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(Message started by: VinceFromOhio on Oct 18th, 2007, 1:31am)

Title: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by VinceFromOhio on Oct 18th, 2007, 1:31am
Has anyone else ever had nosebleed problems using O2?

Am I not changing the water in the humidifier often enough? I've been changing it out on the average of twice per tank. I woke up with a BAD hit tonight and headed straight for the tank. For the 2nd time this week I started bleeding heavily out my left nostril - the opposite of my stuffed-up pain-side nostril. My full mask was suddenly filled with blood. I had to stop the oxygen and clean up.....was very hard right in the midst of a Kip8 with blood gushing out everywhere!

I've had CH for 23 years an have never had nosebleed problems before. This is my first time using O2 at home....I've only been on it a couple weeks now.

I've been breathing in the O2 through my mouth and exhaling through my nose. Since this bleeding started I've been pretty much just breathing through my mouth.

Can anyone give me some advice here? Has anyone else every had a problem like this?????

Thanks in advance......Vince

Title: Re: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by Ray on Oct 18th, 2007, 2:07am
Sorry for the added misery Vince:

I haven't had this problem with 20 years of CH and most of it using O2.  I use a demand rig.  It could dry you out up there and make you more susceptible to nose bleeds, but I'd call the Doc and leave the question with a nurse and ask for a call back.

Just a minor suggestion,


Title: Re: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by VinceFromOhio on Oct 18th, 2007, 2:46am

on 10/18/07 at 02:07:01, Ray wrote:
Sorry for the added misery Vince:

I haven't had this problem with 20 years of CH and most of it using O2.  I use a demand rig.  It could dry you out up there and make you more susceptible to nose bleeds, but I'd call the Doc and leave the question with a nurse and ask for a call back.

Just a minor suggestion,


Thanks for the compassion and understanding, Ray....very nice to get a response. I'll follow your advice and make that call.  What sucks I'm AFRAID to use the O2, and it really has been helping.

Best, Vince

Title: Re: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by ski2k on Oct 18th, 2007, 4:12am
Hey Vince!

  I'd have to agree with Ray here. I'd ask the doc about it. I've used O2 off and on for a few years now, and I haven't had a problem with nose bleeds.
  You might consider asking your doc or O2 supplier about getting some saline nasal spray. If this IS being caused by the O2 being too dry, the spray can help. I've used that in the past too. I'd just spray each nostril once before and again after using the O2, and it seemed to help a lot.

Best of luck to you, and hope it's an easy fix!


Title: Re: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by Gator on Oct 18th, 2007, 8:06am
A bad nose bleed right in the middle of a hit and trying to use O2 would totally suck.  Sorry you had to go through that.

I get a little dry sometimes, but I've never had a problem with nose bleeds during or after O2.  The saline spray could help.  There are also sprays with glycerin in it to better moisturize the linings of the nose.  

Like with anything you put in and on your body, do a little research.  There is a preservative called benzalkonium chloride (BKC) in some nasal sprays that has been thought to actually destroy cells inside the nose.  Here is a link to a 2003 study on the subject:

The best solution (no pun intended) may be to get a Clustermasx and use the mouth tube instead of the mask.  

Good luck.


Title: Re: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by Squanto on Oct 18th, 2007, 10:57am

Nosebleeds, even when they happen while not having a CH hit,  can be very scary.

The vast majority of spontaneous nosebleeds ( the kind that happen without getting hit in the nose or after a violent sneeze) bleed from a small area toward the tip of the nose called "Kesselbach's triangle."  The mucous membrane covering the blood vessels there is very thin. Getting dried out or damaged causes cracks in the skin/membrane. Those cracks also can break into one of the small arteries there. And it'll bleed like a stuck pig. Some are easier to stop the bleeding than others.

Frequently your Doc, by looking up your nose, can tell if that's where you are bleeding from (as opposed to a vessel further up your nostril.)  In a lot of cases, he/she will make a judgement call based on the most common location for the bleeding vessels is towards the nose tip.

There are some fairly simple things you can do to protect the fragile area. For example, a couple of times a day put some vasoline jelly on the tip of your little finger and coat the inside of your nose with the vasoliine. You don't need a lot, just enough to coat the septum (the dividing thing between your nostrils) for an inch or two up your nose.  There are some antibiotic ointments that you can get via prescription (i.e. Bacitracin) but vasoline usually works well.  I'd stay away from the over-the-counter ointments (particularly Poly-sporin, 'cause it's known to develop allergic reactions.)

I sorta doubt that the O2 itself is the cause of your nose bleeds. Personally, I only change the water in my "bubbler" when I change my tank (an 80 cu ft welder's O2) I haven't tested the water but I'd bet it's as sterile as when I put it in the bubbler. But even if it's  not - it really not as unsterile as "picking your nose."

Good luck


Title: Re: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by thebbz on Oct 18th, 2007, 12:49pm
Good advice above. Lots of things play into nosebleeds.
Usually it will turn out you are dehydrated. The vascular system really gets a work out from CH. I would look into the meds you are taking as well.
I use the clustermasx with the tube.
Good luck with the dripper.

Title: Re: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by DennisM1045 on Oct 18th, 2007, 3:54pm

on 10/18/07 at 08:06:46, Gator wrote:
The best solution (no pun intended) may be to get a Clustermasx and use the mouth tube instead of the mask.  

Hey Mike,

Ben still isn't selling them yet.  I've been waiting for him to get his on-line ordering system straightened out since July.  (nice to see you posting again)

Vince, good luck with the bleeder!  You have some good advice already  ;)


Title: Re: O2 Question...PLEASE help....
Post by Mikella on Oct 19th, 2007, 5:15pm
Hi Vince,
What a poopy situation :( Your best bet is to buy a nose lube hehe There's one around here called Secaris - I live in Canada, not sure what you might have there. If you go to your local drugstore, your pharmacist will be able to find you a nose lube LOL I don't know what else to call it......... Anyways, it's just a cream that lubricates your nose and protects it. You could use vaseline like someone else mentioned, but vaseline is noooot a good combo with oxygen and potential fire.. not that I think you're going to sit by a candle. Just to be on the safe side though, use a non-petroleum based lube so you don't catch on fire ;) Plus, vaseline might dry you out more in the long run. Are you on any sort of blood-thinners? IF you are, that would have a lot to do with it. Sorry about your unpleasant catastrophe..... I hope that NEVER happens again!! Take care and PF wishes. <3 Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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