 2:45pm
Mark - glad to hear not only about the O2 but the fact that you made it past your mid afternoon ch!!!!  Every positive step in a step in the right direction.  We'll all keep our fingers crossed for you   :)

It's okay to be irritable - you're exhausted and we all know what you are going through. That's what we are all here for.  I am new to this site and luckily for me at the tail end (hopefully) of this particular cycle.  I surely could have used this site a few months ago just to vent, read and obtain information.

Keep strong for your children and you can rant and rave here - Good luck to you.........


Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by williamsmh on Mar 27th, 2002, 7:54am
Well, had 2 clusters yesterday so the cycle isn't over, but I was able to use oxygen for the first one and it worked!!!!

On an up note... I was out of imitrex and called in a refill to my drug store.  I was sure that the insurance would deny it... they don't usually do refills and I have an order coming via mail.  The pharmacist put it through and they accepted it!!!!

So, I have 2 more syringes for the time being (and oxygen).   Things are looking up!


Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by NotH20 on Mar 27th, 2002, 8:24am
Try to stay positive Mark - I know how the beast can beat you down - but keep the faith.  Make sure that your O2 is set high enough and that your bag is inflated all the time to ensure that you are getting 100%.

Keep your chin up - we are all with you!   :)


Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by williamsmh on Mar 27th, 2002, 9:20am
Unfortunately, they originally sent me the oxygen with just tubes!  I did go to the medical supply place and got a mask (but it doesn't have a bag).  I'm trying to get in with my neurologist asap and get what I really need.

At least the oxygen worked.... i cranked it to 8 (the max) even though the doctor originally prescribed it at 2.

Even though this is working, I know I need the "real" set-up.  I also need a portable unit.  My tanks are huge, so I have 2 at home and one at work and cary the regulater back and forth.


P.S. Thanks for the encouragement.  I'm doing pretty well.  Knowing that I'm taking steps to be able to deal with this is helping!  With the doctor appointment and the oxygen I at least feel like I'm on the right track.

Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by NotH20 on Mar 27th, 2002, 12:41pm
Mar,  Having "all your ducks in a row" makes being able to deal with the ch's better - at least for me.  The pressure of not having enough injections, pills and supplies is enough to throw me over the edge.......but having everything in order and being on top of that horrible mountain makes dealing with them much better - doesn't help the pain - but helps with just dealing.  An now you have this support area to vent which is an additional help.  

If you are using all of your tanks at the same time, make sure you watch them carefully to see that there is O2.  There is NOTHING worse that assuming you have O2 when in fact both of your tanks are getting low at the same time - very frustrating and causes a great deal more stress.

Keep up the good work - we all need to hear the positive stories too.......


Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by williamsmh on Mar 28th, 2002, 9:41pm
Hey... had to post some good news!!!

I ran out of imitrex (again).... So I called in a refill totally expecting to have my insurance deny it.

I showed up at the drug store, told them my name, and asked for my prescription.....  They brought it out and said... oh we made a mistake... I thought they were going to say - hand over a couple hundred $s or you don't get your drugs!!!

Instead... she said, we misbilled you the last two times, so here's 4 syringes at no cost!!!  I almost feel over!!!

This might get me through until my shipment arrives in the mail!!

There is a GOD!

Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by nancyc on Mar 28th, 2002, 10:25pm
LOL...that is really neat.... ;D for you...

Title: Re: questions regarding imitrex tip
Post by NotH20 on Mar 29th, 2002, 7:38am
Hey Mark - guess the Easter Bunny came to see you a little early huh?   ;)

Keep your chin up - good luck!

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