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(Message started by: hilbily on Feb 21st, 2008, 9:48pm)

Title: Different meds
Post by hilbily on Feb 21st, 2008, 9:48pm
Hi Ya'll
Haven't posted in awhile,but wanted to share some results with anyone interested. For background, I'm a 50 year old guy that got introduced to the beast 7 years ago, am episodic, with cycles usually lasting 3-4 months, though last year it was six months instead.
I've been in cycle 4 months this year, and after trying several routes my nero seems to have finally found something to slow the beast this year. I take verapamil to try to prevent, and use O2, Imitrex and redbull to abort. This year, as headaches kicked in, tried prednisone again, no luck, then tried Depakote, then Gabapentin, again no joy. Doc hit the trigger  points in my neck on two occasions with an injection of steroid and lidocaine, and that helped for a couple glorious days. Then we went with a combo of Lithium and Indomethacin ( an nsaid), and that seems to have done the trick. No clusters in the past 3 weeks, but as usual the beast doesn't go quietly, so I have to tolerate frequent migraines.Can't say I like some of the side effects of Lithium, but I can tolerate it better than the attacks.
My advise, for what its worth, is for sufferers to learn all you can about this condition, (this website is a treasure trove of info) and find a nero that will talk with you, work with you, and keep trying until ya find something that helps. Knowledge is a powerful weapon, and trust me when I say that some docs don't know jack shit about CH. I went to 4 docs when the beast first arrived before one could finally tell me what was causing my head to explode. I got told I was allergic to a visiting feline, that I had a sinus infection, and I don't know what all.
Anyway, hope this rambling may help someone, and my thoughts and prayers go out to all sufferers, and the ones around them who are affected as well.


Title: Re: Different meds
Post by thebbz on Feb 21st, 2008, 9:56pm
Glad your doing better.

Title: Re: Different meds
Post by Redd on Feb 21st, 2008, 10:31pm
I was on a trial of Indomethacin coupled with Prednisone and Verapamil and Neurontin a few years back.  (GP not a neuro and he was trying anything he could because I had no isurance)

The Pred stopped the attacks temporarily, but the indo caused a different headache, and severe imbalance.  

That "other" headache was a pulsing pain that I can only discribe as being like the filiment in a light bulb that would get red hot then cool off...back and forth and back and forth.  Location was like a wire between my temples and behind both eyes.  It wouldn't go away, so although it wasn't CH attacks, I still wasn't functional with that pain and the imbalance problems.  ( I was walking into walls and falling over alot).

I hope whatever you are taking is your golden ticket to the PF factory.  

Title: Re: Different meds
Post by Guiseppi on Feb 21st, 2008, 10:58pm
1200 mg of lithium a day is my silver bullet. I'm almost 48, episodic for about 30 years, 2 cycles a year generally. I use the lithium as my prevent, 02 and oral cafergot as my primary abortive. So glad to hear it's working well for you. Wishing you peace,


Title: Re: Different meds
Post by lennycohen on Feb 22nd, 2008, 6:14am
About the Depakote - 1500mgs a day oral has done nothimg so far, but a 500mg IV gets me a week pain free --- Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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