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(Message started by: flustercluck on Oct 11th, 2007, 9:32am)

Title: A brief history of pain
Post by flustercluck on Oct 11th, 2007, 9:32am
First experienced ch over 40 years ago; diagnosed as a neuralgia. Doc wanted to do surgery, which I declined.  Suffered two years and headaches self-remitted.  Four years ago they returned (age 62) as seasonal (spring).  First year lasted two months treated with only strong analgesics with little effect and much suffering.  Second spring found a neurologist who immediately put me on O2, which provided spectactular relief; knocked down most headaches after about 10 min. on 8 l./min. Problem was daily headaches often returned 3 or 4 times the same night.  Following year, same story.  Headaches nearly every day, pretty much same time of day, often returning several times after O2 knock-down. Doc prescribed prednisone tapering off while adding Depakote increasing doses.  Moderately successful - reduced headache occurrence to about 2-3 per week.  BUT - this is really bad stuff!  Serious personality changes as a result of this drug.  I guess if it had really completely ended the ch, I might have stuck with it, but it screwed me up royally, damn near tore up my marriage, plus I developed - and continue to have - an almost constant tinitus (ringing in the ears) which almost certainly was caused by the drug.  Moreover, in the third year, the ch went from seasonal to chronic; they started in the winter, not the spring, and continued on and on.    Since I have a chronic low blood pressure problem, for which I take daily theophylline, we had not considered verapamil, and my one experience with imitrex was a freakout.  But now we were in serious deep doo doo, so we agreed to try verapamil, minimal doses again starting with prednisone and tapering off as the verapamil increased.  Folks, I gotta tell you it was life-changing.  Yes, we've had to monkey with the dosage. But I have not had a serious ch since February.  So far the only oddity has been a significant increase in migraine auras, which I've had off and on for about six years, without the headache itself.  These come on randomly with typical scintillation, etc., and last on average about 20 minutes often leaving me with something of a hangover, but nothing worse.

Thought I'd share, just to see how others' experiences compare.  I can live like this.  There are a lot of worse things.  Two years ago I couldn't have said that.

Title: Re: A brief history of pain
Post by E-Double on Oct 11th, 2007, 11:38am
glad you have found relief!!!

I had some bad side efftecs with most meds as well.

good luck and enjoy life

Title: Re: A brief history of pain
Post by Guiseppi on Oct 11th, 2007, 11:57am
Congrats on finding your "silver bullet!" One thing to add, I have the same problem you do if I use only 02 to abort, they come back, usually within 20 minutes of shutting down the oxygen.

Now I pop a cafergot pill, kind of an old school CH medication, then start the oxygen. 02 aborts, cafergot buys me up to 12 hours pain free time. Others have said they chug a couple cups of coffee or an energy drink when they start the 02 and get the same result I do with cafergot. Just another tool to keep in your bag in case you need it down the line.

And again, congrats on your success with verapamil, having a potent tool sure makes a difference in your quality of life!!!


Title: Re: A brief history of pain
Post by ski2k on Oct 11th, 2007, 11:42pm
[smiley=headbanger.gif] [smiley=headbanger.gif]

I just love hearing about people finding something that works for them!!! Postings like this give us all hope!!

Best of luck to you, and hoping it continues to work!!

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