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(Message started by: bandhsdad on Mar 4th, 2002, 12:29pm)

Title: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by bandhsdad on Mar 4th, 2002, 12:29pm
If this helps even just one of you, as it did myself, then it's worth my time telling you about it.
My first bout was 7 years ago and this treatment kept me CH free for 6 1/2 yrs.  I recently felt them coming on again and tryed the same treatment along with the "water treatment" and I am CH free again now for 3 months.
*6 day weening period of METHYLPREDNISOLONE 4MG DSPKGRE
*Heat, yes heat, instead of cold.  When you feel the rise in your forehead, hop in the shower and run warm water over your forehead, face and scalp for around 5 to 10 minutes and then promptly apply a heatpack to your problem area.  This may not make it go away, but it does ease the pain a good bit.
*Do not wear glasses if you can at all help it.  I have found that the sun causing me to squint hurt less than the weight of the glasses on the bridge of my nose.
*And finally, water.  Good 'ol H2O and a lot of it.  Glass after glass.  At least 1 per hour.
Don't know if you'll have success, but ain't it worth a go?

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by tenfiftypi on Mar 5th, 2002, 9:30am
My cluster headaches began about twenty years ago (when I turned 29). I kept thinking they were sinus related. I had the nasal scope, MRI, CATScan, even thought about having my teeth pulled. The pain is always over my right eye; it goes down my neck, all of my teeth on my right side (top and bottom) ache; and the pain goes down into my shoulder.

I have tried everything from diets to accu-pressure; meds included Stadhal (forgive the spelling) to Imitrex (which I currently use in the nasal spray form). The regiment now is Imitrex spray, hot tub to relax and ice pack for my right temple. This cluster period has lasted 3 months now.

Two nights ago, I had another attack. Unfortunately, I ran out of Imitrex. I did everything else, though. I tried to relax (but we all know how hard that is). My legs straighten out stiff, my feet move uncontrollably, and I can't seem to relax. My wife started to massage my feet and legs; I started to use "deep breathing" exercises. Within 10 minutes (according to my wife), I did start to relax and the pain started to subside.

Now that I have a chance to look back, when I first started getting these things, I would panic. I would ask myself, "how long is this going to last", "when will the next one start". This just intensified the pain and duration.  

I started getting one about thirty minutes ago. I still don't have any Imitrex. But I laid down, crossed my arms over my chest, and practiced the deep breathing. It must be a quiet place so that you can "concentrate". While inhaling, think about the top of your head, and while exhaling (slowly), think about the feeling of relaxation starting at the top of your head. Continue this until the pain stops. Concentrating on the pain only increases it.  

I know I must sound like an idiot. Even while writing this, I can't believe it worked. But as I said, I've tried everything, even Oxygen Therapy. So there might be something to this. When you are trying to relax and breathe deeply, you are getting more oxygen to the brain and the blood vessels. PLEASE, I would appreciate your comments if you have tried this. Or is it just a placebo and I'm just fooling myself.  


Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by bandhsdad on Mar 5th, 2002, 11:01am
Just remember that absolutely no cure that works is stupid and no one is an idiot if they find a solution whether medical, mental or spiritual!

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Georgia on Mar 6th, 2002, 12:25pm
I agree with the glasses thing. Even though I don't wear glasses, if I wear sunglasses, I get a headache almost instantly. My problem is not the weight on my nose, but rather that I can see the reflection of my eyeballs and it forces my eyes to focus really close and then focus on normal distances, back and forth.

I am really glad that you found something that works for you. Thank you for sharing it.

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Margi on Mar 6th, 2002, 12:35pm
You're seeing the reflexion of your eyeballs, Georgia?  Man, you must have some big-badboy eyeballs goin on there, honey.  Like, are they protruding or something?  You're creating an image of that Jim Carey character in Mask, when his eyeballs are suspended by a spring.  Boing!  Sorry, but LMAO.  
Now, when I think of you, that's the image I'll get.
Georgia!  STOP looking at your own eyeballs!!  You need to get out more, honey.

Here's Georgia ----->   :o

you knows I loves ya ;)

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Georgia on Mar 7th, 2002, 12:22am
I knows Margi. Thanks for the smile.

But seriously...I do see my eyeballs. And they aren't popping out or protruding or in my opinion, abnormal in any other way. I don't get it. I know I am a weirdo...just let me be a weirdo.

I need to stay in more. In the dark. Maybe I am a vampire. Ya ya. That's the problem. Hey Margi, that's a lovely neck you have there......

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Ueli on Mar 7th, 2002, 9:20am
Georgia, I know what you mean by seeing your own eyeball in the glasses.

But the help is only a few $$ away: Anti-mirror coated glasses. They are a must for driving at night, without it the lights of every oncoming car cause a impenetrable glare.

I had glasses on my nose 16 hours a day for 40 years before my first CH attack. Go figure.  8)

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Will_Bellas on Mar 7th, 2002, 8:13pm
I have suffered from CH since 1974.....AND I have tried different medications...non work particularly well for me.  6 weeks ago I entered into a new cluster period, and this time I have been able to stop most of (80%) of my headaches dead in their tracks.  My headaches come primarily at night, the first about 45 minutes to an hour after I have gone to bed.   I have found TWO things particularly effective.

1) When I am woken up by one, I immediately go to the bathroom and run the coldest water I can in the bath tub.  I stand in this water for maybe two is only an inch deep...I do not fill the tub....then I get out, and get back into bed with my feet NOT under the covers....everything else is, with two pillows under my head, and my hands up around my chest.  I keep my legs straight and my toes pointed up, and a fan pointed at the bottom of my feet.   It makes my feet tingle.  If I try, very  very slightly, to keep my head up above the pillow, and concentrate on my feet.....the headache goes away usually within 4 to 6 minutes.  I have been blessed with this.  Normally I would have to walka round the house for 45 minutes to an hour until the headache went away.

The SECOND remedy has worked well too.  When I am woken up....I put pressure on my knees ....the edge of the bath tub works great.....I am kind of on  my toes, and have the edge of the tub pressing HARD right under my knee caps.   If I stand this was for 5 to 8 minutes, usually the headache goes away.

I usually get 4 to 6 headaches a night during my cluster period, and using these two techniques, over the course of the last 2 weeks, I would say I have had only 5 full blown headaches, when roughly 30 have woken me up.  I don't know why it works, but thank god it does.  This has been the mildest cluster period I have ever experienced, and I have had 17 of them since 1974.  

If this helps ANYONE....then it is worth posting.....let me know ifyou have success.....

Rick Bellas

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by justin on Mar 7th, 2002, 8:56pm
i agree with tenfiftypi , relaxing does help. i know it's hard, but meditation works. i am not really trained, but i know enough to pick a peaceful mantra (something that you envision and concentrate on) it really helps. mine is a tree in my parents backyard. kinda lame, but it helps to think of something else. it's hard at first but it gets easier the more you do it, like anything else. goo dluck

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by tenfiftypi on Mar 8th, 2002, 6:38am
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I had success for two days with just relaxation and focusing. Like Justin, I have a focus. I have a rescued Umbrella Cockatoo who seems to know when these things hit, and she will jump down from her perch and climb up to my chest, and bury herself under my chin. Feeling those feathers really help ME to relax. (I guess this wouldn't work for everyone).

This brings me to a question. Does Imitrex have a cumulative effect? Since I had been without for 3 days, and relying solely on relaxation, the CHs have hit with a vengeance. I’m back up to 4 to 5 a day, and the most severe they’ve been in a long time. So, does the Imitrex stay in your body for a while?

Some may say that it is the bird. I don’t believe it is, since I’ve had CHs long before the birds got here. We run a parrot sanctuary, and have thirty-some birds, all types and sizes, in all degrees of health. I think they are the only things that keep me going. I know that this cluster period WILL be done in a while, so I just keep focusing on that (and the birds).

Thanks again, everyone. I really appreciate your support. (And Will, I’m going to try the cold water in the bathtub also).

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Georgia on Mar 8th, 2002, 3:29pm
Thanks Ueli. It is so good to know that I am not the only one with this problem. Everyone I have told thinks me even more odd for it. Now I can say that this really smart foreign guy has it too.

I shall look into those glasses.

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by bandhsdad on Mar 15th, 2002, 8:27pm
8)I still am CH  free!! I love cheap remedies!!

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by bandhsdad on Apr 2nd, 2002, 5:49pm
Today makes 4 months CH free!! Hooray, I think I beat it again!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Georgia on Apr 2nd, 2002, 10:47pm
So very glad to hear that you are still pain free.

I love peeps!

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by bandhsdad on Apr 3rd, 2002, 3:26pm
Georgia, how have you been feeling lately?

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by bandhsdad on May 6th, 2002, 11:25pm
;D ;D ;D5 months free of CH's! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by trish on May 7th, 2002, 8:44am
Will_Belas, you are a star :)  - indeed I saw your other post about the cold bath 'cure' + told my CH suffering husband. He has been trying it for a week now, he gets his feet in about 1 inch of cold water, but also sprays them hard at close range, with the shower head set on cold. If he catches the HA quick enough, they abort in a matter of minutes! THANK YOU!!!!!!! This is pretty much miraculous!! XXXXXXX

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by NotH20 on May 7th, 2002, 8:51am
Congrats Band........hope you can keep the beast away for at LEAST another 5 months........     ;D

We all need success stories posted - it helps everyone keep the faith.


Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Greg_A on May 7th, 2002, 3:33pm
I've tried many things to kill the pain... upto and including wrapping a towel around my head and twisting the two ends together like a turnaquet. The pressure would provide some relief.

Anyways,,, after reading a post from Ueli about the kinds of verapamil.. i had my doc change the verap to normal, also he prescribed me o2.

I think it was about 3 days after i started the regular verap i went pain free. I would use the o2 for the little ones then they soon disappeard.

After being chronic for 6yrs gettin hit 4 to 6 times avg i finally figured out the right combo ( i think) to kill the pain.

Is hard to belive that after so many years of suffering and numerous visits to the doc that this one switch in meds was the trick.

Hopefully everyone can find that one thing to kill the pain... its kind of funny trying to get use to normal life after 6 yrs o pain.

good luck,,, and keep on readin

Thanks Ueli for your varap info my fren....

one other thing... i wear glasses too and the anti glare tint is worth it.... I will never have another pair of glasses with out it.

Clear Sailin everyone,,,,    ~~ _/) ~~

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by kim on May 7th, 2002, 4:44pm
Hey bandshdad,

heat made head hurt.  heat made neck feel better.  Kim put heat on neck and cold on head.  I feel like "Jeronimo".......
Tonto run off with kim.  Kim hold head and say "OUCH" (or some other more apporpriate curse)...
Folk look at tonto running off into sunset wit crazy person sitting holding turban style towel aound neck (weirdo from cut scene from "english patient")...... :D
In conclusion:

I am weird.
Hot and cold can both serve purpose.
We still no "not too much"
But,  :-/I don't have a horse..................... ???

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Weldon on May 7th, 2002, 9:28pm
I don't know if anyone else has tried this but I jacked the head end of my bed up 6 to 8 in.s and it stoped 95%of my nightime H.A.
I discovered this thinking I was allergic to something in the house and started sleeping outside on the trampoline. Finally got tired of sleeping in the rain and cold, moved back in the house and the h.a. started again. Finally realized that it might help to adjust the bed like the Trampoline. It stoped the night ones cold again.
After the cycle ended I tried lowered my bed again and they started again within 5 days. They stoped when I raised it again,and stayed away for 13years
This last cycle started 6 mo. after I lowered it again
Needless to say I will never lower it again as long as I live. I sure hope someone else will try this just to see if it will work for them. For me it was well worth the 10 min. of work and a few bricks.    Hope this works for someone.      Weldon

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by BobG on May 7th, 2002, 9:52pm
Many have posted about having the head higher than the body when sleeping. I've spent many nights in the La-z-boy sleeping in an almost sitting up position.

Title: Re: Remedy??? Worth a try!
Post by Weldon on May 8th, 2002, 9:21am
Bob the recliner is about 35%effective for me but the raised bed is 95% effective. It also seems to prevent another cycle from starting.   Weldon Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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