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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Adderall: helping or hurting?
(Message started by: Tracy on Feb 10th, 2008, 5:41pm)

Title: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by Tracy on Feb 10th, 2008, 5:41pm
I just found these boards today, but I'm going to jump right in here...

I have had clusters for about two years, and am still trying to find a good treatment. Does anyone have experience with Adderall as causing cluster headaches? I have been on Adderall for anxiety/mood for three years, and did not think that it could be causing my headaches since I went almost a whole year on it without any headaches, and I only get the headaches in clusters, so I have weeks where I am still taking it and have no headache at all.

It's the only medication I take, and I really don't want to go off of it since it does help with my moods, but if it is contributing to the headaches I will do whatever it takes! I've tried to research this, and of course (like most prescription meds these days) the side effects of Adderall do include headache, but why would I be getting clusters with remissions while I am still taking it?

Thanks for your input!

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by brewcrew on Feb 10th, 2008, 8:00pm
I thought Adderall was for ADD/ADHD.

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by Ob1kanobee on Feb 10th, 2008, 8:02pm
Are you sure you have Cluster Headaches? Did you take the Cluster quiz? Were you diagnosed as having them?

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by Tracy on Feb 10th, 2008, 8:48pm
Yes, Adderall is for ADD/ADHD, but it is sometimes used for other anxiety and mood disorders that may cause difficulty short, I have OCD and it helps me to focus on "the task at hand" and not on my compulsions.

Anyway, yes, I was diagnosed with cluster headaches by my neuro a few weeks ago, but she didn't seem to think the Adderall had anything to do with it. I'm actually looking for a new neuro to see because I was not so impressed with her, but I was just wondering if anyone had other experiences with Adderall here to verify her thinking.

Thanks!  :)

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by brewcrew on Feb 10th, 2008, 8:52pm
No other experience here with Adderall, but in your search to find a new neuro, be sure to look for one who specializes in headache treatment. Good luck, and stick around! One can learn so much by reading the stuff here. The left-most column of links is a great place to start!

Welcome, Tracy.

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by Gator on Feb 11th, 2008, 12:08am
Welcome to the website.  Sucks that you had a reason to come looking for us, but damned glad you found us.  

As you have no doubt discovered, the links to the left and the posts on these message boards have tons of good info in them.  There is more info on the OUCH website (   Read everything you can, take the Cluster Quiz ( and print stuff out that seems applicable.  Unfortunately, because of the rarity of the disorder, you may end up teaching whatever doctor about CH.

Here is a link to read and print and take to your doctor.  It describes preventative, transitional, abortive and surgical treatments for CH.

Here is a link to some non-prescription alternatives different people have used to help with the pain:

If you are currently taking medications, I would suggest you talk with your doctor before taking any of the nutritional supplements.  At the very least check for interactions at a website such as:

Nutritional supplements can interact with prescription meds just the same as some prescription meds interact with each other.  Better safe than sorry where your health is concerned.

If you need assistance is getting your meds, the Partnership for Prescription Assistance website has links to hundreds of programs to help people get the meds they need.  Check them out here:
Oxygen is an excellent abortive.  Works for most people when used properly.  Definitely try this.  As well as it works, I have a hard time understanding why more doctors do not prescribe it.  It must be used correctly to work, though.  Get it prescribed for up to 15 lpm through a non-rebreathing mask for no more than 20 minutes.  If your doc won't prescribe it for you,  and there is no medical reason why you can't use it, you might try welder's O2.  It's the same pure oxygen used by medical suppliers.  Many people here use it and would be more than happy to help you set it up.  Here are some links that tell about using O2:  

Here is a link to a letter that may help explain things to your friends, family and co-workers.

Again, welcome to  There's no better place in the world for info and support of cluster headaches.


Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by sandie99 on Feb 11th, 2008, 6:24am
Warm welcome, Tracy! :)

Wishing you lots of PF (pain free) time,

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by Woobie on Feb 28th, 2008, 3:06am

on 02/10/08 at 17:41:18, Tracy wrote:
I just found these boards today, but I'm going to jump right in here...

I have had clusters for about two years, and am still trying to find a good treatment. Does anyone have experience with Adderall as causing cluster headaches? I have been on Adderall for anxiety/mood for three years, and did not think that it could be causing my headaches since I went almost a whole year on it without any headaches, and I only get the headaches in clusters, so I have weeks where I am still taking it and have no headache at all.

It's the only medication I take, and I really don't want to go off of it since it does help with my moods, but if it is contributing to the headaches I will do whatever it takes! I've tried to research this, and of course (like most prescription meds these days) the side effects of Adderall do include headache, but why would I be getting clusters with remissions while I am still taking it?

Thanks for your input!

My husband has been taking Adderall for three years now...
He was having regular cycles, until he started adderall.  Since he's started it - NO CYCLE.  

He had a one week period where he has 3 clusterheadaches that were "minor".  (HIS word, not mine)... and that's IT in the last three years.  

Maybe you're just having cycles... like a clusterhead.

 My husband's neuro doesn't think it affects CH... we've asked...

my husband, on the other hand - thinks the adderall has something to do with it.    Who knows.

Good luck....... and welcome!

woobie :-*

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by Bob_Johnson on Feb 28th, 2008, 8:07am
Our collective experience here: too many docs, even neurologists, have little useful experience/skill/interest in treating complex headache disorders. If you are open to a new doc:
1. Search the OUCH site (button on left) for a list of recommended M.D.s.

2. Yellow Pages phone book: look for "Headache Clinics" in the M.D. section and look under "neurologist" where some docs will list speciality areas of practice.

3.  Call your hospital/medical center. They often have an office to assist in finding a physician. You may have to ask for the social worker/patient advocate.

4.  On-line screen to find a physician.

5. Call 1-800-643-5552; they will send a list of M.D.s for your state.I suggest using this source for several reasons: first, we have read several messages from people who, even seeing neurologists, are unhappy with the quality of care and ATTITUDES they have encountered; second, the clinical director of the Jefferson (Philadelphia) Headache Clinic said, in late 1999, that upwards of 40%+ of U.S. doctors have poor training in treating headache and/or hold attitudes about headache ("hysterical female disorder") which block them from sympathetic and effective work with the patient; third, it's necessary to find a doctor who has experience, skill, and a set of attitudes which give hope of success. This is the best method I know of to find such a physician.

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by darknight on Feb 28th, 2008, 8:14am
Hi Tracy!!

hope you find the help you need, ive been diagnosed with CH for just over 2 years and have only just found treatment that seems to work and its just OXYGEN!!
most people on here will tell you it will help but you wont know till you try for yourself and there are no side effects and wont be a problem with anything else your taking, apart from smoking lol!!

take care!!

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by mikeslieber on Apr 27th, 2008, 12:59am
I found somewhere on the web about ritalin helping and asked my Dr. about it. I try'd it, had  too many side effects and no help. I try'd adderall. I take it very early in the morning and after several weeks I quit getting an attack in the morning. If I quit taking it for a week or so I start getting an attack in the A.M.  I have been using it for about 3 years and it works very consistantly. My other preventatives and abortives get me working 35-40 hours most weeks. (From not working at all for several years.   Mike  

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by MinxKittten on Apr 27th, 2008, 2:06am
sometimes when you're in a cluster headache cycle,  some things will trigger headaches  and when your OUT OF CYCLE those same things will NOT trigger headaches.  which would explain why sometimes yes and why sometimes no.

my husband, for example,  when he's "in cycle" a beer or msg or aged cheese will trigger an IMMEDIATE headache.

but when he's out of cycle,  he drinks alot with no headaches (other than maybe a hangover), and can have chinese food and any cheese and get NO headaches.  

everyone has different triggers and different things work.  we just read everything and try different things and see what works for you to help keep the beast at bay.

good luck finding a good doc,  we still haven't found one.   we do the research and tell the doc what we want to try.

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by EstieSA on Apr 27th, 2008, 3:59am

I have been using it for about 3 years and it works very consistantly. My other preventatives and abortives ...  

What amount of Adderall are you taking?

What other meds are you taking on a daily basis?

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by mikeslieber on Apr 27th, 2008, 6:19pm
I take 20 mg adderall at 5:30 am. I take 50 mg methadone 4x a day and use roxanol for abortive.  Opiates have always worked well for me. Almost no side effects. thanks  Mike

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by chewy on Apr 27th, 2008, 7:08pm
200 mg of methadone per day is a pretty hefty dose. How long have you been taking it?

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by andrewjb on Apr 27th, 2008, 7:15pm
:), wellcome Tracy. i have no experance with 'Adderall', but makes some sense that 'o.c.d', is connected to CHeadaches. andrew.

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by mikeslieber on Apr 27th, 2008, 9:49pm
I was up to 430 mg a day on methadone. If I take it at the exact same time each day and never double up a dose when missed It prevented most attacks. When the dose gets too high I feel tired from the methadone and I decrease the amount I take after ok'd by the Dr..  We do reflex tests and test mental capability (How fast I can solve problems)  If the dose is right My physical reflexes and mental is up to speed I can work and  drive. If I use an abortive then I don't drive even if I feel like I can. I have gone off the methadone twice with very little withdrawal issues. (Except after 3 weeks I would start getting clusters several times day and night). It would take about 4-5 months, starting at 10mg a day slowly increasing until I reached about 200mg a day (after 41/2 months) until I got much relief.  It has worked well for about 6-7 years. Thanks Mike

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by DonnaH_again on Apr 28th, 2008, 8:24am

What ever made you or your doc think that Methadone would work?  Had you tried all of the conventional meds?  I'm really surprised that he prescribes Roxanol(sp) as that is a drug of last resort for the end-stage pain of cancer patients.  At least that is what one Hospice nurse told me.  Could be more to it than I know.

But at any rate, glad you found what works for you.

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Apr 28th, 2008, 11:42am
Did this doc prescribe methadone and morphine for your cluster headaches?
If this is the case, I would seriously talk to another doctor regarding your clusters.  The success rate of pain meds for those sufferers who have tried them is very, very small.  

Title: Re: Adderall: helping or hurting?
Post by mikeslieber on Apr 28th, 2008, 5:15pm
I have had clusters for about 18 years. 15 years chronic. I have been to a great Neuro with a headache clinic who has tried the conventional treatments. I was at Diamond Clinic for almost 4 weeks inpatient. They used methadone when I got attacks after trying other meds. Opiates always worked well for me. I also get migraines. Opiates do next to nothing for my migraines. Imitrex worked good for my migraines but did nothing for my clusters. Methadone when titrated slowy and after about 5 months reduces the number of my attacks from 4-5, 3 hour attacks,daily,  down to 6-7 per week. The 6-7 I do get come on slower, giving me more time to get home from work or off to the side of the road and to have abortives help. The pain clinic I use wouldn't consider using these meds if I hadn't tried the more conventional ones first and have my Neuros records showing how well I respond to opiate type meds. The trick was to follow the Dr.s directions exactly and being patient enough to have almost 5 months with no relief from some of the other meds that did help some (Neurontin, Dhe IV were the most helpful for me)  Thanks Mike Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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