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(Message started by: Lizzie2 on Oct 4th, 2007, 10:51pm)

Title: Trying Kudzu Again
Post by Lizzie2 on Oct 4th, 2007, 10:51pm
Well, this may shock many, since I ended up having emergency surgery after my last trial of Kudzu (never could prove for sure it was the Kudzu, though!!), but I'm ready to try it again.  (No worries - my neuro has been asking me to retry it for a long time - I'm not just jumping blindly into it...)

What kind of doses do people take when they try Kudzu?  The bottle I have says to take 2 capsules 3x a day - wasn't sure what people here did, though...  What kind of timing do you follow?  I don't get hits at regular time intervals, so I can't time it with attacks unless I wait for the hit to come before I take the dose.

Just curious to hear what others do - and if it has actually helped anyone for a significant period of time?


PF wishes and hugz,

*edited because I'd typed the dose incorrectly!

Title: Re: Trying Kudzu Again
Post by sandie99 on Oct 5th, 2007, 3:04am
Good luck, Carrie! :)


Title: Re: Trying Kudzu Again
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Oct 5th, 2007, 3:17am
Hi Lizzie
Try this there’s lots of info there.;action=display;num=1110584362

Good luck

Title: Re: Trying Kudzu Again
Post by Rosemary on Oct 5th, 2007, 10:24pm
I would not try Kudzu again, I ran into medical issues  after using it.  The product is not regulated and 6 capsules a day is too much for your body to handle.  I spent too much time in the bathroom - not a plesant experience!

My nuro. suggested a herbal approach that has worked in London--Vitamin B2, 200mg twice a day; magnesium tablets 200mg. twice a day; and Petadolux 1 capsule 60mg;  3 times a day.  This herbal route has worked well for me along with prescribed medication from the nuro.  and it does not make me sleepy.  I find that I require less Imitrex on the herbal regiment.  Oxygen helps as well as a vibrating neck pillow $20. at Target or thru Amazon.  I have had CH for over 4 years now.  I have tried everything![td][/td]

Title: Re: Trying Kudzu Again
Post by Sometimes on Oct 6th, 2007, 10:41am

on 10/04/07 at 22:51:15, Lizzie2 wrote:
What kind of doses do people take when they try Kudzu?  The bottle I have says to take 2 capsules 3x a day - wasn't sure what people here did, though...  What kind of timing do you follow?

I took what was the recommended dosage on the bottle.  Timing was everything for me!  Had to be at the same time every day or else it wasn't as effective.

Just curious to hear what others do - and if it has actually helped anyone for a significant period of time?

It help for the duration of my 40 day episode 2 years ago (last time I was in cycle)  The pain was less intense, shorter in duration and all I needed was O2 to abort.

good luck!

Title: Re: Trying Kudzu Again
Post by Lizzie2 on Oct 6th, 2007, 10:15pm
Thanks everyone for the replies, PMs, and links!  I started it yesterday by taking 1 capsule 3 times a day, and today I moved on up to 2 capsules 3 times a day, and that's where I'm going to stay.  Will just see how it goes!  I appreciate the feedback!!

Hopefully this time around my trial won't end in emergency surgery!  hehe.... (I'm sure it won't!  The last time, it was a month and a half after having scheduled surgery, and while there are hardly ever major hemorrhages after that length of time, I would think it even more unlikely that I will have a problem this time when I haven't had any surgeries in a couple years!)

If I have any great results, I'll be sure to share them!!  Last time, I only took it for 8 days, but I had actually noted some benefit for both my clusters and my chronic migraine, which is saying a lot since my chronic migraine responds to next to nothing! :)

Fingers crossed!

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