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(Message started by: SusanM on Mar 17th, 2002, 7:25pm)

Title: Verapamil side effects?
Post by SusanM on Mar 17th, 2002, 7:25pm
I have been taking Verapamil for about 6 weeks now, first started with 180mg, then 360mg, and for the past week, I've been on 480mg daily.  I've also been taking Bextra, a new anti-inflammatory (the sister-med to Celebrex...but for those who are allergic to sufla and can't take Celebrex).  
I have been having a lot of swelling, particulary in my feet, hands, and thighs.  I've read that this is a side effect of higher doses of verapamil.  
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this..and if so, did it finally go away with a longer duration of use?
Any other side effects noticed with this dose?

Thanks for your input!!!

SusanM ???

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by Karla on Mar 17th, 2002, 10:52pm
I had a problem with water retention and swelling.  My dr. perscribed a medicine for me to take for awile for it.  Eventually the side effect went away on its own.  

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by Karla on Mar 17th, 2002, 10:53pm
I had a problem with water retention and swelling.  My dr. perscribed a medicine for me to take for awile for it.  Eventually the side effect went away on its own.  

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by Karla on Mar 17th, 2002, 10:54pm
I had a problem with water retention and swelling.  My dr. perscribed a medicine for me to take for awile for it.  Eventually the side effect went away on its own.  

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by Karla on Mar 17th, 2002, 10:54pm
I had a problem with water retention and swelling.  My dr. perscribed a medicine for me to take for awile for it.  Eventually the side effect went away on its own.  

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by Karla on Mar 17th, 2002, 10:55pm
I had a problem with water retention and swelling.  My dr. perscribed a medicine for me to take for awile for it.  Eventually the side effect went away on its own.  

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by Karla on Mar 17th, 2002, 10:55pm
I had a problem with water retention and swelling.  My dr. perscribed a medicine for me to take for awile for it.  Eventually the side effect went away on its own.  

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by justin on Mar 18th, 2002, 3:17pm
fx for me are light headed ness and constipation. i lowed from 480 to 320 on my own and the ch stopped for the last four days (knock on wood) and the sides went away. weird.


Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by Lori on Mar 29th, 2002, 4:42pm
The first thing I noticed when doc started me on 360mg varapamil 3/19 was it made my HA's worse. I was tempted to stop it but didn't. By 3/22 I was HA free. I returned to neuro for follow up visit 3/28...said still HA free but could tell still in cycle...knocking at door kinda feeling few times a day but not breaking through. Well, he told me to increase verap to 480mg a took that dose 3/ late that nite felt HA starting to break through...but went this AM, 3/29, first bad HA since 3/22 and sick! Heart palpatations, neausea, weak...felt like something was really wrong...decided to go back to 360 mg today! I think 480 is too much for me. Has anyone else noticed ggetting worse HA's with verap? My doc doesn't seem to think it will cause HA but this is second time now. I did become HA free so it was worth it, but why is it doctors don't believe what you tell them? This is twice..once when started meds and second when increased connection??? I guess it's not a big deal, but I felt so sick like I was going to die this moring and they just wanted me to continue the higher dose and let them know Monday how I was doing. No, I don't think so. Spend Easter weekend sick? No thanks.

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by vcat on Mar 30th, 2002, 12:33am
i forget my dosage but like all said and the last one too, i had problems w/ sweating and major heart problems. put in icu for 1 week. mild heart attack. list it as an allergy. another of the many i have tried and didnt work.

Title: Re: Verapamil side effects?
Post by ave on Mar 30th, 2002, 6:00am
I have had swollen ankles mostly, but when I stopped Verapamil after my episode finished, the swelling went away.

Interestingly, Simon from the UK site reported that while upping his Vera dose helped a few times, lowering the dose helpeds as well!  

I am curious to see if this works for you.  

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